
Join or Renew Your Membership

GDUI’s members include guide dog handlers from all over the world! GDUI membership outside North America increases annually. Currently there are GDUI members in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Japan and several other countries. Read More

Membership Benefits

When you become a member of the GDUI family you gain access to benefits not enjoyed by the casual observer.  Some of these benefits include:

  • Receipt of our informative publication, Paws for GDUI News You Can Use;
  • Access to assistance from the GDUI Disaster & Preparedness Program;
  • Peer support from the GDUI empathizer team;
  • Training relating to self-advocacy on guide dog handler issues;
  • Email chat lists, and much more!


If you live in an area where we have a local presence, consider joining the local affiliate.

Sign up – Membership Options:

We would love for you to become a member of Guide Dog Users, Inc. today! The first step is to choose a “membership” below:

Annual Membership – GDUI annual dues are $15 per calendar year . Sign Up

  • Life Membership – A single payment of $300. Sign Up

Please note: Payment is via PayPal (account not required). If you have any questions, please email or call us at Toll Free: 1-866-799-8436

Renew Your Membership

Thank you for your interest in renewing your annual membership! You have two options for renewing with your existing account.

  1. Login to your account (link opens in a new tab). If you have forgotten your password, you may reset it using the Forgot Password link on the Login page.
  2. Option 1: Complete the Annual Regular Membership (link opens in a new tab) form. OR

Option 2: Access your Account (link opens in a new tab). You can update your membership informaiton on this page by making the required changes to the form and selecting the Save button.

  1. Select the Subscriptions link on your Account page.
  2. In the subscriptions table, next to your current subscription, select the Renew link, and follow the prompts.

Please note: Payment is via PayPal (account not required). If you have any questions, please email or call us at Toll Free: 1-866-799-8436

Donate to GDUI

If you’re not ready to join, but would like to show your support by donating to our organization, please visit our “Donate” page. Any contribution is welcomed and appreciated. Donations are payable online through PayPal, again with no PayPal account required.