Announcing GDUI 2024 Elections


C/O Sarah Calhoun

3603 Morgan Way

Imperial, MO 63052

TOLL FREE: 1-866-799-8436

September 1,, 2024

Announcing the GDUI 2024 Elections

The Board of Directors of Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) is asking GDUI members to vote on the following positions:

President (term ending in 2026)

1st Vice President (term ending in 2026)

2nd Vice President (term ending in 2026)

Secretary (Term ending in 2026)

Treasurer (term ending in 2026)

Three Director Seats (one with term ending in 2025 and two with terms ending in 2027)

The candidates for these positions are:

Candidate for President: Sarah Calhoun (incumbent) From Missouri

Candidate for First Vice President: No candidates applied for this position

Candidate for Second Vice President: Maria Hansen From New York

Candidate for Secretary: No candidates applied for this position

Candidate for Treasurer: Maria Kristic (incumbent) From New York

Candidates for Director:

Olivia Norman (incumbent) From Washington DC

Patty Fletcher From Tennessee

Terrie Terlau From Kentucky

There is also one proposed amendment to the GDUI Bylaws to be voted upon during this election.

Find the proposed bylaw amendment and the GDUI Bylaws Committee’s rationale for proposing this change , at the end of this letter.

The 2024 GDUI Elections will begin at 12:00 AM ET on Sunday, October 20, 2024, and end at 11:59 PM ET on Sunday , October 27, 2024.

GDUI members who have paid their dues by the record date of August 26, 2024, are eligible to vote in this election. Each member has one vote.

GDUI must receive the votes of fifteen percent of the members entitled to vote in this election, or at least sixty votes, for this election to be valid.

Voting System

Once again this year VoteNow will be handling our election. GDUI members will have the option of voting either telephonically or online.

Your prior voter ID number will no longer be valid. Shortly before the elections commence, members will receive new voter ID numbers by e-mail directly
from VoteNow. You will also receive the number for telephonic voting and the link to the online ballot. Please watch your inboxes for this important information.

If you misplace this year’s Voter ID number, you may call our office manager to request that Vote Now resend you your voter ID number.

GDUI will hold two candidates’ forums so that members can interview all of the candidates running in this election. The first forum will be held on Saturday,
October 5, 2024 beginning at 1:00 PM, EDT.

And, the second Candidates’ Forum will be held on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, beginning at 7:30 PM, EDT.

GDUI Members of good standing by the Date of Record, August 26, 2024 , may request copies of the Candidate’s applications or the Zoom links for these
Candidate Forums by contacting the Membership Database Manager, Dixie Sanderson at

You may email questions for the candidates, to the Nominating Committee Chairperson, Dixie Sanderson , by close of business on Friday, September 27, 2024
with the subject field, “candidates’ questions.” Send Your questions to this e-mail address:

GDUI has elected to proceed under Section 29.405.20(f) of the Nonprofit Code. If a member who is entitled to vote on these matters wishes to communicate
with the membership about the subject matter of the vote, that member should contact the Nominations Chair, at

We look forward to your participation in GDUI’s universally accessible 2024 elections. Thank you for your attention to these important matters.


Dixie Sanderson, Chair, GDUI Nominations Committee

Lynn Merrill, Member, GDUI Nominations Committee

Cheryl Peabody, Member, GDUI Nominations Committee

Here is the proposed bylaw amendment, as well as the GDUI Bylaws Committee’s rationale for proposing the change.

*** Beginning of GDUI Bylaws section***

Proposed GDUI Bylaw Amendment:

Amendment 1: Clarify when notice of elections will be given.

Current Language:

7.05: Notice of Meetings

(1)The Organization shall give notice to the members entitled to vote of the date, time, and place of each annual or special meeting of the members. The
notice shall be given at least 45 days before the annual meeting date and at least 10 days in the case of a special meeting.

Proposed Language:

7.05: Notice of Meetings and elections

(1)The Organization shall give notice to the members entitled to vote of the date, time, and place of each annual membership meeting, special membership
meeting, and elections . The notice shall be given at least 45 days before the annual meeting date, the Elections, and at least 10 days in the case
of a special meeting.

Submitter’s Rationale: clarify when notice of elections will be given to members to comport with current practice. The current Bylaws are clear on when
to give notice of annual meetings, special meetings, and proposals to amend the Bylaws; however, they are not specific on when to give notice of elections
of officers and directors.