GDUI 2024 Drawing for Plush Pup in Harness

This year, GDUI is holding a drawing for a plush black lab fitted out in a hand-made leather harness thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Hava.

His name is Garth and he measures 24 inches from nose to tail. He is not sitting, lying down or completely standing. His pose is a play bow (i.e. chest and front paws touching the ground while his butt and tail are raised off the ground). He has a cute paw print collar, name tag and a little leash.

Front-facing Garth, chest and front paws touching the ground while his butt and tail are raised off the ground

Side-facing Garth, chest and front paws touching the ground while his butt and tail are raised off the ground

Important Information

Ticket sales will end at 10:00 AM EST on Saturday, June 29 and the lucky winner will be announced during that afternoon’s 12:30 PM EST GDUI Zoom session with guest speaker, USA Today Bestselling Author, Barbara Hinske.

Purchase Tickets

Drawing tickets are three for $5.00 or seven for $10.00. You may purchase tickets via PayPal (does not require a PayPal account) below or by contacting GDUI’s Office Manager, Lynn Merrill, by phone: 1-866-799-8436 in the U.S.

GDUI Drawing Tickets: 3 for $5

GDUI Drawing Tickets: 7 for $10