The following audio file is a recording of GDUI’s 2016 Convention workshop “Canine First Aid and Safety,” held on Tuesday, July 5th by Casidy Anderson – Community Risk Reduction officer with Minneapolis Fire Department, along with representatives from BART (Basic animal rescue training). BART does the training for the fire department first responders. Your guide dog keeps you safe every day. In this hands on workshop, come learn about techniques you can utilize to ensure you can do the same for your partner in emergencies.
Presentation: Fire Safety – Emergency Preparedness – mp3
Below are links to “Fire Safety – Emergency Preparedness” information, courtesy of Staff Captain Casidy Anderson, Community Risk Reduction Officer, City of Minneapolis – Fire Department:
A Youtube video on fire escape planning for deaf and blind (made for kids but the message applies to adults too:
Here is a great article on fire safety for everyone:
A PDF on planning for emergencies. It addresses considerations for people who are blind, deaf, or non-ambulatory. Pages 39-48 include a checklist for people to go through and see what they have prepared and in place, and what areas they may need to work on: