Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 3, June 2023- A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Dear GDUI Members and Friends,

Welcome to Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 3, June 2023- A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

The weather is changing, schedules are getting busier, and another issue of “Paws” is here! This one is bursting at the seams with information!

Do you love drawings? How about gobs of toys and other cool stuff for your guide? Do you enjoy learning the current goings-on at the guide dog schools? How about honoring guides- current,  retired or those frolicking across the Rainbow Bridge? Do you just love learning stuff, sharing stories, and immersing yourself in all things guide dog? Since I know you answered “yes” to all those questions, I have just the thing- It is convention time! There is so much to share about GDUI Convention 2023 that the wealth has been spread across three separate entries. As if all this isn’t enough, in addition, you will find interesting announcements; informational Snip-Its; a yummy recipe; touching, inspiring, and informative articles and stories; read about podcasts you might enjoy, or perhaps already do; have fun with a new column, Toto’s Pawnderings, by my guide dog; and so much more!

One thing that you will not find this time is a message from our wonderful President. I gave her a “pass” this time as she is recovering from multiple surgeries and… who knows what those post-surgery meds might cause her to write! *Just Kidding* Even under such circumstances, President Sarah is a consummate leader!! Please join me in sending her well wishes for a speedy recovery. Super T says “President Sarah, heel!”

To all who contributed items for this issue I send ginormous piles of “thanks!” I encourage everyone to remember how easy it is to get involved- share a favorite podcast; an interesting, silly, absurd, or touching local tidbit; something you wrote yourself or that was written by someone else; a helpful app or other resource; even a yummy recipe, for humans or canines. Remember- guide dogs and blindness/visual impairment are not the only topics of interest to we GDUISters!

Sending cyber hugs and wags- Andrea and Super T

Announcement – Print/Braille Calendars

NLS will be providing print/braille calendars starting this summer. Yes, in the middle of the year. The first calendars will cover a half year plus the first month of 2024. Starting at the end of 2023, subscribers will receive 2024 calendars for the full year.

Calendars are available in two sizes. The larger wall-type calendar will be print/braille. The smaller pocket-sized calendar will most likely be in braille only.

To obtain a calendar(s) you must contact your network library and subscribe. This is similar to subscribing to a magazine. You can request either or both calendars. Once you are subscribed, you will receive the calendar each year unless you stop your subscription. Since these calendars are provided through NLS, each month will feature a book in the NLS Collection. Contact your network library for more information.

Dates you may wish to make note of…

(Editor’s note- now here are some things to fill the pages of those calendars…)

Wednesday June 7, 2023- Digital Accessibility Webinar (Access Ingenuity)

Case Study: Accessible Shopify Website

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT

Access Ingenuity just launched a new Shopify website ( This presentation will review our steps to design the website to be accessible and test the accessibility after launch. In summary, we found the Shopify platform more accessible than expected and only needed a few modifications. Join Michael Parker and Michael Vitagliano to learn how to make an accessible Shopify website. Learning Outcomes: Key accessibility design considerations for Shopify sites. Product page modifications. How to test your Shopify site for accessibility. Meeting ID: 829 5155 7470 | Passcode: 882703 | One tap mobile: +16699009128,82951557470#,,,,*882703# US (San Jose) | Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose):

Wednesday June 14, 2023- Assistive Technology Webinar — ACVREP CE Approved (Access Ingenuity)

Meet the New RUBY 10

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT

The video magnifier has a 10-inch touchscreen and three dedicated cameras, and it can magnify letters, magazines, labels, and photos. The swing-out arm allows you to view items in your hand and write. When extended, it also enables full-page OCR. With a button, you can scan pages and have them read aloud. The third camera can see objects at a short distance, such as signs and menus on a wall. Users can utilize cutting-edge magnification features with industry-leading OCR to maximize the reading experience. Join Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity and Joe McDaniel from Vispero as they demonstrate the advanced capabilities of the latest low-vision solution from Freedom Scientific, the RUBY 10. Note that everybody is welcome and can benefit from this presentation. If you are a teacher of the visually impaired (TVI), ACVREP continuing education credit is approved for this presentation. Learning Outcomes. How RUBY 10 uses cutting-edge view modes not seen in any other device. Discover different uses of the RUBY 10. How the RUBY 10 differs from the other models. Why having OCR in a portable unit can be a game-changer. Meeting ID: 836 5396 6007 | Passcode: 101322 | One tap mobile: +16699009128,83653966007#,,,,*101322# US (San Jose) Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose):

Friday June 16, 2023- Blindness and Glaucoma Webinar (Accessible Pharmacy)

12:00PM ET

Please join Accessible Pharmacy Services as we discuss blindness and glaucoma with expert presenters:

Elena Sturman – President & Chief Executive Officer of The Glaucoma Foundation

Dr. Aakriti Shukla, MD – Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Columbia University Medical Center.

This webinar will have captioning and a live ASL interpreter.

Registration is now open for our upcoming Blindness and Glaucoma Webinar!

Click Here to Register for Free

If you have any questions, please send us an email-

Thursday, June 22,2023 – Wednesday, July 5 2023- Highbred Conference (GDUI

Guide Dog Users, Inc. 2023 Convention

All events will take place at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, IL. Some , but not all events will be hybrid, and podcasts of all events will be made available after convention. Please note, all scheduled events are in Central Time (CT). Contact information will be shared with registrants  via e-mail.

Thursday, June 22, 2023- Annual meeting

You’re Invited to the 2023 National Braille Press Annual Meeting! (National Braille Press)

5:00-7:00 pm

Join us for our Annual Meeting! We will finally be back in person and will live stream the event for those who want to attend virtually

To attend in-person or virtually, you must RSVP

Tuesday June 27, 2023- Free Webinar (NSITE)

Blind, Equity, Inclusion

11:30AM PT, 12:30PM MT, 1:30PM CT, 2:30PM ET, 6:30PM GMT

Learn about BEI (Blind, Equity & Inclusion) and how you can increase your ROI. Recognize unconscious bias; examine “blind spots” in your diversity hiring; recognize “diverse abilities”; identify the bottom line and ROIs of hiring this talent. Presented by NSITE’s DEI Team Rikki Howie & Doug Goist:

Tuesday June 27, 2023- Monthly Discussion Group- 4th Tuesday of the month (Hadley)

Tech It Out

5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 12AM GMT Next Day

Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

Wednesday June 28, 2023- Assistive Technology Webinar (Access Ingenuity)

JAWS: Tables in Word & HTML

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT

Many JAWS users avoid tables in both Word and the internet because they don’t have training in navigating tables using JAWS. Along with not navigating a table, people also believe that creating a table in Word is not accessible with JAWS. Join Michael Parker and Marisa Church to learn techniques, apply settings, navigate tables, and create tables using JAWS. Learning Outcomes: Navigating tables in Word. The different ways of navigating a table. Demonstrating column and row titles and how to set them using the JAWS quick settings. Inserting and deleting columns and rows. How to create a table. Navigating tables in HTML. Using smart navigation. | Meeting ID: 867 2021 6234 | Passcode: 157521 | One tap mobile: +16699009128,86720216234#,,,,*157521# US (San Jose) | Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose):

Article – The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should keep me from my sleep,

Then you must do what must be done,

For this–the last battle–can’t be won.

You will be sad I understand,

Don’t let grief then stay your hand,

For on this day, more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,

What is to come can hold no fears

You’d not want me to suffer, so.

When the time comes, please let me go.

Take me to where to my needs they’ll tend,

Only, stay with me til the end

And hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness you do to me.

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don’t grieve that it must be you

Who has to decide this thing to do;

We’ve been so close–we two–these years,

Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

-Author Unknown

GDUI Convention 2023- part One!

The 2023 Blessing of the Guide Dogs GDUI Convention Event: Here Are All of the Details and an Important Reminder!

Audrey Gunter

We are seeking the names of your guide dogs, current, retired, and departed, to include in our Annual Blessing of the Guide Dogs convention event. Please share your memories with us soon. We need to hear from you by June 15, at the very latest!

We will Welcome Your Shared Memories and Your Attendance at the hybrid Event at 1:00 PM, CT, on July 5, 2023! If you will be unable to join us in Schaumburg, You will be able to attend the hybrid event on ZOOM.

As we get older our hair begins to gray (Some of us prefer the word, “silver!” Our once strong bodies begin to weaken just a bit. And, our memories-ah, our precious memories begin to grow a little hazy. Some of those precious memories, though, remain just as vivid in our minds’ eyes and in our hearts as the moment our astonished brains locked them into our memory banks  forever!

I remember the anxiety welling up in me as I sat there waiting… Is this really happening? The panic had taken up residence inside my heart.

Can you do this? You’re blind! Remember? Blind people need to hang onto sighted people any time they want to do anything… Go anywhere…

Would the dog even like me?…

I had so many doubts and fears, and then –

He jumped into my arms — Tongue licking and tail wagging!  At that very first lick, that very first touch, all my fears and doubts subsided, and love — an unconditional love like I’d never experienced before–  crept into my heart and continued to grow stronger every day after that!

I didn’t know what I’d ever done to deserve such a huge blessing as my Zack was in my life. But, I knew that I had, indeed, been mightily blessed. I shall always be grateful.

Zack has gone onto a better place now, and his younger brother has followed. Although I may not be able to touch their regal heads or stroke those soft, furry ears, the love in my heart remains with me still, even as I age and other memories dim. 

Today Bernie walks by my side, carefully guiding my every step, ensuring safe travels whether in a store, on the street or in our church.  Each pup is very different, yet so similar.  Each etching their own little section of forever in my heart.  Each proven to be such a blessing!

We honor all of our guides who have brought so many blessings into our lives, as we plan the 2023 Blessing of the Guide Dogs which will wrap up our GDUI convention. We welcome all of you, whether or not you’re members of GDUI, to attend and to participate by sharing with us, your guide dogs’ names, and the names of special people in your lives as well. We Welcome Your Shared Memories and Your Attendance at the Hybrid Event at 1:00 PM, CT, on July 5, 2023.  Even if you can’t join us in Schaumburg,  you will be able to attend via ZOOM, and a podcast will be made available soon afterward.

Laurel Jean and I are honored to have been invited  once again to offer a special blessing to future and current guides; retired guides; guides that now live in our hearts but no longer walk by our sides and or anyone of particular importance in our lives

We’ll hold this Blessing in the comfort of our living room, where it’s

nice and cool and there’s endless virtual seating space for a group of any size! The event will begin with some of Laurel Jean’s toe-tapping, finger-snapping, hand-clapping music. We will offer a few words of wit or wisdom, and begin with a prayer for future and current guides.  Next we’ll recognize those guides that have hung up their harnesses and are now living a life of relaxation and retirement.  Then we will honor our Guides in Glory with a special audio candlelight service in which we chime a bell after each name is called.  We’ll end our service by remembering those special souls who have passed on.

To include your retired guide dogs and your Guides of Glory in our honored list, please share their names with us. We plan to host the blessing in our South Carolina living room, toward the end of June and then to share the videotape with GDUI in plenty of time for the planned convention wrap-up event at 1:00 PM, Central Time Zone, on July 5.

Please send your dogs’ names to us by June 15, 2023 and please be sure to indicate if they are working, retired or deceased.

Thanks for honoring our deadline by emailing the information we need to

 well in advance of our June 15 deadline. We’ll be eager to hear from you.


Audrey, Bernie and Laurel Jean

Article- An Experience of Canine Cancer

By Ann Chiappetta

This isn’t a prevention story, it’s a story  of resilience.

The news hit us like a punch in the stomach. Bailey, my  ten-year-old guide dog, had a tumor in his lung.  He was being  examined by the veterinarian for a routine check and vaccinations. I mentioned he’d been coughing   from time to time after he played with our other dog. She  suggested an x-ray. 

We  were shocked at the diagnosis. A golf ball sized growth had been discovered;  if I didn’t mention the coughing and our vet didn’t perform the x-ray, Bailey might not be here today.

We drove home, lost in all the what ifs, the fear, and the not knowing how Bailey would respond to treatment.

A few days later a veterinary oncologist  from the Schwartzman Animal Medical Center consulted with us.  He  assured us Bailey was going to get through this, that this isn’t uncommon in older dogs.  Bailey would be treated free of charge because he was referred by  Guiding Eyes for the Blind and we lived  within the geographic  area  designated to qualify for the consideration.

My husband was also devastated by the news. There is no way to know why or how Bailey  became predisposed.  Bailey had been with us for eight years. We’d been through cancer  with two of our other dogs. We knew how bad it could get. We made the decision to hope for the best. Bailey deserved our best efforts to support him whatever  the outcome.

The CT scan was performed and it revealed only the tumor , no other growths appeared to “light up”. This was good.  Ten days later, on February 28, we admitted Bailey.  We were like zombies, barely sleeping, alerted to the phone. When the call came, I could barely talk. Jerry, my husband, stood with me. The surgeon, Dr. Fusco, was kind and direct. She assured us he  did well, there weren’t any complications and the lymph node  was biopsied but did not look  affected. The tumor was   six CM . I thought, no wonder he was coughing when he exerted himself. The chest tube was in place and he was sedated.  The lobe where the tumor  was found was removed.  He now had half a right lung. She warned us sometimes the lung deflates after the surgery and he would remain in ICU until the following evening.  She answered all our questions and  rang off saying she would call first thing the following morning with an update.

Bailey improved and on day two the chest tube was removed and he was given oral pain medication and the IV was removed.

She said he wasn’t urinating   when  the outside option was offered and I told her the get busy command. She laughed, chiding herself for not asking this sooner. Later, during our evening check-in, she reported he looked relieved  when she gave him the command and got busy.

He came home on day three. I hadn’t realized I’d held my emotions in check until he walked  over and put his head in my lap.  I shed some tears, sending  thoughts of gratitude  towards the Gods and the veterinary staff at AMC  for helping Bailey pull through. We listened to the doctor review his after care plan and  an hour later, we made our way back to the garage. Bailey wore a blue fleece jacket to keep him warm because the right half of his body was shaved. The doctor said the incision would not bother him because the procedure was closed with adhesive. No collar of shame for him.  We needed to give him two weeks of rest, nothing strenuous. 

We grabbed his medication,  got him into the back seat and  headed home.

“You know he peed all over the elevator, “my husband informed me.

We both  giggled,

“What a good boy,” I said.

Bailey was diagnosed with grade 1 carcinoma. His lymph nodes and other tissue samples were negative. From here he will receive scans every three months. The labbie lumps, what the medical community call lipoma, were also  biopsied and the results were negative.   He is working and his energy levels are good. He guides me a few times a week and seems  to prefer it to being a couch potato all day.

(Editor’s note- After the above few articles, I am dreaming of snuggling with one, or all, of the plush guides in this year’s drawing! Best way ever to soak up tears- cuddling with my guide (it is a fact that dog fur is especially tear absorbent) with a plush guide tucked all up in our snuggle fest business!)

GDUI 2023 Convention part Two!!

2023 Drawing for 3 Plush Pups in Harness!

This year, GDUI is holding a drawing for three plush pups in hand-made leather harnesses, once again thanks to Hava’s extraordinary generosity!

The GDUI Pup House is filled with eager anticipation. The pups have had a lot of fun playing with one another and learning house manners.  Finally,

On July 5, our pups will find out about their new “pet parents” and “forever homes”.  You could be holding a winning ticket allowing you to welcome one of these plush guide dogs into your own home!

Tickets for individual pups are 3 for $5.00 or 7 for $10.00.

You may purchase tickets via PayPal (This does not require you to have a PayPal account) on our website (

You may contact GDUI’s Office Manager, Lynn Merrill, by phone:

1-866-799-8436, in the U.S.                               

These pups get along so well together and are a bit anxious about being separated.  Feel free to purchase tickets for more than one.  (They are all made by quality toy makers.) 

Let us introduce them to you. 

list of 1 items

  1. Charlie, black lab: (lying down position, 22” long and 9” tall, made by Douglas Toys)  He is so proud to be named after a man who loved labs and was

loved and respected by his GDUI family. 

list end

list of 1 items

  1. Lincoln, German shepherd: (lying down position, 26” long and 13” to top of standing ears tall, collector’s item made by Steiff)  stately Leader, vigilant

but also playful. 

list end

list of 1 items

  1. Wrigley, golden retriever: (sitting position,  12” tall, manufactured by Mary Meyer)  Great worker but off-duty, very athletic and loves to play frisbee. 

list end

Ticket sales will end at 10:00 AM Central Time on Wednesday, July 5 and drawing winners will be announced during the GDUI Wrap-up, Awards and Blessing session at our 2023 GDUI Convention.

Book review- Confessions of a guide dog: the blonde leading the blind DB75126

Carlson, Mark

A Review from Dan Tevelde

[Editor’s Note: The following review reflects only Mr. Develde’s personal opinion. We thank him for sharing his review in our publication.]

First, from NLS: Author recounts how, like his father and brother, he gradually became legally blind because of retinitis pigmentosa. Describes the relationship that developed

between him and his guide dog Musket and the work and home life they have shared since meeting in 2002. 2011.

From Dan:

Do we need more books about guide dogs in the NLS collection? I had high hopes for this book and thought it would cheer me up. I like dogs and have had

two guide dogs. I couldn’t finish this book, so my review is short. The book is predictable. The author focuses too much on how sighted people react to

guide dogs and reinforces the fact that it is ok to let sighted people fawn over the dogs as though they were models in a fashion show. I wish the author

had focused on his adjustment to hearing and vision loss. I didn’t mind the details about getting his dog and returning home, but this information has

been reported in many better books.

The NLS narration was tolerable but hearing the narrator change voices as though a dog was speaking was nauseating. Dogs don’t speak though they have emotions.

I can’t recommend this book. There is a sequel, but I won’t bother with it.

Podcasts- Check these out!

Top Tech Tidbits Podcast

Tune in each week as we announce the Top 5 Most Clicked Tidbits of the week. These 5 news items represent the most popular news and trends in adaptive technology, as voted on by Top Tech Tidbits readers.

Insights & Sound Bites audio podcast

Insights & Sound Bites: “It’s Okay to Ask for Help”

Listen in as people facing vision loss share their insights about what has helped them cope and adjust.

Listen to Carol’s story as she shares how owning her changing vision gave her the drive to discover useful resources and realize that it’s important—and okay—to ask for help when she needs it.

Want more? Find all episodes here

Double Tap TV:

Double Tap TV is a weekly tech show on AMI-tv, (also available on CBC Gem in Canada and YouTube). Each week join hosts Steven Scott (@blindguytech) and Marc Aflalo (@marcaflalo) as they help viewers better understand how technology can assist in everyday life. Its tech from an accessible point of view! The show features interviews with some of the biggest names in consumer tech and features up and coming companies and services.


Living Blindfully is the podcast devoted to helping you live your best life with blindness or low vision. Sight is a highly dominant sense. If you have it, naturally you’ll use it for a lot of things. But if you don’t have it, or you don’t have as much sight as you used to, it’s still possible to live a rich, full life. This podcast is all about how it’s done.

We discuss tips and tricks, but we frankly discuss the barriers too, ranging from attitudinal barriers to accessibility barriers and more.

You’ll hear plenty about technology on Living Blindfully, because when blind people have the skills to use it and when the tech is behaving itself, it’s key to functional and economic independence. Whether it’s a tech question from our community, a handy tip about getting the most from your screen reader, a demonstration of a cool new app for your smartphone, or discussion about a serious accessibility issue that is causing problems, you’ll learn about it on Living Blindfully. We geek out sometimes, but we always make a point of bringing people along for the ride and making sense of it all.

But technology is simply a tool to help us live blindfully, so our podcast discusses much more. The topics on each episode vary a lot, but it’s not uncommon to hear discussion about travel, cooking, relationships, self-care, sleep, history and even politics. After all, blind people have as diverse a mix of interests and opinions as anyone else.

While we welcome sighted allies and family members who have an interest in what blind people are thinking and talking about, Living Blindfully is unapologetically for blind people, by blind people. There are other great places to go to learn about how blind people do what we do. But there are few places that proudly cater to the blind community. So, if you’re not blind but you’re interested in an unfiltered discussion about what’s occupying the blind community, you’ve come to the right place and you’re very welcome.

Jonathan Mosen is the host and facilitator of Living Blindfully, and often conducts interviews and produces product demonstrations. But you’ll also hear from our engaged community of listeners who share their thoughts in writing and in audio. You’re very welcome to contribute on anything you hear during the show, or something new that’s on your mind.   


Toto’s Pawnderings-

Hi all,

My name is Toto(preferred pronunciation- Toetoe), Andrea’s GDB yellow lab guide. I consider myself a co-editor of “Paws” as I patiently listen, Every Single time! as my Mom mumbles to herself through the compilation of this publication. As I am such a clever boy, Mom says so all the time, I have decided to use this forum to quench my thirst for the answers to so very many questions! I know, I have heard all those cautionary tails of cats and their curiosity ,however, I think that is a thing humans fabricated to keep us dogs from writing just such a column as this. You know, kind of like how Gramma told Mom and Uncle Nicholas they couldn’t swim for 30 minutes after eating- she really just needed a few minutes to catch her breath from wrangling them! *big doggie grin*

 So, here is how this is going to work… each issue will contain a question or scenario. Then you will respond, via e-mail, with what behavior your human partner offered in a similar situation. If it happens that you haven’t wondered about one of the questions or found yourself in such a kerfuffle as I present, I want your speculation! After all, who better than you to be able to determine predictive behavior in your human? I recognize that “Paws” is  collaborative, hence, I am hoping you will fetch a few minutes on the computer to send your answers, as well as suggestions and first-paw experiences for future installments of  Toto’s Pawnderings.

Okay, enough discussion, here is the first scenario-

You are out for the last “busy” of the day. On this particular night the place you are using is an area of shared ground, not your private yard. It is late and no one, not even one person, is around. (don’t worry you and your human are totally safe!) Additionally, on this particular night, any other humans you may share kennel space with are not with you, it is just you and your human partner.

Being the eager to please canine you are, you promptly do “BusyBusy” (my Mom’s silly human word for when I defecate). After doing the oh boy you did “BusyBusy!” song and dance, your human realizes – even though it absolutely never happens … wait for it… they somehow have left the building with no bags- not a single one anywhere on them, or you!

What would your human partner do?

A, Leave it there, after all, what the “BLEEP BLEEPITY BLEEP!” are they going to do?

B, Leave it there but get help locating it in the morning?

C, Spin in circles, much like you might have just done, and yell for help while stamping their feet with tears of frustration streaming?

D, After casting about for a leaf or similar detritus, with no success, pick it up in some item of their clothing- a sock, shirt, bra Etc.- and deposit it in a bag or their “Busy” spot (the toilet) once back inside?

E, After casting about for a leaf or similar detritus, pick up in their naked hand and deposit it in a bag or their “Busy” spot (the toilet) once back inside?

Okay- now it is your turn. Send your answer, be honest, all answers will be kept anonymous- a journalist never reveals a source!

This is a very low-tech deal. It is just a fun, judgment free, sharing of funny, interesting, lighthearted common experiences. As such, just send your answer to and I will put a report of the responses in the next “Paws”. Again, I will never share names!

From the Kennel Kitchen- Yummy!

(Guide Dogs for the Blind- Pork Tenderloin Dry Rub )

From the San Rafael Campus, here’s a simple yet satisfying rub recipe to spice up the pork tenderloin served in the school’s popular rice bowls.


1 tablespoon chili powder

1 tablespoon brown sugar or coconut sugar

1 ½ teaspoon dried oregano

1 ½ teaspoon paprika

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon fine sea salt

(Makes enough dry rub for a one or one- and one-half pound pork tenderloin.)


Add all ingredients into a large bowl and mix until well combined.

Place pork tenderloin in the bowl with the seasoning mixture, and toss to fully coat.

Bake in a 350-degree oven for 25-30 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.

Note from the editor- I was lucky enough to be spoiled and have my appetite indulged by GDB’s amazing chef on the San Rafael campus, what a total treat!!

GDUI Convention 2023- part Three!

The Guide Dog Users, Inc. 2023 Convention Program: Highlights and Schedule

After three long years of cautious isolation, we in GDUI are so pleased to share our 2023 Guide Dog Users, Inc. convention program with you. There’s something here for everyone!

Do you love drawings for prizes? Plush puppies in hand-made harnesses? The suspense of wondering who will win, and who will be bringing the labbie or the golden or the GSD pup home with them? Our annual drawing is back. Watch for all of the details! Buy some tickets, and plan to attend the GDUI Luncheon and Wrap-Up event on Wednesday, July 5 to break bread with treasured friends and get answers to all of those questions!

Do you look forward to hearing from all of the guide dog schools at our conventions? This year, we’re dedicating nearly three hours to those conversations, and there’s no need to make air travel reservations for that event – because everyone can attend the Guide Dog Schools update on ZOOM!

Again, this summer, we’re stocking all kinds of canine paraphernalia and offering it for sale in the GDUI Lounge! And, your favorite guide dog instructors will be welcoming you when you are wandering through exhibits, roaming through the hotel corridors and the convention center venues, and meeting and greeting and helping in the relief areas.

We have something for everyone, whether you can be with us in person in Schaumburg or you’ll be hanging out on ZOOM, no matter if you’re a seasoned guide dog Handler or just beginning to wonder if a guide dog is the right life-style choice for you. Check out our convention program below, e-mail or call us at 866.799.8436 if you have questions, register for only $10.00, to attend and to help us cover our convention expenses, and make plans to get together in-person or on ZOOM. We are so happy to be planning our convention again!

Week Number One:

All events are available online or via telephone on ZOOM. Contact information will be shared with registrants  via e-mail. Please note that all event times are in Central Time (CT).

Thursday, June 22, 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM, CT.  The Guide Dog School Updates

Come to our double-plus session(If we skip the break, we’ll have two hours and 45 minutes!)  to hear from all of the guide dog training program representatives. Learn how each program is recovering from the disruptions that COVID caused, and what they expect as each looks toward achieving a new kind of normal.

Friday, June 23, 11:30 AM, CT. A Focus on Your Guide Dogs’ Eye Health

How and what do dogs see? Do humans and dogs share some  of the same eye diseases?  Do some breeds commonly used as guide dogs have a predisposition to certain eye conditions?

Dr. Alexandra Van Der Woerdt, DVM, MS, DACVO, DECVO, who is Senior Veterinarian, Specialist in Ophthalmology,

Service Head of Ophthalmology,

Director of the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Institute for Postgraduate Education, at Schwarzman Animal Medical Center in New York, NY, will be answering these questions and more.

Saturday, June 24, 11:30 AM, CT. The Unique Matching Process

How do they do it? What considerations go into matching just the right dog with the person who has some unique characteristics or needs that must be addressed? how do instructors figure it out? Alyssa Otis, GDMI/Outreach Specialist, for Leader Dogs for the Blind, in Rochester Hills, MI, will describe how Leader arrives at so many perfect matches!

Week Number Two:

All events will take place at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, IL. Some , but not all events will be hybrid, and podcasts of all events will be made available after convention. Please note, all scheduled events are in Central Time (CT).

Tuesday, July 4, 2:30 PM, CT Traveling to Paradise with your Guide Dog

Hawaii is blessed in so many, many ways. Its status as the only state in our nation that does not have rabies is just one of them.  Hawaii aims to keep it that way! Their strict animal admittance procedures, which are administered by their state Department of Agriculture, may seem daunting to guide dog users who plan to bring their dogs with them when they travel to Hawaii. But, Vickie Kennedy, a guide dog user herself,  knows how to smoothly navigate those bureaucratic waters! Whether you’re traveling on a jet plane or by cruise ship Vickie, who has lived in Hawaii for many years, loves helping to ensure that your trip to paradise is nothing but the delightful experience it should be! Come and meet Vickie Kennedy, from Ewa Beach, HI, and let her help smooth your way to paradise! This event is in-person only. 

Wednesday, July 5, 12:00 PM, CT. The GDUI luncheon

Mingle with friends and their guide dogs, and enjoy the Chef’s Choice of pasta and vegetable with a dessert of white chocolate mousse cake, adorned with a blackberry coulis. This is an in-person event. Stayin the room, or connect with ZOOM for  the follow-up presentations described below.

Wednesday, July 5, 1:00 PM, CT.

The GDUI Wrap-up Event

A highlight of every convention, our final wrap-up features announcements of the winners of our annual GDUI awards, drawing of the winning tickets that will decide which of our three plush pups in harness will travel to which homes of our 2023 drawing ticket winners, and the moving annual Blessing of the Guide Dogs event which honors past, present and future guide dogs, puppy raisers, handlers, and those who love them.  Margie Donovan, Chair of the GDUI Awards Committee, from Folsom, CA, will introduce her committee and present the 2023 GDUI awards. Audrey Gunter and Laurel Jean Walden, from Charleston, SC, will lead the blessing.

Article:  My match-a-versary adventure!

Vickie Curley

Greetings! My name is Vickie, and I would like to  invite you to come along with me on a very special  trip back in time, five years ago, to March 7, 2018.   Okay, here we go, hold on tight as we travel back to a   snowy Wednesday morning at The Seeing Eye,  located in Morristown, New Jersey.  

Let me set the  scene for you.  I had traveled to the New Jersey  area several days earlier, to place my retired  guide in his new forever home.  After bidding farewell to my former guide, I was picked up by  my instructor from a hotel located in Morristown, and we drove together to The Seeing Eye’s campus. It is now around two days later, on Wednesday  morning.  

Wow, I can’t believe that I am actually  here!  The travel is done, unpacking has happened, and all the  introductory lectures have been given–  and now it is  time!  In just a few minutes, there will be a knock on  my door.

Here I sit, on the bottom of my bed, leash  in hand, just waiting to hear that knock.

Oh! What is  that? I hear feet! Oh, they walked past my door.  I  guess it is not my turn yet.  

Why is time going by so  slowly?  Wait a minute! Someone is coming. … But, it’s a woman’s voice.  My instructor is a man.

Oh, how cool is that!  I hear my neighbor meeting her  new dog right now!  I think it is a Labrador because I hear  a very exuberant tale hitting the wall.  

Oh wow! Now  I hear my neighbor across the hall getting to meet  her new friend.  When will it be my turn?  I guess I  am just a bit impatient.  I am also quite nervous. This happens to me every time I meet  a new guide.  You would think I would be used to  it by now, as I have done this many times before. But, every  time that excited nervousness is definitely present.

Okay, I am starting to get silly.  This is my way of  dealing with excited nervousness.  The snowy  weather outside has caused me to think of  Christmas-time.  Yes, what a wonderful Christmas present I will be getting soon! Well, I hope so, anyway.   They didn’t forget me now did they?  

Wait, I think I  hear… Is it? Yes! It is my instructor, and he has  stopped at my door.  There it is!  The knock, the  knock I have been waiting for!

There is my  instructor’s voice, asking if he has permission to  come in.

“I’m not home,” I say in a silly tone. Then, quickly, I follow that up with a very heart-felt, “Yes, please come in.”  

“I have for you a big male German shepherd named Astro.  Call him to you.”

“Astro, come!”

Oh, my goodness, he is so cute!  His big, beautiful head fills both of my hands.  He is soft. And  very friendly.  

My instructor takes my hand and  shows me where all of Astro’s different colors are.  

“What a beautiful dog he is!” my instructor says.

As  my instructor leaves my room, Astro gives him a  look, but turns back around to me. Now, this is  when the real work begins.  The Puppy Raisers have done all they can, the Seeing Eye instructors  have done everything that they can, now it is up to  Astro and me to establish a good solid team.

Okay, now we are back in the present.  It is  2023, and there are still times when I  cannot believe that Astro  and I have already been a team for five years.

I am  sure that many reading this will have experienced your own  very special dog guide introductions. I want to share our story with all the long-time dog handlers as well as those of you who recently met your first dog guide, and to anyone who is in that endlessly long queue, waiting for a class date. This article is for all of you!  My hope is that our story will bring a  smile to your face as you think about  all of your  own memories and imagine the ones you and your dog guides will make in  the future.  

All the Lord’s blessings from Vicki and Astro.

Announcement- hail an Uber by calling a number

Tech-VI announcement list


Kyle Wiggers-May 17, 2023

Uber’s making it easier to hail a ride — no app required.

The company announced Wednesday at its annual Go-GET event in New York City

that it’s launching a new ride-hailing option for people who aren’t as familiar

navigating a smartphone. By dialing the toll-free number 1-833-USE-UBER (1-833-

873-8237) in the U.S., customers can speak with an agent in English or Spanish to

request a ride on-demand or reserve one for a future trip.

Uber has piloted ride-hailing via phone before. It launched the program in select

regions around December 2020, specifically Arizona and Florida. But the company

temporarily paused the service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the feature is

back and more widely available.

When calling, people who have an existing Uber account can tell the agent and use

an existing payment method on file. If they don’t have an account, they can pay with

a credit card by phone and the agent can create an account for them.

Here’s how it works:

*Customers call Uber from a phone to talk to a team member.

*Once the ride has been confirmed, Uber sends information via text message

about the ride, including the driver’s name and picture, license plate number

and their estimated time of arrival.

*Finally, the customer receives another text message when the driver arrives

at their pickup location.

*What about tips? Booking an Uber via phone doesn’t provide a way to do that

— surely to the chagrin of drivers. But Uber points out that riders can give

cash tips if they choose to do so.

“Providing customers with more ways to use Uber remains top priority and we’re

excited to nationally expand this updated offering,” a spokesperson told TechCrunch

via email.

Article- (from Access Information News for Monday, May 29, 2023- Volume 912)

Meet Blind Social Media Influencer Lucy Edwards | Motto: “Blind, Not Broken” | Vogue

Social media sensation Lucy Edwards pens a personal essay for British Vogue on the power of her blindness:

“It’s Given Me A Fire And A Purpose”: Lucy Edwards On Being “Blind, Not Broken”

Social media sensation Lucy Edwards pens a personal essay for British Vogue on the power of her blindness.


17 May 2023

“Its Given Me A Fire And A Purpose” Lucy Edwards On Being “Blind Not Broken”

Courtesy of Lucy Edwards

People are often shocked when I say that going blind was the best thing that ever happened to me, but it’s true. I am more empowered today than I ever have been, but it’s been a long and winding road to get here.

As a child growing up in Birmingham, I wanted to be a lawyer, but in the last year of my A-levels, I lost my vision as a result of a rare genetic condition called Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP), and had to dictate every last comma and full-stop of my exams. I felt like I had been betrayed by my body. Having grown up with my sight, I battled with a constant sense of injustice about what I could no longer do. Every teenager is in the process of finding themselves, but not everyone has to reckon with one of their organs slowly failing at the age of 17.

While I got into law school, I soon dropped out due to my mental health. After the stress of my college studies, I finally had a moment to reckon with the reality of my blindness, and it hit me like a tonne of bricks. While I initially struggled, my family, guide dog Olga (she has since retired, I now have Miss Molly) and partner of 10 years were by my side every step of the way as I adjusted to my new reality. My sister has autism, therefore I am her voice and she is my mirror and eyes. I learned to communicate for the both of us even though I couldn’t see. I feel so understood by her.

It didn’t take long for my perspective to begin to shift. When you lose such an important part of yourself, you have to reevaluate who you are and what you’re really made of. I know now that the day I lost my vision was the worst day of my life, and I survived it – meaning I can handle whatever else gets thrown at me. With the help of therapy sessions, I realised I didn’t need to hate being sighted in order to love being blind, either. My motto became “blind, not broken”, and I wanted people to know I was happy and that I loved myself more than ever.

And so I decided to become a journalist. Dropping out of law school may have felt like a massive failure at the time, but it meant I was able to apply for the BBC’s Extend programme in London. Being in the city presented certain challenges – jumping in a taxi for the first time felt colossal to me – but I wouldn’t be where I am now without that experience.

Meeting my boss at the BBC, who is also blind, was a watershed moment. I had so few role models around me who were Disabled at that point, and so often the medical establishment makes you feel like a problem to be “fixed” as a blind person. The reality is quite the opposite: it’s the world around us that needs to be fixed.

Gradually, I began posting on social media and launched my YouTube channel, establishing a bigger and bigger community for myself online. Often, I receive comments from families, who thank me for showing them that there’s a future for their children. I really care about my followers and regularly post on TikTok and Instagram to give people a glimpse into how I operate. One of my viral videos is “How Does A Blind Girl Do Their Make-Up”, for example, which is fun but also informative and will hopefully inspire a shift towards greater inclusivity in the beauty industry.

As much as I love make-up, navigating beauty aisles is often difficult because every product feels the same. My fiancé – whom I now live with in Birmingham – helps me braille everything that I purchase, but I’m not shy about calling for greater change on a big scale. As an ambassador for Pantene, I’ve championed NaviLens – a code printed onto bottles that can be scanned with a phone camera. It would’ve made such a difference if I’d had that when I first went blind. Clothes, too, are a big part of my life. I love to wear bright colours, and consult my visual memory of those colours to help me decide what to wear.

The first thing I think about in the morning, though, isn’t fashion or beauty. It’s children who are losing their sight, and how I can make them realise that it’s all going to be okay. Better than okay. I want them to believe in and see a bright future for themselves, because I didn’t at 17. I thought it was the most terrifying thing in the world to go blind, but it’s not. I’m completely fine; my eyes just don’t work as well as they did before.

Ten years on, I have a stronger sense of self and more confidence than I ever did. My blindness has given me a fire and a purpose – not to mention an innate understanding of right and wrong. I work hard to get what I want. And I know that this is just the beginning – for me, and for the blind community.

Article- Follow Your Dog

(Pine Tree Guide Dog User’s, PTGDU, monthly news update- May 2023)

By- Sue W. Martin, Member- Pine Tree Guide Dog User’s

As summer approaches, chances are good you’ll be traveling with your guide dog in new places. This introduces unknown variables to your routine.

I’ll never forget the first time I walked around Bar Harbor. As I approached the first intersection, my dog came to a halt. I felt her pull to the left but resisted. Surely I was at the correct spot to cross the street. The parallel traffic was to my right. The perpendicular traffic just kept moving whenever there was a pause in the parallel traffic. Surely I was at the crosswalk but the traffic wasn’t yielding.

My dog pulled to the left again and, this time, I went with her. She went about six feet and turned to face the street. Then, as though by magic, the perpendicular traffic yielded. I crossed the street.

At the next intersection, I willingly followed my dog as she, again, pulled to the left. After moving about six feet, she turned smartly to face the street. The traffic yielded and we crossed.

What was going on? Many of the crosswalks in Bar Harbor are offset, requiring the pedestrian to move into the perpendicular street to line up with the crosswalk. We figured it out but only after some tense moments.

I remember training with my first dog. I worried about the dog being right and me being wrong. Over the years, I’ve learned my lesson. Follow your dog.

Article- What To Know About Orthopedic Dog Beds


Janelle Leeson Updated: May 18, 2023

Dogs of any size and age can benefit from some extra support. Discover how an orthopedic dog bed can ease your dog’s sore joints.

Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. We may earn a commission from your purchases.

While 86% of pups have a dog bed, only 18% of their pet parents prioritize orthopedic qualities, according to the 2023-2024 American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey.

Perhaps they should. A study by The University of Pennsylvania shows orthopedic beds play a significant role in alleviating joint pain, enhancing mobility and improving the overall quality of life for our canine companions.

Here’s what to know about the benefits of orthopedic dog beds, plus how to pick the best dog bed for your pup.

Do Dogs Need Orthopedic Beds?

When your dog needs more joint support, an orthopedic dog bed can help. They’re ideal for dogs with arthritis and joint pain, or those healing from surgery or an injury.

Before using an orthopedic dog bed, talk to your veterinarian. They might suggest other ways to manage your dog’s pain.

Choosing an Orthopedic Dog Bed

Not all orthopedic dog beds are made the same. Here are some key features to consider, depending on your dog’s needs.

  • Size: Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Luckily, so do orthopedic beds. Select one your dog can comfortably lay on. If they’re hanging over the edge of the bed, it’s too small.
  • Materials: The bed should be thick, but your dog shouldn’t sink into it. They should have a certain level of firmness. Two popular materials are memory foam and egg-crate foam.
  • Safety considerations: Look for a bed with a bottom that prevents your dog from slipping when they lay down or get up. If your dog is prone to chewing, look for one that can stand up to teeth and paws.
  • Design: These vary. Flat orthopedic beds are easy for dogs to get in and out of, but they don’t have neck support. If your dog needs or prefers neck support, a bolster-style bed might be better for them.
  • Ease of cleaning: This is important. Consider a water-resistant bed with a removable cover that can be thrown in the washing machine.

Best Orthopedic Dog Beds

We’ve selected four highly-rated models that are supportive, durable and safe.

Best Cooling Orthopedic Dog Bed


If you live in a warm climate, consider the Sealy Lux Pet Dog Bed. It features three layers of orthopedic foam: Two to take pressure off joints, and one of charcoal foam that absorbs dog odors.

Unlike other orthopedic beds, this also comes with a gel layer that dissipate s heat, keeping your dog cool. Other features of this bolster bed include a removable, machine-washable cover; waterproof liner; and a non-slip base. Choose from four sizes, from small to extra-large.

Best Orthopedic Bed for Large Dogs


The Bedsure Jumbo Dog Bed is one of the largest models, measuring 54 inches long by 44 inches wide. It also comes in smaller sizes, ranging from XS to XXL.

It’s like having two beds in one, with cozy Sherpa fabric on one side and cool Oxford fabric on the other, plus CertiPUR-US egg-crate foam in between. The XXL model is reasonably priced for its size, at about $80. No wonder this bed earned a 4.6-star rating on Amazon with more than 40,000 reviews.

Best Orthopedic Bed with Neck Support


For dogs who prefer a little extra support, look no further than the Big Barker Orthopedic Dog Bed with Headrest. This plush bed boasts a generous seven-inch thickness and three layers of orthopedic foam for ultimate comfort.

The exceptional warranty guarantees 90% retention of shape and thickness for 10 years. Moreover, it stands out as one of the few models with clinically proven orthopedic benefits.

Best Budget Orthopedic Dog Bed


The Milliard Quilted Padded Orthopedic Dog Bed will keep your pup happy and comfortable thanks to its egg-crate luxe foam, plush pillow top and non-slip bottom.

You’ll be happy, too, because it’s easy to clean. Just remove the cover and toss it in the wash. While it’s made of quality materials, it doesn’t come with the hefty price tag of some other orthopedic beds (it’s about $37).

Article- 34 Of The Coolest Pet Products I’ve Seen So Far In 2023

Originally Published: May 18, 2023

by Jenae Sitzes

Read in BuzzFeed:

Shared from Apple News

(editor’s note- I randomly selected a few items from the list to share, the entire list is pretty interesting and has items for, not only dogs and cats, but fish; rabbits; guinea pigs; hedge hogs; and even bearded dragons!)

A mini pet hair remover for tackling that *deeply* embedded fur in pet beds, towers, sofa cushions, carpeted stairs, and anywhere else they spend a ton of time lounging. Each edge has a different teeth length + density, designed for different cleaning modes, like deep cleaning a spot vs. broad strokes across a wide area. It can help to work this over an area first before vacuuming if that fur is really stuck in there. 

Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (available in six colors).

(available in six colors).

An adorable stuffed duck (boasting 17,000+ 5-star ratings!) that might not look very tough, but reviewers say it’s held up over months of energetic chewing and tugging. This is one you won’t be throwing in the graveyard of toys that got destroyed in approximately 10 seconds. A dog sitting next to four of the duck toys in different colors 

Get it from Amazon for $6.72. You can find the mini version for small dogs here. The duck comes in multiple colors, and you’ll receive one at random.

An enzymatic dog toothpaste that’ll help you keep your pup’s dental hygiene under control (and improve that stinky breath you get a whiff of every time they lick your face). This can help you handle that scary built-up tartar on their teeth at home instead of shelling out for a professional cleaning — and many dogs love the taste too! 

This no-rinse, non-foaming toothpaste comes in two yummy flavors that dogs will love (peanut butter or poultry!). For best results, it’s recommended to brush their teeth at least 2–3 times per week.

Get it from Amazon for $6.55+ (available in two sizes and two flavors as well as a kit).

A squeaky chew toy toothbrush to disguise dental care as playtime, since the “spikes” will work to safely clean their chompers as they chew on it. Some reviewers even reported their pup had fresher-smelling breath afterward!

Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three sizes for small, medium, and large dogs).

Himalayan yak cheese chews made to outlast your dog’s heavy gnawing — at least longer than standard rawhide and bully sticks. They’re 100% all natural and free of lactose, gluten, and grains.

Get a pack of three small chews from Amazon for $11.48 (available in other pack sizes and in chew sizes for larger dogs).

Announcement-  Accessible Pharmacy Services

A home delivery pharmacy service specializing in individuals who have disabilities.

Accessible Pharmacy Services is the largest blind-owned healthcare company in the country and the only provider of its kind.

Accessible Pharmacy Services was founded by blind and sighted experts in the areas of accessibility, technology and medicine and we are the only provider of its kind. We originally focused our efforts on the blind and low vision community and realized the work we were doing benefitted many other populations including individuals who are deaf, DeafBlind, neurodiverse, and more. We work closely with our patients to address each of the points below. By doing so, we are able to show aggregate outcome improvements of 33%!

Patient Education and Support

Medication Management

Diabetes Management

Clinical Pharmacist Consultation and Access

Genomic Testing

Extreme Simplifiation

Cost Containment

We do everything for you:

We will coordinate all of the details with your doctor and your insurance provider helping to keep costs as low as possible

We work with our patients to try different packaging and labeling solutions to maximize compliance and healthcare benefits

Accessible packaging, accessible labeling and home delivery are all FREE.

We are often asked how someone becomes a patient of Accessible Pharmacy Services:

Simply call us for a free consultation to find out if we are a good fit for you: 1-888-633-7007

After your conversation with our Care Coordinator, they will reach out to your insurance to confirm eligibility. They will also contact your current pharmacy and prescribing physicians to transfer your information. You can also connect with us through the Be My Eyes Specialized Help section or email us to initiate this process:

If you would like an Accessible Pharmacy Team Member to speak with your organization:

Please call 1-888-633-7007, or send us an email at

If you are a provider and want to refer a patient to us:

Please have the patient give us a call at 1-888-633-7007. You can also call us with the patient.

Accessible Pharmacy Services, LLC

8 Neshaminy Interplex Dr., Ste. 102, Feasterville-Trevose, PA 19053


Snip it- Access Information News for Monday, May 29, 2023 – Volume 912

Radio and the Blind: An Evolving Relationship- Radio World

In the 1920s, newspaper articles called radio a godsend for the blind. It was both educational and entertaining, and it would help them to feel less isolated. Today, many people with visual impairment live independent lives and enter a variety of occupations, including broadcasting. Thanks to technologies like screen-reading software, most internet websites are accessible. And a growing number of movies and television programs now have audio descriptions. So what role does radio play in a world in which blind people have so many information and entertainment choices?

Introducing Beyond Barriers, Our New Accessibility Travel Column- Conde Nast Traveler

Television host and travel writer Sophie Morgan will cover the latest news, hotels, restaurants, destinations, and tech, helping disabled travelers feel safe, secure, and inspired to travel the world:

Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired Announces Podcasts Now Available By Phone

Kirby Lindgren, Director of Professional Outreach

I’m delighted to share with you that we have a new way to enjoy our Hadley podcasts, Hadley Presents and Insights & Sound Bites. Just give a call. They’re on the phone! I love being able to share all that our podcasts have to offer to those who may not be online. So, the number to call, and share with anyone who you think may enjoy listening to our podcasts this way, is (847) 558-1317. Exciting, right?

Snip It- From Pine Tree Guide Dog Users (PTGDU) monthly news update, May 2023

Congratulations to Lukas Franck, Senior Consultant at The Seeing Eye! Lukas received the prestigious International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) Ken Lord Award. Presented in Vancouver, Canada at the 2023 IGDF biennial International conference for guide dog professionals, this award represents IGDF’s highest honor.

Join the club. The Guiding Eyes for the Blind Graduate Council is sponsoring a book club featuring books about guide dogs. Everyone is welcome to join. For more information, email the Council at

Got multiple dogs in the household? PTGDU member Brad Strause recommends attaching different sounding bells to your dogs to better tell who’s who. He writes that sometimes the jingling of a dog’s tags just isn’t enough to keep track of their dogs. A small bell attached to the collar can be a big help. A carabiner clip can let you easily take the bell on or off when needed. Some bells are pretty dull and others clang like church bells. Different sizes and different brands often give distinctly different tones and loudness levels. Here’s a few bell options that sound clear but not overwhelming.

Noble Bells – Handmade in USA

Beau’s Bells

Article- Does your pet need to visit the dentist?


By Rebekkah Adams, May 4, 2023

We all take our dog’s health very seriously, but you might not realize that needs to include dental health, too.

Does your pet need to visit the dentist? Here’s how a dog teeth cleaning works

It seems scary but they won’t feel or remember a thing

In theory, we all go to the dentist every six months to get our teeth cleaned, which helps keep the pearly whites in check and also contributes to overall health. Surprisingly, our pets also benefit from annual (or biennial) dental treatments. While these cleanings do wonders for your dog’s teeth, they can make owners nervous and burn a hole in their wallets to boot. Here’s why you should schedule regular cleanings for your pup.

How do I know if my dog’s teeth need cleaning?

Unless it’s a really severe case, you probably can’t tell just by looking. Instead, your vet will take a peek in your animal’s mouth during their yearly checkup. Your pet’s doctor may give your furry friend a dental grade between 0 and 4, with 0 being reserved for puppies that have perfect teeth and 4 meaning Fido will likely require more advanced care, including extractions. Once you have the assessment, you can better determine if your pup needs a cleaning, but it’s frequently recommended.

What happens during a dental cleaning

Some of that depends on the grade and your specific beast, but the gist of it stays the same. The main thing is not to worry too much because your little guy will be well cared for, and even though there’s always some risk to anesthesia, this is a routine procedure.

Getting your pup ready

Before you even begin, you should get pre-op blood work done to make sure they can handle being under anesthesia. Have your vet discuss any outside-of-range findings and figure out the best way forward. Some older dogs develop kidney and liver problems, and your dog doc might decide that a cleaning isn’t worth the risk.

Prepping for the cleaning

Your little guy will likely fast leading up to treatment (just as you would if you were going in for surgery). When you arrive, your vet will go over the schedule and almost certainly give them a once-over to confirm they’re ready. Then they will get a sedative in preparation to go under. Figure out what time you need to pick them up and then try to distract yourself for a few hours.

During the procedure

Most vets will take X-rays, clean the teeth, and perform extractions as necessary. Don’t worry — your pet will be fully asleep and will not remember or feel a thing. If they do need any teeth pulled, they might get additional shots during the visit (again, just as you would get Novocaine while getting your mouth done). Your vet may also take this opportunity to clip their nails (since they are asleep), if necessary.


If your dog had to have any work above a cleaning, you’ll have a couple of meds to administer, such as pain medication and antibiotics. Follow the dosage carefully, especially if you’re dealing with strong meds like codeine. In some circumstances, they may have to wear the cone of shame to prevent scratching at their mouth.

How else can you help your dog’s oral hygiene?

There’s a lot you can do as the pet parent in between cleanings. Consider brushing their teeth, giving doggie dental chews, putting an additive in their water, or putting them on prescription food if the issues are really severe.

The most important thing is to stay on top of your furry friend’s oral health, just like you would with any other issues. That often means not feeding them human food, which can cause decay, and providing dry dog food or even dog bones to chew. As long as you stick with the routine, hopefully, you won’t need too much extra detail care.

Article- Top Summer Dangers for Dogs (MAY 24, 2023)

(Read in Dogtime: Shared from Apple News)

Top Summer Dangers for Dogs


Summer is a time of fun in the sun, outdoor activities, and late nights watching the fireflies. But, summer can also bring with it some unique health challenges for your dog. It’s always best to prepare for any summertime outing with the right supplies and routine care. Here are some of the top summer dangers for dogs, and what to do if your dog experiences one.

Summer is a time of fun in the sun, outdoor activities

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is one of the most common summertime issues. Long days out in the sun or on the beach can lead to health issues that can be severe. Signs of heat stroke in dogs include heavy panting, difficulty breathing, lethargy or confusion, and vomiting. If you notice your dog experiencing these symptoms, it is best to seek shade, cool off your dog as much as possible, and seek emergency veterinary treatment.

Luckily, measures can be taken to decrease the chances of heat stroke. Be sure to take breaks in the shade often if you’ll be in a warm or sunny area, and keep your dog off hot pavement or sand during the hottest parts of the day. It’s also a good idea to give your dog access to fresh, cool water at all times. A mister or cooling bandana can also help.

Ear Infection

While ear infections are common year-round, they can see a increase in intensity in the summer months. Foreign bodies getting into the ears during hiking trips may also lead to an infection. Signs of infection include excessive head shaking, pawing at the ears, oozing of debris from the ear canal, and pain upon touching the ears. It’s a good idea to inspect your dog’s ears daily, especially if you’ll be traveling in tall grass or brush. If you do notice problems, a vet visit for some prescription ear meds and a thorough cleaning are best.

Hot Spots

Summer brings with it a surge in parasites, which can lead to hot spots forming on your dog’s skin. Fleas wake from their dormancy, and ticks become more prevalent in wooded or brush-filled areas. A hot spot can form from excessive parasite bites that irritate the skin. Other issues, such as skin allergies can also lead to hot spots. Signs of a hot spot include redness or hair loss in an area, itchiness or excessive licking of the spot, and swelling or debris oozing from it.

Hot spots should be treated by your vet. Your vet will likely clip and clean the area, and then provide any medications as needed. It’s also important to keep your dog on regular parasite prevention to avoid any issues before they begin.

Seasonal Allergies

While allergies can happen at any time of year, outdoor allergies can surge as you and your dog spend more time outdoors. You may notice your dog showing symptoms such as sneezing, having clear discharge from the eyes or nose, or pawing at their face. In addition, dogs may have skin reactions such as red, itchy spots, irritation, swelling, and hair loss. Allergy medications can help treat seasonal allergies. Your vet can recommend a safe over the counter medication, or prescribe a stronger allergy medicine as needed.

Lost Dogs

Getting lost isn’t a health issue, but it’s still a top summer danger for dogs. A dog can easily escape a car on a road trip or break free of a leash when out hiking. However, steps can be taken to ensure your dog is returned to you safely. Make sure your dog has information clearly labeled on their collar or tags. And, be sure to microchip your dog in the event their collar is lost or they are turned into a shelter. Finally, make sure the information on their collar and microchip is kept up to date.

More summer safety tips

While these top summer dangers for dogs can seem scary, they can be easy to avoid with preparation and awareness. Now that you know what they are, check out our other summer safety tips for dogs, as well as how to keep your dog safe from bee stings.

Snip It- Accessible Video Conferencing Platforms

(Dots and Dashes, May 30, 2023)

On May 17, Senator Edward J. Markey and Representative Anna G. Eshoo released a press release applauding the FCC for announcing proposals that would for the first time ensure video conferencing platforms comply with accessibility requirements for people with disabilities. This announcement mirrors requirements in the lawmakers’ legislation, the Communication, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act. The CVTA is an ACB legislative imperative, and accessible access to video conferencing platforms is critical for ACB and our members to engage in our modern digital world. We commend Chair Rosenworcel from the FCC for moving this issue forward under the Commission’s existing authority, and we commend Sen. Markey and Rep. Eshoo for their leadership to ensure communications technology is accessible for everyone. Read the press release: Sen. Markey, Rep. Eshoo Applaud FCC for Proposed Video Conferencing Accessibility Rules.

Snip It- (Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, June 1, 2023 – Volume 913

New Accessibility Features on iOS

Apple announced it will roll out new accessibility features this year. This includes Point and Speak, which will allow people with visual disabilities to interact with physical objects that have several text labels, and an upgrade to Voice Control that will enable users to phonetically edit text. Learn more about Apple’s new accessibility features.

Google Maps Will Now Show Wheelchair Accessibility Information For All | Metro UK

Google Maps is providing wheelchair accessibility information by default for over 40 million places worldwide, including on public transport, pubs and restaurants:

Breaking Barriers: Video Games That are Accessible for the Visually Impaired | Jump Start

Game developers are passionately dedicated to pushing the boundaries of accessibility in gaming:

Test Your Accessibility Knowledge With Trivia11y

Publisher (Di Blasi): This website is amazing, fun and incredibly informative. Trivia is a great way to test your current knowledge while learning new concepts at the same time. And this site does not disappoint. Test your acumen against topics such as: ARIA, Assistive Technologies, Color Contrast, Design Disabilities, Forms, Guidelines and Specifications, Images, Keyboard Accessibility, Laws and Regulations, Motion and Animation, Multimedia and Screen Readers.

Trivia11y: Test Your Accessibility Knowledge. Accessibility is important, but becoming an expert means taking the time to understand and memorize priorities, regulations, requirements, and techniques. So how can you determine whether you’re up to speed? With games, of course! Game Types: Choose a game format and then select a category to help you test your knowledge: Flash Cards for reviewing what you know, Short Answer questions for confirming you actually know your stuff, and Multiple Choice for simulating test conditions:

Announcement- Menus4ALL iPhone app

No more multiple Google searches to research menus before going out. Info is organized to give you quick access to what you are looking for — the menu! Optimized to give you the best viewing experience.

No more struggling to see small print, or looking at a menu in a dimly lit restaurant. Do you use magnification, large print, VoiceOver, a braille display or Voice Control?

Enjoy 750,000 fully accessible menus.

750,000 Accessible Restaurant Menus. On your iPhone ® in the palm of your hand.

Yes, that’s not a typo. The Menus4ALL iPhone app offers 500,000 accessible menus in the United States and 250,000 accessible menus in Canada.

Wherever you are and whenever you want The Menus4ALL iPhone app is the largest network of restaurant menus in one place and all of the menus are fully accessible.

Perfect for when you are out running errands and want to know what restaurants are near your current location. Great for planning a night out with friends. Favorite menus that you want to look at later or when you know you are going back for that amazing dish.



Download the app today at:

Article- From Access Information News for Monday, May 29, 2023 – Volume 912

7 museums, gardens, and performance venues making art more accessible to all | Technology and initiatives are helping more people access the arts in new ways

By Alexandra Charitan

Decades after the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, there’s still a lot of progress to be made in making businesses, cultural institutions, and public spaces truly accessible for everyone. But every new technological advancement and thoughtful initiative allows more and more people to engage with the arts in new ways.

From glasses designed to correct for color blindness, tactile displays, and braille signage, to improved wheelchair accessibility, here are seven places in the U.S. that are making experiences and environments more welcoming and comfortable to all visitors. 

  1. Georgia O’Keeffe Museum

The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum “celebrates the art, life, and independent spirit” of its namesake artist in two New Mexico locations. The Santa Fe galleries opened to the public in July 1997 (11 years after O’Keeffe’s death) with more than 3,000 works in a collection that includes 140 oil paintings and hundreds of drawings made by O’Keeffe from 1901 to 1984.

Despite her deteriorating eyesight, O’Keeffe continued painting, sculpting, and writing until she died in Santa Fe at the age of 98. Today, her eponymous museum offers several accessibility accommodations, including free admission to caregivers, accessible bathrooms, closed captioning on videos, and audio guides, in addition to free wheelchairs, color-correcting glasses, and ASL interpreters upon request.

  1. Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Known for its explosion of cherry blossoms every spring, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s 52 acres are also home to impressive collections of daffodils, tulips, desert plants, and a bonsai museum. But those with visual impairments can enjoy a multi-sensory experience in the fragrance garden. Created in 1955 as the first of its kind in the U.S., the garden is designed so visitors can touch and smell the fragrant plants, flowers, and herbs, all of which are identified with braille markers and placed at a height suitable for children or people using wheelchairs. 

  1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

The memorial for the only U.S. president to use a wheelchair was designed with accessibility in mind. Dedicated in 1997, the FDR Memorial is located along Washington, D.C.’s Tidal Basin and tells the story of the 32nd president through a series of outdoor “rooms.” Despite being designed to be entirely wheelchair accessible with tactile elements and braille placards, landscape architect Lawrence Halprin received criticism for choosing not to highlight FDR’s use of a wheelchair. 

According to the National Park Service, a campaign led by the National Organization on Disability led to the dedication of the Prologue Room in 2001. It features a life-size statue of FDR seated in a wheelchair by sculptor Robert Graham. The artwork is placed in front of a wall inscribed with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “Franklin’s illness … gave him strength and courage he had not had before. He had to think out the fundamentals of living and learn the greatest of all lessons—infinite patience and never-ending persistence.” 

  1. Museum of Contemporary Art Denver (MCA Denver)

Founded in 1996, MCA Denver was the first museum dedicated to contemporary art in the Colorado city. With no permanent collection and only rotating exhibits, there’s always something new to see—and now more visitors can experience the artwork thanks to the museum’s four pairs of EnChroma glasses, made specifically for red-green color blindness.

According to the museum, the hybrid glasses are “made to work for most people regardless of what type of color blindness they experience. About 85 percent of people who experience color blindness notice a change in what they see.” In addition to the glasses, which are sanitized after each use and can be checked out free of charge at the front desk with an ID, MCA Denver also features fully-accessible galleries, restrooms, and public spaces, as well as a courtesy wheelchair. 

  1. The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

The world’s largest children’s museum features five floors comprising 13,000 artifacts and welcomes more than a million visitors each year. The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis encourages people to become “Accessibility Advisors” and provide feedback on inclusivity initiatives, which include providing fidget devices, noise-reducing headphones, ASL interpreters, assistive listening devices, and free admission to caregivers. The museum also compiles a list of sensory resources and hosts monthly events like “Museum My Way,” with modifications such as quiet areas and special lighting. 

  1. LEGOLAND Resorts

As of this year, all three U.S. LEGOLAND Resorts (located in Florida, New York, and California) are now Certified Autism Centers (CAC), offering low-sensory areas designed for rest, quiet rooms, and varying sound levels based on the time of day. Earplugs and special passes are available for guests and caregivers who need them, and shops, restaurants, and rides are wheelchair-accessible. In order to be designated as a CAC, at least 80 percent of park staff must be trained and certified by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards, ensuring that neurodivergent and autistic visitors will find a safe and welcoming environment at all LEGOLAND Resorts.

  1. Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO)

The second-oldest of the “Big Five” orchestras in the U.S., the Boston Symphony Orchestra offers sensory-friendly concerts designed for music lovers of all ages. During the special performances, “relaxed house rules allow for more audience movement and foster a judgment-free environment,” according to the BSO. While the music may be familiar, the modified shows feature dim lighting, sound adjustments, and signals to prepare visitors for what to expect next. Live concert feeds are available for anyone who needs to leave the main hall, and the automatic flush function is disabled in all restrooms.

Article- by Patty L. Fletcher – Team Blue | What Dogs Know and Understand

Presented by Patty L. Fletcher – Team Blue

March 2023

 Greetings from Team Blue:

Hello Readers! I hope this article finds you well.

Those who know me, know I’m a trivia junky. I love learning interesting facts almost as much as I love learning new words.

Being a dog owner/handler means when I find interesting facts about dogs, I am over the moon.

When I read this I was already a believer.

First, as Chief Seeing Eye® Dog Blue, who is always on the case says, “The Facts.”

From Interesting Facts:

Some dogs can understand 250 words.

Dogs are man’s best friend, and the canine ability to understand human words has gone a long way to solidify that world-changing relationship. According to the American Psychological Association, the average dog can understand 165 words, and “super dogs” — those in the top 20% of canine intellect — can understand around 250 words. Dog intelligence can be divided into three main types: instinctive (what the dog is bred to do), adaptive (what a dog learns from its environment), and working/obedience (what a dog is trained to do). Research into the levels of working/obedience intelligence in various dog breeds shows that border collies displayed the highest levels, followed by poodles, German shepherds, and golden retrievers. With the ability to also understand simple math (1+1 = 2, for example), these “super dogs” have an estimated cognitive ability of 2- to 2.5-year-old humans.

A Tale – Tail from Team Blue:

Early one morning, as Blue and I bounced along our way to his first relief spot, I knew by the way he bounced on his toes and the shake of his head, Blue had a mind of his own.

When we got where we were going, Blue began circling in search of the perfect spot. Soon, however, it looked as if he were going to be a bit stubborn.

You see, around the block is another place he likes to go, but he also likes to sneak a bite or two of the bird’s breakfast left around one of the trees there for nesting mommas with babies. I have been trying to discourage this so on this morning, when Old Man Winter was showing himself in high form at 35 degrees, I decided no more.

“Blue! Park time!” I demanded, sending him round in a circle in the yard.

He circled two or three times but there was no enthusiasm in his pull. I knew he would not go. He needed to go but he was going to refuse.

“OK. Blue, harness up.” I said sternly, as I slid it over his head and buckled it into place. “We’re going home. You’re in trouble and you’re going to your crate until you change your mind about who’s in charge. You may be chief, I’m queen, and let’s not forget it.”

“Sneeze, stomp, shake” was Blue’s reply.

Without another word except “Forward” we headed back to the house. Once inside, the harness came off, the leash was undone and I said, “Go to your crate.”

He went and once inside laid down. He poked his head out, trying to be cute, but without so much as a look at him I said, “Good boy, now rest.” And with that, I zipped it shut.

I went into the kitchen, set a timer for five minutes, and made a fresh pot of coffee while I waited.

Blue moaned and whimpered once to which I replied sharply, “Quiet.”

When the timer went off, I took the leash, opened the crate, hooked him back up and said, “OK. Blue, let’s go to park time.”

Back in the harness, out the door and straight to the first relief area he went, dragging me along behind in his wake.”

When we arrived, I said, “Awesome! Blue! Now let’s park time!”

I removed the harness, lengthened the leash and commanded happily, “Park time.”

He circled once, gave a mighty snort, circled again and with no more ado, his relief flowed.

“Good job!” I praised, doing a little happy dance on my toes.

I gave a rare small treat and once he’d eaten it I said, “Now, you gotta do number 2?”

He sneezed and turned his head in the direction of relief area number 2. I harnessed him up and said, “Ok Blue Forward, let’s go.”

Soon, he had completed all he had to do, we’d made our stop by the dumpster and were headed home.

I can say without doubt Blue does know a sizable portion

of the words I say, and that along with the hand jesters and telepathic connection means we are a well-established team.

More from Interesting Facts:


Dogs see in black and white.

Team Blue asks, “What do you think?”

Personally, I believe the following information is true.

Blue has several toys, but his three favorites are yellow, Blue and green. The Yellow and Green toys squeak but the blue ball came from training, and he will bring it if asked.

Read the article below for more.


Recent research shows that dogs can make out yellows, blues, and hues in between. A dog’s retina has more rods than cones (humans are the opposite), and only has two types of cones. This makes dogs dichromatic, whereas humans, who have three types of cones, are trichromatic.

Although 250 words is already impressive, it’s by no means the absolute limit. The Einstein of the dog world is a border collie named Chaser. According to the journal Behavioral Processes, Chaser had the ability to recall and correctly identify 1,022 words. This far exceeds the vocabulary of any known dog, and pushes Chaser into the cognitive ability range of a 3-year-old. Now, that’s an extremely good girl.

I hope you found this an interesting story.

Please do let us know.

The information shown here was originally found at the link shown below.

Make Every Day More Interesting:

About Patty L. Fletcher

Patty L. Fletcher lives in Kingsport Tennessee where she works full time as a Writer with the goal of bridging the great chasm which separates the disAbled from the non-disAbled. She is Also a Social Media Marketing Assistant.

Follow her at: for stories, book updates and more.


Editor’s note- announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

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Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

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Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

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Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 2, April 2023 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor- Hello fellow GDUISters,

This is your extremely cheerful editor- not just cheerful but dog with a new toy cheerful! I have received more submissions for this issue of “Paws for GDUI- News You can Use” than I have for all previous issues combined. GO TEAM!!!!

As the editor I am committed to providing a publication that is as diverse in its content as it is consistent in its publication schedule. To that end- as has been mentioned previously- a new “Paws for GDUI- News You can Use” will be available Bi-monthly, on the fifth, to enjoy!

The renewed interest in contributing to “Paws” is invigorating! I encourage everyone to remember how easy it is to get involved- share a favorite podcast; an interesting, silly, absurd, or touching tidbit from your local paper; something you wrote yourself or written by someone else; a helpful app or other resource; even a yummy recipe. Remember, submissions about guide dogs, or blindness/visual impairment are not the only topics of interest to we GDUISters!

If you sent me a submission, and it isn’t in this issue, I have decided to save it for June’s “Paws” as I don’t want anyone’s contribution to get overlooked because of the issue being too long! (“Can you believe this is what I am worrying about this month? Lucky me!”)

I so appreciate the renewed dedication to making “Paws”- for GDUI and of GDUI!

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and the Super T

From the President- Hello GDUI members,

Spring has arrived! I hope you and your guide dog are enjoying the refreshing cool air and the wonderful sunshine!

Thank you to everyone who renewed their GDUI membership either with your affiliate or an at large member! It is fun to think how many guide dogs are proud to be a member as well! Your participation and support are greatly appreciated!

During the 2023 GDUI convention in Illinois we will be selling products, pouches, harness signs and other great dog items in our suite! The program committee are scheduling some terrific events that will take place virtually in June and hybrid in July. We will share convention information after the plans are in place. I am looking forward to connecting with so many of you and making more friends! The guide dog community holds a very special place in my heart.

Stay tuned for an “All Paws on Deck” 2024 cruise information from the GDUI membership chairperson, Cindy LaBon. This cruise event and planning is not a GDUI supported event, we are sharing the information to our membership for more fun in the sun!

Please feel free to share your guide dog stories, journey, toys and other information either on the GDUI chat list, or submit an article to be published in “Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use”! The more the merrier!

Wishing you, your guide dog, family and friends a very Happy Easter, Passover, and/or anything else you are celebrating! Enjoy the beautiful springtime!

Happy tails and trails!

Sarah Calhoun and Lakota

Announcement- 2023 ACVO Eye Exams

Registration for the 14th Annual ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam Event opened on Saturday, April 1st and will be open until 11:59pm Mountain Time on Sunday, April 30th.

Make sure you are fully prepared and brush up on the Qualifications, Expectations, and Registration Information.

Here is a direct link to the registration page-

After you register, you will be emailed a confirmation and link to participating clinics (please check your spam/junk folder before emailing for a confirmation email to be re-sent).

Be sure to add the following to your safe senders list!

To make an appointment after registration, please call the clinic of your choosing and be sure to give the clinic your registration number. Appointments are on a first come, first serve basis. The participating clinics list you will receive after registration will include COVID guidelines and each clinics’ in-clinic vs. curbside only policy.

Please remember that locations/appointments may be limited in your area. We ask for patience and kindness to the clinics’ staff, as we would love for this event to continue to be a positive experience for all involved! Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the event on Facebook and follow us on Instagram. We will keep you current of other similar events or news throughout the year. If you have an Instagram account, post your pictures of the event with #ACVOEyeExam for everyone to see! Results-

The PawTracks Survey: What Have We Learned?

Penny Reeder

Over many years, PawTracks was a much-loved benefit of membership in GDUI. I remember the first time I listened to a PawTracks cassette. I had recently applied to the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation for my first guide dog. I was nervous and excited, and when that audiocassette arrived in the mail, I couldn’t wait to start listening. I took the cassette and the portable 4-track cassette player I used for listening to NLS books with me and listened on my long subway commute to work. I became so engrossed in the contents, I totally missed my stop and didn’t even realize that I had gone far out of my way until daylight flooded into the subway car, and I knew I was way far beyond the underground station near my office, where I should have exited the train.

PawTracks was a recorded magazine, sometimes GDUI members recorded their stories or poems, and sometimes the editor would read written contributions aloud. Ray Fournier, a legend in the world of recorded sound, transferred the recorded content to 4-track cassettes and mailed the completed magazine to GDUI members every three months. Many people loved the magazine. It was kind of like an internet radio stream long before the internet was even a thing imagined! PawTracks was a benefit of membership in GDUI that made members proud.

As time went on, lifestyles evolved. The internet became a reality featuring e-mail discussion lists, internet radio stations, blogs and podcasts and social networking.  More and more people ventured online, and recorded materials delivered quarterly could feel already out-of-date by the time PawTracks arrived in postal mailboxes. Audiocassettes – with their sometimes-spotty sound quality—were no match for the quality we came to expect from audio downloads and streaming audio. So much information became instantly available online, more and more people owned personal computers, and then smart phones became permanent fixtures in our hands and in our pockets. Life was busier in every way, and guide dog users joined e-mail discussion lists and social networks and began routinely telling their stories and even sharing their photographs online. Everyone was so much busier than they had been before e-mail in boxes overflowed and Facebook conversations beckoned. It became harder and harder for PawTracks editors to gather enough content to fill a quarterly magazine. GDUI’s publications committee felt that changing times required us to make some changes, ourselves, and, Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use was born.

Now, the magazine is an online publication, available via download, and delivered via e-mail and the web site. Few of us even own a cassette player any more, and members read the magazine via smart phones, laptops, and braille displays. Fewer articles are contributed by members who want to share their personal stories – not because we don’t care about sharing with each other, but because we have so many more ways to communicate, and with more immediacy. GDUI’s Publications Committee hears from members who love the magazine, who appreciate choosing a format that works best for them, and who praise our writers and our editor’s breezy style and eclectic interests.

As we grow older, however, and sometimes become exhausted by the complexity of our 21st Century lives, it’s not uncommon to indulge in bouts of intense nostalgia. Remember, we think, how it was back in the day when we found that audiocassette in the mailbox and could hardly wait to listen to our friends telling us about their guide dogs or reviewing a new product or catching us up on what was happening in GDUI – in their own voices! Bring PawTracks back was a request we heard, not from a lot of people, but occasionally, and consistently from a few members and several board members in particular.

A committee was formed to create a survey. In fact, that committee created several surveys, but none achieved majority board approval for distribution. The requests for a survey persisted, and in late 2022, President Sarah Calhoun asked us to try one more time to create a survey which would let GDUI know exactly how many people longed for a return to a recorded, quarterly magazine that they could retrieve from their postal mailboxes.

I chaired the ad hoc PawTracks Survey Committee. Liz Bottner and Olivia Norman graciously volunteered to serve on the committee. Publications Committee Chairperson, Cheryl McNeill-Fisher helped, and GDUI Secretary and Office Manager, Lynn Merrill, kindly agreed to handle phone responses and collate results.   The Ad Hoc PawTracks Survey Committee met in early January and distributed our survey via GDUI’s Announce E-Mail list. We invited members to respond by e-mail, and there was also an option for anyone who wished to respond by phone. There was ample time for members to complete the short survey, and we sent out reminders. A total of 21 GDUI members returned the survey. One return was blank, and one response came in well after the deadline had passed. The response represents22 percent of GDUI’s total membership. Overwhelmingly, members supported our current “Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use” publication. Our analysis of survey results leads us to an understanding that, although some of us may look longingly back to a time when we found something that was truly exciting in our postal mailboxes, and although all of us prefer listening to a dear friend telling us a story or recommending a product their dog just adores to hearing JAWS or VoiceOver, or using on-screen magnification or a braille display to  access the same content, there are actually very few GDUI members who want us to resume publication of a quarterly, recorded magazine that we retrieve from a physical mailbox.

Ninety-five percent of respondents told us that they prefer GDUI’s publication to include stories that focus on GDUI-specific content and blindness and guide-dog-related topics, as well. We are glad to know this.

Ninety-five percent of respondents are pleased with the online delivery method that we utilize for “Paws’.” We will continue sending you e-mail notifications when a new issue becomes available, and placing a notice and a link on the front page of

Two thirds of you prefer our current digital format, which allows you to print the publication in a size, font, or color of your choice, to magnify print on your computer screen as much or as little as you need, to use a screen reader to hear content, or to use a braille display to read the downloaded file. A few respondents liked the idea of accessing a voice recording – perhaps on a dedicated telephonic mailbox. We can investigate this method of delivering audio content. A very small number of respondents expressed an interest in utilizing the same kind of cartridge system that the NLS and ACB utilize for delivering audio books and magazines to subscribers. Interest in implementing a similar process appears to be modest.

Nine of you told us that you cannot help with the publication, and, while results were coming in, 13 people shared an interest in helping, as content contributors, with editing, or as trainers to help people who need to become comfortable with downloading content from the internet or with using a screen reader to access downloaded content, or with some other aspect of maneuvering through cyberspace. One respondent even volunteered to help us with marketing!

Thank you to all of you who have volunteered to help! You can expect to hear from us if the Publications Committee doesn’t hear from you first! E-mail us at, or call 866.799.8436!

Thank you to Liz and Olivia, who helped to create the survey questions and plan for dissemination and collation of results; thank you to Lynn who spoke with several people who shared their responses via our toll-free phone line and collated all of the results; thank you, Sarah and Maria Kristic, for sending out the survey announcement and the reminder messages; and thank you to Andrea who produces such a terrific publication for GDUI! . Thank you to everyone who took time to respond to our survey. We are pleased to know how many of you are enjoying “Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use,” and we welcome your contributions, your involvement, and your interest! Whether or not we are communicating with you via a specific survey, we want to hear from all of our readers, to know what you like and what you don’t, to respond to your wishes and your preferences, and to share in the delight that all of us, who are lucky enough to work with guide dogs, experiences as we travel through our lives independently and safely alongside wagging tails and occasional doggie kisses. E-mail us at

Resource- The Seeing Eye® Advocacy App has Launched

The Seeing Eye has developed a free app for Apple/iOS to provide information about the U.S. and Canadian laws that ensure guide dog handlers have access to public places and protect them from interference from people and other dogs. The app also contains legal resources and educational materials that can be used for self-advocacy. The information is arranged topically where feasible for easy navigation and use.

To download the app from Apple’s App Store, go to this link:

For those of you who are Android users, we ask for your patience. The Apple app was our first step and we will begin working with our developers on the Android version as soon as we can and will let you know when it’s out.

We hope this will be a useful resource for those of us who are guide dog handlers; guide dog instructors who want to know the laws when they are traveling with dogs and working in the field with students and graduates; business owners; dog owners who want to know how to manage their pet dogs around guide dogs; and anyone else who might need or want the information. This is our first version, so we appreciate your feedback and your patience. We will need to make periodic updates to fix bugs and to keep information about the laws accurate as they change. This is just the beginning.

Melissa Allman, Senior Specialist, Advocacy and Government Relations

The Seeing Eye

From the Editor- Now a perfect place to put the above app to good, and fun, use!

Announcement- All Paws on Deck

Cindy LaBon and Goodman

Do you or your hard-working guide dog need a vacation?

Well, let us ask you this: Have you ever taken a cruise? Has your guide ever traveled onboard a cruising ship? If you and your guide have cruised before, were you able to share the fun with other enthusiastic guide dog users?

If you answered no to any of these questions, let us tell you about an amazing opportunity! A group of friends and guide dog users are planning a spectacular cruise to the Eastern Caribbean in May of 2024! Goodman and I want to tell you about the cruise and invite you and your guide and your friends or partners or significant others or spouses to come aboard!

Here’s how all of this came about. In 2018, a couple of guide dog users contacted Melanie Dyer from Creative Traveler, which is located in Belmont, North Carolina, and asked her to put together a cruise for blind and visually impaired vacationers and their guide dogs. Melanie was the perfect person to ask, since she had previously made all of the travel arrangements for a friend who was a guide dog user, and their cruises – yes, more than one! — were spectacular! Melanie understands what blind and low vision people who travel with guide dogs need, and she’s tuned into canine cruising preferences, as well! That cruise wasn’t associated with any particular guide dog school, or with GDUI, and the one we’re telling you about has been privately arranged and is also not sponsored by any particular organization.

Sixty people and forty guide dogs came on that 2019 cruise. It was wonderful! We named our group, “All Paws on Deck!” We even had these cool blue tee shirts with “All Paws on Deck” stenciled on the front and a picture of the ship on the back. Goodman and I have heard that tee shirts for 2024 Paws cruisers are already in process, and I can’t wait to find out what they’ll be like!

We all had so much fun on our first “All Paws on Deck” Carnival cruise, we started planning for another one while we were still lounging around on deck. But, you know what happened in the spring of 2020. Now, three years later, with the pandemic emergency officially declared at an end, we are finally planning another cruise!

Here is the itinerary. Melanie is recommended that cruisers plan to arrive in Miami on Saturday, the 4th of May, 2024. There’s an optional hotel package that includes shuttle transportation from the airport to the hotel and to the cruise terminal on Sunday morning. (Optional hotel shuttle transportation from the cruise terminal, the following Sunday, back to the hotel, and back to the airport, can also be arranged.)

It’s a good idea to arrive at the Miami hotel on the day before the ship is scheduled to depart, since one can never be absolutely sure that flights will arrive on schedule, and you wouldn’t want the ship to sail without you! Besides, if you arrive on Saturday, you’ll have a chance to meet all of the other members of the group and you and your dogs can get to know one another!

The Carnival ship will be the Celebration. It was christened in the fall of 2022. Here’s the itinerary: Cruise from Miami on Sunday, May 5. Then, sail to Amber Cove, Dominican Republic; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and St. Thomas. Return to Miami on Sunday, May 12.

For more details and answers to all of your questions, you can contact Melanie Dyer at-

Mr. Goodman and I are so excited about the cruise! We can hardly wait to hear who else will be planning to come along and then to welcome you onboard!

Announcement- Did you know… resetting your BARD password is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

(While some of you may know all about this- it was news to this editor.)

  1. Open the BARD login page and click the Reset your BARD password here link.
  1. On the reset your lost password page, type the email address associated with the BARD account in the Email Address field, then click the Submit button.
  1. BARD will send the patron an email with a link that will redirect back to the BARD website, where the patron can create a new password.

The link will expire one hour from when it is requested.

Pod Casts- Check these out!

Podcast of Intersections, Roundabouts, and Rover

presentation by Lucas Franck of The Seeing Eye.

direct link to the podcast on the ACB Community feed-

Intersections, Roundabouts, and Rover 02.12.23

Penny Forward Podcast- Can I Afford a Guide Dog?

Liz, GDUI Board member, thanks for this!

The following link is to a podcast I helped record related to the cost of partnering with a guide dog. The link follows-

Penny Forward Podcast: Can I Afford a Guide Dog?

Announcement- Terrific resource for dog, and horse, gear!

If you are anything like me- as well as many of the guide handlers, puppy raisers, and pet owners I know- finding a new source for great gear is a real treat! Also, like me, I imagine you are often asked, “hey, do you know anywhere to get good gear? Well, I have a Guy! Jimmy Leach, Guiding Eyes for the Blind graduate and GDUI member, is his name and fabulous dog and horse gear is his Mojo!

Jimmy works with Leather and Biophane (non-leather, waterproof, very durable, and available in many, many colors) to create collars, leashes, long lines, and tag holders (just to name some of his inventory). He also makes cable tie-downs which have protective covering over the metal connections, appreciated by humans, dogs, and furniture everywhere. But… don’t just take my word for it, at Jimmy’s GEB graduation last year, he was introduced as Jimmy Leash (a play on his actual last name) because he makes leashes, collars, and tag holders for program puppies, dogs in training and working guides.

So- you want some of this?

The very best way to reach Jimmy is via phone-

410- 918-8890

You can e-mail him at-

Once you fall in love with his stuff share all about him on Facebook-

Article-Fancy Restaurants for Dogs Are Booming Right Now

With fine dining-style small plates and artful cupcakes, there’s never been a better time for the dogs to dine out.


November 1, 2022

[From: Fancy, Dog-Friendly Restaurants are Booming Right Now | Bon Appétit (]

One of San Francisco’s newest tasting menus is also its most exclusive. On Sundays only, the popular Dogue patisserie and store serves a seven-course meal featuring high end, chef-prepared small plates.

The organic beef chuck steak

comes raw and adorned with pretty spirals of fermented carrot and a dusting of dehydrated beet powder. For dessert,

pastel cake balls and

rose-shaped tarts are made with ingredients like antelope heart and ground bone. The restaurant’s main point of difference: Instead of humans, the diners in question are


“Honestly, I don’t know who gets more enjoyment, the dogs eating or me watching them eat,” says Rahmi Massarweh, the chef-owner of Dogue, which opened

late September this year. The “Bone Appétit” (yes, really) tasting menu costs $75 per floofer, so of course it’s spawned a slew of hot takes

on wealth inequality, capitalism, and a society in peril. But Massarweh, a dog lover and Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, just wants to see our four-legged

friends thrive. “If you knew that your choices directly impacted how long a member of your family would live, wouldn’t you want to make the best choice for them?”

Article- Your Dog Got Into Weed and Got High?



[From: Your Dog Got Into Weed and Got High? Here’s What to Do. – Washingtonian]

Here’s What to Do.

For one thing, say DC veterinarians, be honest when you bring your pup in: ‘We’re not the cops.”

Pansy Suzuki, medical director of the Veterinary Emergency Group in DC, has learned to recognize the signs that a dog is high. Because she’s seeing it

more often. Since marijuana possession became

legal in the District in 2015, Suzuki says more dogs are being brought into the clinic that have gotten into their owner’s stashes or have eaten the remnants

of joints snuffed out on the sidewalk.

The first symptoms include incontinence and ataxia, which makes dogs appear drunk or unstable. “It’s common for people to think their dog is having a stroke,” she says. The dogs may also become overreactive to stimuli, throw up, or have dilated pupils.

When owners see any of these symptoms, Suzuki says, they should call their vets or bring their dogs in. Most often, treatment is done on an outpatient

basis, and includes fluids and anti-nausea medication. Weed will typically be out of the dog’s system in 24 to 48 hours. 

Most cases that come in end up being mild, Suzuki says. Dogs have a high tolerance for marijuana, but they metabolize it differently than humans, so the

effects can last longer. While weed is still in a dog’s system, she says, owners should put the dog in a confined space so it can’t trip or fall down stairs,

and it should be watched to make sure it doesn’t choke. 

Nastassia Germain is an emergency veterinarian in Georgetown and says in these cases, she closely monitors heart rate and body temperature. Both can either

spike or drop, which in severe cases can lead to a coma. Neither Germain or Suzuki have seen a fatality from ingesting weed, but Suzuki recently saw a

50-pound lab who had consumed 700 milligrams of marijuana. The dog started showing signs of seizure, had extreme incontinence, and remained in the hospital

for 24 hours. 

Germain says it’s easier when owners tell them right away if they know the dog has ingested weed, but many either don’t know or are nervous to admit it.

“We’re not the cops. We’re just happy the pet is here,” she says.

A dog’s reaction also depends on what type of marijuana it has gotten into. CBD is generally safe for dogs and even can be recommended for certain health

issues, but THC comes in different forms that interact with dogs differently, Germain says.

Ingesting a bud is less dangerous than an oil or butter, because

those are fat-soluble substances. If a dog ingests one of those, they can be absorbed into their liver and kidney, take longer to leave the system, and

become more toxic. 

Edibles can be more dangerous because they are also mixed with other substances that can be toxic, like chocolate. Sugar substances overall aren’t good

for dogs, but chocolate contains theobromine,

which dogs metabolize very slowly and can become toxic. If owners know the form of weed their dog ingested, it’s important to tell their vet so they can

estimate the severity of the case as accurately as possible, Suzuki says.

To prevent your dog from getting high in the first place, Suzuki says to treat them like children: put anything you don’t want your pet to get into well

out of reach. For edibles, put them in a container that will mask the scent.  

Most dogs will be fine and sleep off the effects of weed exposure, but Germain suggests bringing a dog in to be safe: “Often [the dogs] do well, but we

never know until we see.”

Editor’s note- I really had no choice, this simply had to be next!… “Dude, anyone hungry?”

Recipe – A Pizza with Pooch Appeal!

[This very tasty-sounding pizza recipe was found on an e-mail list populated by grads and puppy-parents for Freedom Guide Dogs. It sounds so yummy; we just have to share!]

Here is the dog approved puppy pizza recipe!


2 cups oat flour (Create oat flour by whirring equivalent amounts of oat flour in a high-power blender or a food processor until finely ground oats resemble wheat flour in texture.)

1 egg

Drizzle of olive oil

1/3 cup low or no sodium chicken broth

1/2 cup of chopped peppers

1/2 cup of chopped carrots

Pinch of oregano

1 cup low fat ricotta

1 cup diced cooked chicken breast

1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley

Combine flour, egg, oil, and broth. Add extra flour if necessary to make a

dough consistency.

Roll dough flat.

Boil pepper and carrot together until soft.

Remove vegetables from water and purée, adding oregano, and stirring until smooth.

Spread purée on crust.

Top with ricotta, chicken and parsley.

Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes.

Cool before serving!

Announcement- Survey Reveals Gap in Public Perception: Seemingly Innocent Interactions Harmful to Seeing Eye® Teams

A peer-reviewed study Published in the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness in November of 2022 reveals a need for more education of the general public about the consequences of interference with guide dog teams. It is entitled “Interference With the Work of Dog Guides in Public: A Survey” and was co-authored by Melissa Allman, Kathleen Freeberg, and Dr. Katy M. Evans. Check out The press release on The Seeing Eye’s web site at:

Even though most states now have some type of legislation imposing penalties for harming and interfering with guide dog teams, The Seeing Eye has observed that the problem still persists. In an effort to obtain current data and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the types of interference guide dog teams face while working their dogs, The Seeing Eye conducted a survey of its graduates in October of 2019. The survey findings revealed that the most common types of human interference handlers experienced was people talking to or making deliberate eye contact with their dogs. The study also showed that people underestimated their ability to control their pet dogs. Interference from leashed but uncontrolled dogs was the most common problem, but loose dogs still posed a threat. 36 percent of survey respondents had experienced aggressive interference from another dog.

The article as accepted for publication is available on The Seeing Eye’s web site at:

To check out an education campaign designed to help pet owners understand how to appropriately manage their dogs when they encounter guide dog teams, go to

Article- Is it Magic?

By Ann Chiappetta M.S.

It’s still winter in New York, Punxsutawney Phil twitched his little rodent nose and told us we would have six more weeks of it and this year, darn it — he’s correct. Unless it’s in the single digits and the wind is up, my dogs love it. They dig and romp in the snow or come in with a cold nose and ears.  The best is when the towel comes out to dry them off. Bailey rubs on us like a cat and May gets all happy, pushing him out of the way to get her turn. Always gets me laughing and smiling.

I’d like to share a little bit more about   the process of being matched with a guide dog. Anthropologists tell us early man and dog met tens of thousands of years ago out of mutual need; since that time, the two have developed a bond unrivaled by any other animal and human partnership.

In fact, the matching process which occurs for guide dog teams is based on the science of both human and canine behaviors but also has something else refer to as magic.  The professional instructors keep this close to the cuff, and I wouldn’t ask them to divulge any more of it than is necessary for the unindoctrinated to understand. I mean, who wants to give away a process that’s been working for close to 100 years and probably longer? Just imagine the sheep herders of the distant past and how their dogs worked with them and protected them from predators. This was a partnership formed of mutuality and need. The ultimate working relationship is, of course, the military or law enforcement handler and dog, wherein  the team risks injury or worse each time they take point on patrol.

Getting back to less perilous situations, in guide and service dog terms, the magic of the match has been a mystery. There is something about the process   which defies explanation.  The concrete side of the matching process has been explored and recorded in journals and scores of conversations during panel discussions.   The subject is also popular when working a new dog or in the quieter, more convivial moments when getting to know a new dog. The ever-elusive question is why did they match me with this dog?  Sure, being blind is part of it. The loss of vision   makes the first step possible.  Moving on, it’s not just about how fast one walks, the location and regular routes taken and geographical challenges like transit centers, street crossings, etc. It is more than this. It is a judgement call based on the information we provide to the instructors, both verbally and non-verbally. It is developed during the Juno walks and observing the teamwork we exhibited with our former dog guide. Each handler has similar requirements but most likely an equal share of unique requirements as well. I am not an instructor nor do I profess to know how to evaluate a person’s needs in terms of a guide dog. I do know, however, what I’ve observed from over ten years of being among other handlers and instructors. I can only express how my needs were met and how my new dog has been a great match.

Moreover, instructors listen to our hopes and dreams, not just what we need at the time.   They see our potential with each training walk. Instructors witness transformations, the rise of confidence and when it is all completed, the beauty of a good match is the result. How can one explain it? Simply put, it is magic.

Here’s to   acknowledging the time and dedication of the individuals who help make the magic happen and letting them know I won’t give away the secret. 😉

Check out everything Annie by going to or follow my blog: Join my monthly email list by sending a blank email to:

Editor’s note:

announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

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Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

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Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 1, February 2023 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

Well, I am off to an inauspicious start to the 2023 issues of Paws! While the loss of internet complicated the timeliness of this issue, I am chalking the remainder of the reason to the fabled “success” of New Year resolutions.

President Sarah, along with my co-editor, Penny, by rights should have thrown up their collective hands by this point, however, they are being their understanding, forgiving, supportive selves.

I am excited about this issue as it has lots of good information- ways to assist researchers, opportunities to increase self-awareness, improve technology skills, treat your dogs to a treat, read about a very interesting experience as shared by a GDUI member, and so much more.

Going forward, as was mentioned at the January board meeting, this newsletter will have a specific realize date. You can look for Paws to be dropping every other month on the fifth. So, enjoy February’s and I’ll catch you again in April! Until then, be kind to yourselves, your guides, and each other!

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Super T

From the President:

Hello GDUI members!

Welcome to the first Paws, News You Can Use newsletter of 2023! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

The GDUI board of directors met On January 28, 2023, the first board meeting of the year! We welcomed two new board members and two committee chairpersons. Directors Andy Arvidson and Lolly Lijewski and committee chairperson’s Cindy Le Bon, membership and Terry Terlau, special concerns.  We are so happy to have them join us and appreciate their commitment to GDUI!

The ACB Leadership Conference will take place this March with a virtual and an in-person component. GDUI board member Liz Bottner will be our representative during the in-person event in Washington D.C.  We are grateful and appreciate Liz support and dedication to GDUI.

Please mark your calendar to join the GDUI special membership meeting on Saturday, February 11, 2023, beginning at 1:00 p.m. eastern. GDUI business and Committee chairs will give some updates, then open to the membership. Be on the lookout for the Zoom information!

Congratulations to all new guide dog teams! Whether you have a new partner or not, let us know how you are doing by posting on the GDUI chat list!

Happy tails and trails!

Sarah Calhoun & retired Lakota

GDUI President


Community call

The California Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (CAAVL) presents “What You Need to Know About Emergency Preparedness.”

7 pm EST, 4 Pm Pacific

Presenters will be Susanne Hogan, Regional Representative/CA-CSP Coordinator; Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults; and Vance Taylor, Chief, Office of Access and Functional Needs, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

Throughout the nation disasters are becoming an increasing part of the landscape, thus making emergency preparedness more important than it has ever been. What can you do to be as prepared as possible should you need to evacuate due to a natural disaster? How can you find out about your local disaster preparedness plan and what are some of the areas in which advocacy efforts are needed? To answer these questions, as well as your own questions and concerns. On Saturday February 11, at 7 PM EST, 4 Pacific,

(Submitted by Robert Acosta, President Helping Hands for the Blind

(818) 9980044

Announcement: Aira Communications

Update on the Prices of Add-on and Purchased Minutes

(Posted February 1, 2023)

You may have noticed in your Aira app that the prices listed for Add-on/Purchased Minutes haven’t changed and still reflect the 2022 pricing.  It’s not a mistake. We listened to your feedback about wanting offset pricing for these minutes. You can continue to buy Add-on/Purchased Minutes at 2022 prices through February 28, 2023.  Beginning on March 1, 2023, Purchased Minutes will be sold at “offset” prices as follows:

Price List

Bundle name:  25 Minutes

Retail Cost:  $100.00 US Dollars, £83.00, $158.00 NZD, $147.00 AUD

Your Cost after Aira’s Contribution:  $55.00 US Dollars, £46.00, $87.00 NZD, $81.00 AUD

Bundle name:  50 Minutes

Retail Cost:  $190.00 US Dollars, £158.00, $300.00 NZD, $280.00 AUD

Your Cost after Aira’s Contribution:  $100.00 US Dollars, £83.00, $158.00 NZD, $147.00 AUD

Bundle name:  100 Minutes

Retail Cost:  $365.00 US Dollars, £313.00, $575.00 NZD, $537.00 AUD

Your Cost after Aira’s Contribution:  $190.00 US Dollars, £158.00, $300.00 NZD, $280.00 AUD


From February 1, 2023 through February 28, 2023, you can purchase Add-on minutes at the 2022 prices. 

Beginning on March 1, 2023, we will refer to Add-on minutes as Purchased Minutes and will only offer them at “offset “prices. 

To learn more, join us for our February 15, 2023 monthly Explorer call at 3:00 pm Pacific time.  It will be streamed live on our YouTube channel and recorded for our podcast feed.

As always, thank you for being part of our community.

Announcement: Book Newly Listed on BARD Can Help Us Care for Our Older Dogs

Thanks to Shirley Manning for sharing this reading tip for all of us who use the National Library Service’s Braille and Recorded Downloads for entertainment and information. Here’s the description provided by NLS:

Good old dog: expert advice for keeping your aging dog happy, healthy, and comfortable DB110240

Lindner , Lawrence; Dodman, Nicholas H; Cummings School of Veterinary

Medicine. Reading time: 9 hours, 48 minutes.

Read by Dwayne Glapion.

Animals and Wildlife

“The human-animal bond is never stronger or more tender than when your dog’s muzzle turns gray and the spring in their step begins to diminish. After spending the better part of a decade or more with this beloved member of your family, making sure your canine friend ages comfortably and contentedly is a natural priority. And no one knows how to ensure healthy aging better than the renowned faculty of the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, who treat more than eight thousand older dogs annually. |Good Old Dog| brings their renowned expertise into your living room, providing you with essential advice on nutrition, health, and caretaking to see your dog through the golden years.” — Provided by publisher. healthy, and comfortable

Article: Short Story P-99

Lisa Gilmartin, December 28, 2022

GDUI member, president GDP Creative Tails writing group and a member of FCB-ACBU

For me, there are few joys better than hiking on the paved trails in the western United States.

The various new smells tantalizing my nostrils, the arid air on my skin, & the sounds of nature, if even in a breeze, absolutely fills my soul. The true thrill, for me, is to be one with nature. Animal encounters are always memorable, welcome or not.

I shared one of these hikes with my twin nieces, Jamie and Jesse, along with my guide Dog, Ravi, in the Santa Monica mountains up to the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California. It was lovely late afternoon on a beautiful January 2020 day. We found a canyon trail starting with a very steep incline. The girls read the posted signs on the bulletin board at the start of the trail for any pertinent information. There was nothing alarming listed. So we started our accent to the steep incline. When a mountain trail is extremely steep, it cuts sharply from right to left & back; this is known as a switchback to hikers. There were many switchbacks on this trail. As we reached the last steep switchback, it plopped us directly into the parking lot of the Griffith Observatory.

By this time, the sun was slipping slowly behind the mountains to the west as we took in the view. Dusk gave way to a beautiful evening sky. While taking it all in through my senses, I could hear howling in the distance. I told my nieces under no uncertain terms, “I’m not going back that way!“

Jamie walked over to a ranger asking, “What is that noise we hear in the distance?”

He told her, “Oh, it’s nothing, just coyotes. “

Really? Nothing? She explained to him that we had hiked from the canyon below to the observatory. She asked if it was dangerous for us to go down the trail in the dark with my guide dog. He assured her that as long as a dog is on a leash, coyotes would not bother us. I was still very skeptical.

When we had our fill of the observatory, it was late. Feeling exhausted, I succumbed to walking down the trail. I thought we’ll just walk quickly down the steep trail to the car in less than 10 minutes to make it easier Since we were unfamiliar with how else to get to the car. We reached our first switchback down the steep trail as we stepped onto the trail. Jesse and Jamie walked ahead of Ravi & me. They used their flashlights on their cell phones to walk quickly back down the pitch-black mountain. trail

Just then, we all heard a little rustling before reaching the second switchback, a very short distance away. Then came an animal noise.

Jesse turned, whispering, “Animal. Turn around.“ We all turned around back towards the parking lot in pitch blackness.

Suddenly I heard a very deep, low guttural sound, GROWL, about 9” in the back of Ravi’s tail! Jamie was already at the top by the parking lot. I thought I was walking fast but I was actually not moving at all!! I was frozen! I noticed my legs felt like cement from my knees to my hips. My brain said, “RUN!” but my legs could not move.

Jesse turned around to see me frozen. Ravi was stopped just looking at me, waiting for me to direct him. The deep growling was getting louder and louder right behind Ravi. As I recall these harrowing moments, I still remember that deep growling behind me as if it had just happened. Growl

Jesse yelled to Jamie, “Jamie, come help Lisa & Ravi!” I thought about what I wanted Jamie to do. I thought I would have her go behind Ravi to protect him and scare this unseen ominous creature. After that thought, the deep growling was so loud, so close behind Ravi, that I realized Jamie could not go behind us. As Jamie ran back to me, she asked me, “What do you want me to do?!”

I Outstretched my left hand, passing her the leash saying, “Take Ravi!!” In a flash, they were gone. Jamie was holding Ravi’s leash as the handle on his harness flailed about. Jesse grabbed my left arm, pulling me up the hill, insisting I move. I was still frozen. The louder, deepening growling was now about 3 feet behind me at this point! I started to feel the hairs on the back of my neck rising. The hairs on my arm stood at attention. I knew this was literally a do-or-die situation. Feeling a tingling, flooding body, I knew I was about to be attacked. In a surprise moment in my sheer terror, I clumsily raised my right arm at a 90-degree angle, waving my hand out away from me, trying to make myself look bigger. I turned my head to the right sounding extremely verbally challenged, as if I had never been able to speak clearly in my life, saying, “leave us alone!”

With that, I seemed to have broken some sort of spell. The hairs on the back of my neck and arms were no longer standing up. My legs started to move!

I was able to race up to the first switch back into the parking lot.

Once in the parking lot, we ran to a Ranger in his 60s. We shared our harrowing close encounters with an animal kind. He asked us what the noise sounded like. I repeated my low deep guttural growling imitation.

Nonchalantly, he shared, “It’s a relatively famous mountain lion called P-99. It has even been photographed by National Geographic in an article.”

Trying my best to be an advocate for hikers, I insisted a sign be put up warning hikers that a mountain lion lives in this canyon. His response floored me. He informed me no signs would be order to not ruin the natural beauty. I found it incredulous that warning signs will not be placed to warn hikers of P99!

Needless to say, Ravi did not go on any more hikes during that trip, nor did we do any night hiking.

Please realize the need to be very careful when hiking in nature with a guide dog or any pet!

Hikers are out soaking up nature. So are the animal inhabitants looking for the next meal!

P-99 lives in the Santa Monica Mountains. She was captured and tagged and released in September 2021. At that time, it was determined she was female to be 2-3 years old. While my experience in encountering P-99 is embedded in my memory, it IS her home. She is in the category of a puma. If we do not protect our wildlife, we could lose all pumas in this area in a few decades. The balance between personal enjoyment and respecting nature is a delicate one.


  • Central Bark: A Guide Dogs for the Blind Podcast: Careers & Canine Connections with APH (January 26th 2023)

Theresa sits down with GDB Youth Outreach Specialist, Jane Flower, and Richard Rueda from APH CareerConnect to discuss our upcoming collaborative project: Careers & Canine Connections. Geared toward young adults ages 18-24, this FREE week-long workshop will be equal parts fun and future-focused to help prepare attendees who are blind or visually impaired to enter the workforce with confidence and an understanding of how a guide dog might fit into that plan:

  • Shame and Vision Loss

(Hadley Presents- Friday, 2/3/2023)

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for feelings of shame to creep in when we’ve lost some vision. Join social worker Jeff Flodin and clinical psychologist Ed McDaniel, both of whom are visually impaired themselves, as they explore where these feelings come from and how they have worked through them in their own lives.

  • The Kevin McNally Show – Be Curious

By Kevin McNally

Everyone has a story! I am pursuing interesting people doing interesting things. As a legally blind musician, traveler, motivational speaker, lawyer, communicator,

and much more, I remain contagiously upbeat and happy. Come with me as we meet new people and share in their stories!

Just a few of the past episodes-

  • Choose Your Hard (January 19, 2023)

There is little we have control of in life. However, we do have a few areas where we have a choice.

  • Weird Laws- 2023 (January 17 2023)

The world is filled with some very strange laws

  • Perspective – 25 ways to be happier this year! (January 06, 2023)

Make 2023 a great year!

  • Sighted World: What you know about vision loss is false (March 26, 2021)

The sighted world does not truly understand vision loss. In this episode, I detail the truth of what vision loss looks like.

  • Balance and vision loss (September 05, 2022)

Did you know that a person’s balance can be severely impacted by vision loss?

  • Low Vision Life: clutter be gone! (April 06, 2022)

Living a life with low vision requires teamwork from people around you.

  • Fatherhood and Low Vision (December 27, 2022)

Does vision loss impact fatherhood?

Article: ACB President’s Message, Join Us at the Accessible Currency Rally

by Dan Spoone,

I’m so excited! This year’s in-person portion of the D.C. Leadership Conference will feature a rally in Lafayette Park across from the White House to raise our voices to promote inclusion on our U.S. paper currency. The 2023 D.C. Leadership Conference will offer something for everyone.

The first segment of the conference will feature a four-day virtual conference on the afternoons of Saturday, March 4 through Tuesday, March 7. This segment will include a two-day presidents’ meeting with interactive panel discussions, ACB committee updates and a keynote speaker. We will have a Sunday night “Fireside Chat” and personal interviews with our six new ACB board members who were elected in 2021 and 2022. The second two days will focus on advocacy issues with the legislative seminar. There will again be informative panel discussions, presentations from federal agency representatives and elected representatives. These presentations are always of great value to our members to help us understand the most pressing advocacy initiatives affecting our community. After Leslie’s and my experience with Southwest Airlines over the holidays, we can’t wait to talk with the FAA.

The second portion of the 2023 ACB D.C. Leadership Conference will be our first chance to get together in the nation’s capital in three years. We’re so excited. The in-person segment of the conference will be from Thursday, March 9 through Monday, March 13. The board meeting will be held on Thursday, March 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and broadcast on ACB Media. The Accessible Currency Rally will be held at Lafayette Park on Friday, March 10 in the afternoon. Saturday, March 11 and Sunday, March 12 will feature interactive focus workshops in the morning followed by plated lunches with inspiring speakers. These four days will also include a wonderful package of tours with visits to Mount Vernon, the Library of Congress, the U.S. Capitol, the White House Visitor Center and a narrated tour of the of the monuments on the National Mall with opportunities to explore the monuments. There will be a “Network Dine Around” on Saturday night and an opportunity to travel to Capitol Hill on Monday to visit with your state’s representatives and senators.

We strongly encourage everyone to register for the 2023 ACB D.C. Leadership Conference. The registration fee will be $25. There will be an additional $150 in-person registration fee for those attending the in-person segment of the conference. This fee includes the two plated lunches on Saturday and Sunday, the complete tour package, transportation to the rally and a rally reception, and participation in a set of leadership focus workshops. This will be a fantastic networking opportunity for all of our ACB leaders. We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 ACB D.C. Leadership Conference!

For complete information, visit:

Resource: Abilibits- Tasty bite size morsels from ABILITY Magazine, abilityJOBS & ABILITY Corps

Zhang Hong was born in Chongqing in 1975 and went blind due to glaucoma at age 21. He found his passion for mountaineering in 2015 and has conquered peaks of great height ranging from 5,800 meters to 7546 meters above sea level. He became Asia’s first blind man to summit Mt. Qomolangma from its south col (dip between peaks).

Article: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Some call it a Hallmark holiday while others just call it hell.  Valentine’s Day brings high-stakes expectations no matter your relationship status. If Cupid’s arrow has left you feeling more peeved than passionate this year, why not look to another species to find your Valentine?

10 reasons dogs make better valentines than humans do.

1. Dogs don’t need flowers

If you’ve ever been walking your dog when she’s stopped to smell the roses, you know that while humans see these flowers as a symbol of love, dogs see them as just another thing to pee on. If your Valentine is of the canine variety, consider yourself (and your bank account) lucky. No dog is sitting at home waiting for his human to come bursting in with a dozen overpriced, long-stemmed toilets.

2. They won’t buy you chocolate

If your New Year’s resolution involved cutting extra calories, a heart-shaped box of sugary chocolates isn’t exactly welcome a month and a half later. Some of us are still working off the results of the junk-food frenzy also known as the holiday season and would really rather get some puppy kisses than chocolate kisses at this point. Even if our pups could walk to the store to purchase a V-Day present, they wouldn’t pick out something we’ve repeatedly told them is poison.

3. They’re easy to please in the kitchen

Attempting to get to a human Valentine’s heart through his stomach can be a recipe for disaster. A home- cooked meal can be the highlight of the night, but it’s so hard to get right, especially if you’re used to cooking for canine companions with less discerning tastes. Not all of us have the culinary skills to wow a human date, but it’s guaranteed our dogs will love us even if the can opener is the only kitchen tool we’ve mastered.

4. No reservations required

If you’re the kind of cook only a dog could love, restaurant reservations are definitely required to impress a human date. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to spend 20 bucks on a heart-shaped pizza or drop some serious dough at a fancy five-star restaurant — you need to book way ahead or risk ending up in the drive-thru. Of course, if your dog is your date this V-Day, don’t stress. He’ll totally love a car ride and a value menu cheese-burger.

5. Pups don’t care what you wear

Choosing a dog as your date this Valentine’s Day also means you can say you’re going to slip into something more comfortable and actually mean it. Forget about lingerie or silk ties — your pup loves it when you wear your fur-covered sweat pants. To add extra excitement to your evening, pull your dog-walking jacket out of the closet, and you’ll have your pooch panting in no time.

6. You know what they want

Your dog’s expectations on Valentine’s Day are the same as they are any other day of the year — he wants you to come home, feed him, play with him, walk him, and cuddle him. Having a doggie date is so much simpler than dealing with a human honey. You never have to worry that your heartfelt but inexpensive gift will be met with an extravagant present and a disappointed date. Dogs know that J.Lo was right — love don’t cost a thing (but that doesn’t mean your pup wouldn’t appreciate a new chew toy).

7. Their presents aren’t pricey

Bones and balls are so much cheaper than diamonds and wristwatches, and thanks to the billion-dollar pet industry, dog lovers have near infinite choices when it comes to showing low-cost love for a canine Valentine. From blinged-out collars to heart-shaped satin beds, there are limitless ways to pamper your Valentine on a limited budget. Best of all, no dog is going to ask for a gift receipt.

8. They’ll definitely go to bed with you

For many, the big question on a Valentine’s Day date is this: Will I be spending the night alone? Many people in long-term relationships have found themselves in the proverbial dog house after picking up a last-minute Valentine’s Day card at the gas station, but a dog would never banish you to the couch just because you bought their treats at the last minute. They’re just happy to be in the bed in the first place.

9. Dogs don’t see red — or pink

If the typical Valentine’s Day color scheme of red and pink makes you want to puke, don’t worry — a doggie date won’t care if you choose to forgo the traditional hues on your night together. After all, our pups can’t even perceive pink, so go against tradition, and consider getting your best friend something in shades of blue or brown. I guarantee you he didn’t have his little doggie heart set on a color he can’t even see.

10. They just love us unconditionally

Dogs are everything a good Valentine is supposed to be. They’re devoted, adoring, and never late for a date. While a dog won’t be Instagramming your romantic Valentine’s Day carriage ride or popping the question over champagne, his commitment to you can’t be questioned. They say diamonds are forever, but the love of a dog is even stronger and worth more than the fanciest sparkler in the jewelry store.

Announcement: Surveys

  • Closing: April 24th 2023- Survey on Technology Used by Visually Impaired Translators and Interpreters

A visually impaired student in Translation Studies conducting a research for her dissertation would appreciate if blind or visually impaired translators and/or interpreters would fill in this survey about the technology they use to fulfill their translation-related tasks. She is especially interested in the types of technology used and their influence on the translators’ and interpreters’ productivity:

Surveys help inform APH of the greatest needs in the community so they can gear their efforts toward making sure those needs are met. Ongoing APH surveys can be found here:

  • PBS NewsHour Employment Survey (Dots and Dashes: February 6, 2023)

Are you a worker with a disability whose employment opportunities have changed during the COVID-19 pandemic? The PBS NewsHour wants to hear from you. In November, the employment rate for people who reported having a disability hit its highest level since record-keeping began in 2008. Several factors have led to this rise, including more opportunities for remote work, the tight U.S. labor market and the growing number of people with long COVID-related disabilities. Fill out the survey form here.

Resource: Dots and Dashes: (February 6, 2023)

  • A historic Indiana lawsuit brought by Disability Rights Advocates, Indiana Disability Rights and the American Council of the Blind of Indiana seeking increased ballot accessibility for voters with print disabilities has settled. As a result of the settlement, the state has agreed to acquire a new remote accessible ballot marking tool that will allow these voters to cast their absentee ballots privately and independently. Voters will be able to access and mark their ballots digitally with their own assistive technology thanks to this tool. Once the ballot has been marked, voters will be able to submit it via email. The tool will be available to voters in time for the May 2023 primary election. Read the Disability Rights Advocates press release:

  • Where to Find Oscar Nominees with Audio Description

If you’re a movie fan, you probably can’t wait to watch the Oscars on ABC next month. To help you get ready, ACB’s Audio Description Project has compiled a list of nominated films and where to find the ones with audio description. The 95th Academy Awards will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2023, at the Dolby® Theatre at Ovation Hollywood and will be televised live on ABC and broadcast to more than 200 territories worldwide. Until the big night, grab your popcorn and choose your own winners! For the list of nominees, and where to watch them with audio description, visit

If you like to be entertained and informed, the ACB Audio Description Project (ADP) discussion list is for you! It’s a great way to keep up with everything in the world of audio description (also known as AD), which includes movies, live theatre, museums, educational videos, national parks, and much more. You’ll get updates on the latest films, TV and streaming series, events, and attractions that are providing AD; announcements of AD news; and invitations to share your AD experiences with the ADP advocacy team. You can choose whether to receive each message posted to the list individually or as a weekly digest. Simply send a blank email to with “Subscribe” in the subject line, and you’re in!

Hadley Presents – Listen Now!

Resource: (News Flash! Pine Tree Guide Dog Users February Monthly News Update)

Pine Tree Guide Dog Users (PTGDU)

“Opening Doors to Independence and Opportunity”

  • New Educational Series Features Guide Dogs in Action

Maine’s Pine Tree Guide Dog Users recently launched a free educational series for students and others that provides information and materials about how blind people and guide dogs work together as a team, and how guide dogs use a variety of skills to safely guide their partners.

The series includes a supplemental document for teachers and other presenters; a professionally designed poster and handout of a guide dog team using five different skills; and a two-module lesson plan and worksheet for grades 2-3.

  • Helpful hints- Dog Boot Basics

As Maine temperatures drop and snow begins to fall, out comes the rock salt and other harmful chemicals that can damage your dog’s paw pads. Here’s a few boot basics to help keep your favorite canine cozy and safe this winter.

The perfect fit. Dogs front paws are generally larger than their rear ones so be sure to measure all four paws when sizing for boots. Watch this short video to learn how to get a proper fit.

Break in Those Boots. Use your hands to twist, bend and roll your dog’s new boots if they have stiff soles. This helps to speed up the “breaking in” process and give your dog a more comfy fit.

. Add socks. Consider using dog boot socks to enhance comfort, improve   fit, wick moisture, provide an added layer of warmth, and make it easier to get boots on. Use them to line rear boots that are too large, or use them to help prevent rubbing caused by straps. (When not in use, be sure to keep these boot liners away from any -sock-loving scoundrels in the household.)

Snug it up. Once the boots are donned, adjust the fit on each boot while the dog is bearing weight on it. Check the tension of the boot straps about 15 minutes into your walk and throughout the trip as needed. It may take a while for your dog to adjust to wearing boots so you may want to try a few brief practice sessions before venturing out. Good luck and happy trails!

  • PTGDU Recipe of the Month

A favorite recipe from the guide dog community.

Fidelco Guide Dog’s “Love Me More” Valentine Dog Treats

Prove just how much you love that special canine in your life with these heart-shaped doggie cookies

Note from editor- This sounds tasty enough for me to want for Valentine’s Day!


2 cups whole wheat flour

1 cup unsweetened applesauce

1/2 cup peanut butter*

2 tablespoons beet powder

1 tablespoon chia seeds


Plain Greek yogurt

Beet powder

Bee pollen granules

*use dog-safe peanut butter that contains NO xylitol

Mix dough ingredients in a large bowl. Flour a flat surface and roll out the dough. Cut out heart shapes using a cookie cutter and place on cookie sheet.  Bake at 350° for 15-20 minutes. Cool completely. Decorate with Greek yogurt sprinkled with beet powder and bee pollen granules.

Announcement- Great news from Uber

They now have a service animal hotline:

(833) 715-8237

Resource: Top Tech Tidbits (Thursday, February 2, 2023 – Volume 896)

  • An Open Letter From Jonathan Mosen: To Amazon’s Audible.Com Division: Please Reinstate Support For HumanWare’s Popular Victor Reader Stream Player For The Blind And Low Vision Community

On the Mosen at Large podcast, HumanWare detailed how a recent release of Audible Sync has broken support for the current generation of the Victor Reader Stream. If you are authorized already, you’re fine, but authorization for new users is broken. This issue extends to lack of support for the third generation of the Stream, which HumanWare expects to release initially to the US market sometime in February. Since this episode was published only a few hours ago, I’ve received a large number of inquiries asking if I would help set up some sort of open letter or petition to Audible about this issue. While I am not a Stream user myself, I am happy to help, because I strongly support blind people being able to access information in the way that works for them. There is no doubt that the loss of Audible support for the Stream will deprive a good number of people of their preferred means of reading Audible books, and some will unsubscribe from Audible altogether. I have now set up an open letter to Audible which you can sign if you wish. I’ve taken care to use a site that is accessible and does not needlessly collect information from you. I have had representatives from Audible on Mosen at Large in the Past. I will use those contacts to ensure the letter gets to the right place, and will also invite Audible on the podcast for comment. If you support this initiative, please spread the word via email lists and social media. Here is the link to the open letter:

  • Seeing AI Version 5.0 for iOS Now Includes Indoor Navigation Allowing The User to Create a Route and Later Follow The Route Using Spatial Audio Cues

What’s New: Indoor Navigation, available on iOS 14 and later, enables you to create routes through a building, and later follow that route, guided by spatial audio cues. For example, create a route from the reception desk to your office, or building entrance to a particular classroom. You can share the route with others, so they can navigate the route later on, using their own device. On the World Channel, when using headphones which support Spatial Audio, you no longer need to look in the direction of the camera. Seeing AI will adjust to the direction you’re looking, so sounds still come from the correct point in the room. Supported headphones include AirPods 3 and AirPods Pro. Improved announcements of people on the World Channel, when using a device with LiDAR. Plus, various bug fixes under the hood:

  • OneButtonPIN Improves Security For Blind And Low-Vision Users

Researchers at the University of Waterloo and the Rochester Institute of Technology have developed a new authentication method that could help blind and low-vision (BLV) users more securely access their devices. The new method, OneButtonPIN, allows users to input PIN codes using a single large button and a series of haptic vibrations:

  • Walking Stick Maps Surroundings And Identifies Grocery Store Items

Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have used artificial intelligence technology to enhance the capabilities of white canes:

  • Estee Lauder’s Voice-Enabled Makeup Assistant (VMA) App Provides Makeup Feedback To People With Visual Impairment

Applying makeup can be challenging for folks with visual impairment and many times, they have to reply on others to make sure their makeup is right. To help make this process easy without depending on others, Estée Lauder Companies recently launched a voice enabled app that can provide guidance and direction when a person applies makeup:

  • Opportunities to increase your knowledge and skill-set

February 21st 2023- Don’t Hesitate to Communicate, Vispero’s Own Blindness and Diversity Awareness Workshop

9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT

Presenter- Amy Albin (she/her), HR Intern, Vispero. Amy has been Vispero’s HR intern since September 2022. She will lead a unique workshop to spark open conversations about how sighted and blind/vision impaired people can interact comfortably together. You will learn tools that apply not just to sighted and blind/vision impaired people but also to anyone who is a member of a marginalized group. Whether you are sighted or blind/vision impaired, you will learn techniques to facilitate constructive communication with the diverse people in all areas of your life:

February 22nd 2023- RUBY Handheld Magnifiers: A Vision Solution for Every Situation

(ACVREP CE Approved, Assistive Technology Webinar) | Access Ingenuity

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 6PM GMT

Join Ian Ramos from Access Ingenuity with Joe McDaniel from Vispero to discuss the features and benefits of all the RUBY models and the assistance each can give in specific situations.

Did you know there are five RUBY models to help with your low vision needs?

All RUBY models have a crisp, sharp image, high-contrast modes, and built-in LEDs.

The streamlined design means RUBY can go with you anywhere, giving you easy access to photos, letters, prescriptions, packaging labels, and menus, even in a dark restaurant.

With its broad range of adjustable, undistorted magnification, a RUBY video magnifier outperforms a drawerful of traditional magnifiers

Note that everybody is welcome and can benefit from this presentation.

Learning Outcomes: Features of all RUBY models. How to determine the right size for you. How adding speech capability can take you further.

Passcode: 691785

One tap mobile: +16699009128,,85815563463#,,,,*691785# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

Join Zoom Meeting:

February 28th 2023- Tech It Out (Monthly Hadley Discussion Group)

4th Tuesday of every month at 5PM PT, 6PM MT, 7PM CT, 8PM ET, 1AM GMT (Next Day)

Learn a few tips about everyday technology from a technology expert, ask your questions, and share your experiences.

Resource- Access Information News- The Week’s News in Access Information,

(Access Information News for Monday, February 6, 2023 – Volume 896)

Note From the editor- This info packed resource is new to me. I particularly appreciate the fact that, in addition to being very interesting and formative, its target audience is people with diverse disabilities- not just blindness/low-vision.

  • Access Ready Seeks Guidance on New Accessible Technologies

What Technologies do you see in the market that are not accessible, but should be? What accessible technologies can you imagine that can make the lives of people with all kinds of disabilities better? We will advocate with developers to make existing technologies accessible on your behalf. We will advocate with developers to build new accessible technologies on your behalf. Give us your guidance and support. Your guidance charts our path toward what is most important. Your support funds our efforts on your


  • Ten Things Hospitals Can Do to Be More Inclusive and Accessible- David Goldfield

During the past twelve months I have spent a lot of time visiting and supporting my wife in two different hospitals. I have become keenly aware of how these places often lack accessibility which would make the experience easier and more inclusive for both patients as well as their visitors. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the medical professionals who have done so much to assist and support my wife. The following list is in no way meant as a criticism of the doctors, nurses, surgeons, respiratory therapists and other specialists who have provided support to us. These people should be honored and respected as much as our military and its veterans. Indeed, some of the people I have met in the medical field are true warriors and war heroes and I am in awe of them and what they do. They see death on a regular basis. Many of them are called to save lives. Sometimes they do save those lives. Other times they are unable to do so. I cannot imagine the effect on them of this amazing and necessary work.

That being said I’ve had some ideas of how hospitals could be so much more inclusive. These ideas would not require technology that we don’t already have. Some would require a financial investment but they wouldn’t require new technologies to be designed. While I don’t have time right now to work on this I’d like to help engage in advocacy at a later and more convenient time to see if we can turn some of these ideas into reality:

Learn more-

  • Meet The First-Ever Accessibility Engineer at The Washington Post

As some newsroom roles go the way of the dinosaurs, other new jobs are being born. This is the first in an occasional series of Q&As with people who are the first to hold their title in their newsroom:

  • Colorado Woman Combats Norms by Becoming First in Her School To Obtain Black Belt In A Wheelchair

Prior to an injury that I sustained about 6 years ago now that left me with limited mobility I was a practitioner of traditional Korean Taekwondo for almost 15 years. I earned my 3rd Degree Black Belt under the late Grand Master Moo Hwan Kim and during that time taught thousands of students and competed in over a thousand full contact traditional and Olympic-stye Taekwondo sparring tournaments. And I just want to say, from experience, that martial arts families, of all styles and types, are comprised of some of the kindest people that you will ever meet. And more to the point, some of the most understanding with regard to different levels of ability. Everyone thinks that martial arts is about fighting. I certainly did. But it’s really about living. So if you live with a disability, please don’t think that martial arts aren’t for you. They may be just what the doctor ordered. 9NEWS: It is said that less than 10 percent of people who pursue karate will ever obtain their first degree black belt, and it takes years of practice to achieve that accomplishment. Of that 10 percent, one woman at 5280 Karate Academy Foundation in Lakewood, Colorado is defying even more odds. Anita Liuzzi broke barriers by becoming the first person in a wheelchair to earn a black belt at 5280 Karate Academy in Lakewood, Colorado:

  • 3D-Printed Braille Playdoh Stampers

Use a 3D printer to create your own braille playdoh stamper from the free file:

Editor’s note:

announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

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Our Twitter timeline can be accessed at

Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report podcast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

To join the GDUI-Announce List, visit this link:

To subscribe to the GDUI Chat list, visit this link:

To subscribe to the (members only) GDUI Business list, visit this link:

Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 2, May 2022 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

This issue is quite robust. That is not because I have suddenly gotten way better at my job- rather because two people lent assistance and provided material. I ask you to imagine how replete this publication could be if more than just two (my use of “just” is in no way meant to belittle, diminish, or devalue their contributions) actually through this editor a bone once and a while. Also, while it in no way lowers my level of gratitude, these two contributors are the same two who can always be counted on. They simply upped their game this tine as I am really struggling. All of this is to say, “Please help!”

I hear, third or fourth hand, that folks are less than satisfied with how this publication is going. Well, I am not so enthusiastic about it recently either, however, it is bigger than I can manage all by myself. So, if even one out of ten of you sent an article, announcement, or even a topic idea, this publication would be truly of GDUI, for GDUI!

Now, as for this issue- There is some time sensitive information (fast approaching deadlines) so I have put those at the beginning. Lots of convention information. Don’t forget to get your drawing tickets for the Hava pups!! There are articles and announcements covering a diverse topic continuum. We have drugs, money, and the Feds!!; Also, tech tips and trainings… read, enjoy, and stay safe. Give your pups kisses on their fuzzy noses from me!

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Dynamite Dog

From the President: Hello GDUI members and friends,

As we enjoy the last days of spring and move into the sunshine-filled days of early summer, we hope everyone has had a wonderful first half of 2022!

The GDUI convention program committee has scheduled so many interesting and fun-filled programs for this year’s convention!

Whether you are participating virtually or in-person, we invite each of you to enjoy our programs! Just look at what we have lined up for you!

Furry tails, a joint event with Blind Pride International (BPI); Cryo preservation presented by Southeastern Guide Dog School; The popular guide dog school updates; Smart collars, Panel facilitated by Carl Richardson, with speakers from Guiding Eyes, IBM and North Carolina State University; and The Presentation of GDUI awards, the drawing for winners of the four plush dogs in harness, and ending with The Blessings presented by Audrey Gunter and Laurel Jean Walden!

We will be giving away door prizes during all of our events! If you would like a chance to win a prize, all you need to do is pay the

$10.00 GDUI registration fee when you register on the ACB Convention registration form.

Many of our GDUI members have recently begun working with a new guide dog! (I am just one of the GDUI members who is working and bonding with a new guide dog.) It has been fun to hear about all of the new partnerships as the new teams begin their journeys!

Congratulations as you share many miles and smiles!

In GDUI we always want to encourage our members to become as involved with our organization as you want to. A great way to get more involved and to help with our important work is to join one of our committees.

Find a committee list here: Committees – Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)


Elections will be taking place in October 2022, so please also consider running for a board position! All of the officer positions are open, plus several director positions as well. Be on the lookout toward the end of the summer for more information about the coming elections and the process for running for an officer or board director position.

Keep up with the latest happenings in GDUI by visiting our very accessible web site:

Have fun this summer, enjoy the convention and as always, please feel free to reach out to me at or,

Sarah Calhoun

Announcement: Furry-Tails Award! Deadline is May 29! So…

Hop Up!! There’s hardly any time Left to nominate your current or past guide dog

ACB Furry-Tails: Presented by Sunday edition and GDUI

Over the last 60 years, there have been so many memorable moments and people we want to honor in the American Council of the Blind.  And, there have also been so many Furry Skilled

Professionals who will always live in our hearts and memories. We want to honor these extraordinary guide dogs as well, and now, thanks to Anthony Corona’s ACB Media program, Sunday Edition, and GDUI, we have the perfect opportunity!

Sunday edition is partnering with GDUI in a program to recognize these amazing Guide dogs. This year in Omaha during the National Conference and Convention join us as we remember and honor these wonderful dogs and of course their handlers, as well. 

How Furry-Tails will work:

Sunday edition will collect nominations from March 1st until May 29th Then a committee from GDUI and Sunday edition will select 10 Furry-Tail recipients

Who will be winners at the first-ever convention Furry Tails Awards Program? A Paw shaped plaque will be awarded to each winning handler or representative of the handler and a testimonial will be

placed on the Furry-Tails webpage that will be created for this awesome program. Pictures and video testimonials will be recorded for the program and winning handlers will have the opportunity to address program attendees to share memories of their special Furry-professionals. Additionally, Sunday edition will highlight

the awardees on the weekly program in august. 

 Submissions should include:

A written testimonial of 500 to 750 words; including the story of said Furry-professional with anecdotes and accomplishments. Please include any memorable moments from the life of the nominee. Who is the handler and who will represent the handler and nominee at convention. A bright and clear picture of the nominee and one of the team. ***Pictures are optional *** Any folks who wish to share stories and memories of the nominee. 

Please send your nominations to:

 Use the Subject: Furry-Tails Nominee

 As we celebrate 60 memorable years of the American Council of the Blind let’s celebrate the Furry members who have added so much to our great community

together. Look for more information on Furry-Tails in the National Convention Program and announcements on Sunday edition. We look forward to brushing

through the submissions and presenting these amazing stories for ACB Members at convention. 

Sincerely Yours,

The Sunday edition Team and the Leaders of GDUI


GDUI 2022 Convention Update:

(Please make note of changes in our GDUI convention program schedule, listed below.)

In response to a request from ACB, there have been some adjustments in our convention schedule.  We are happy to accommodate ACB’s need for us to alter our convention schedule, and we hope that these changes will actually make your convention planning less complicated than usual. (It’s always so difficult to decide which affiliate events will take precedence over others that occupy the same time frames on each day’s schedule, or convention tours or just hanging out with friends.) In fact, the schedule changes, outlined below, may open up some additional options for fun and entertainment whether you’re planning to be in Omaha in person or celebrate Independence Day at home.

We are confident you remember that the GDUI board of directors voted to make our 2022 convention a virtual-only event. While, if attending in person, the ACB conference and convention in Omaha- all guide dog users will be welcome at all sessions and events; by making our affiliate convention virtual, the board has guaranteed that all of our events will be available via ZOOM. Therefore, when ACB asked, we were able to re-schedule several of our virtual events to occur earlier than the in-person convention week of July 1-8. As it happens, this virtual thing worked out quite well! When we requested a double session to accommodate our Guide Dog Schools Update, the only day that was available to us was the 4th of July. Now that the schools update can be scheduled for the earlier week in June, you and all of the guide dog schools’ representatives can make plans to celebrate our country’s birthday in more traditional ways, and scheduling so many of our convention   events in June frees lots more time for you to attend other fascinating ACB special-interest affiliate programming, and to sign up for some amazing-sounding tours.

Registration for GDUI is $10.00, whether or not you are attending ACB’s convention in person or via ZOOM, and includes eligibility to win door prizes.

Here’s what you need to know if you are planning to attend the ACB Conference and Convention in person:

So far, 7 guide dog schools have indicated that they will be present in the Exhibit Hall in July.  We hope that some trainers will be available to assist guide dog handlers who need help with orientation to the hotel, the dog relief areas and the convention center.  GDUI will not have a suite this year so, we will count on the guide dog school representatives to identify a meeting area in a convenient location where guide dog users and trainers can get together. As always, we appreciate the wonderful assistance the guide dog school representatives and trainers offer to all guide dog users attending convention.

GDUI convention program schedule

Please note that the first three events listed below are scheduled for the pre-convention week of virtual events, on June 23 and 24. All meeting events are listed in Central (convention) time.

Thursday, June 23

11:30 AM-2:15 PM guide dog school updates

virtual)- No fee

A Double session of the ever-popular updates from all the guide dog schools.

Friday, June 24

1:00-2:15PM Science for Superheroes:  Video presentation and discussion of Cryopreservation (virtual)- No fee

Demonstrating how semen samples from male breeders are frozen and stored.  Other topics touched on are genetic diversity, dual careers for dogs and superheroes for years to come.  (We thank Bruno for the sample.) 

Speaker: ZUHEY MEDINA-GONZALEZ | Director, Genetics, Reproduction, & Puppy Care

Southeastern Guide Dogs, Palmetto, FL.

Friday, June 24

2:30-3:45 PM Supercomputers and Super Pups

(virtual)- No fee

Learn how a guide dog school has teamed up with North Carolina State University and IBM to use artificial intelligence and smart collars to increase the

number of exceptional guide dogs available to provide our community with greater independence.

Panel facilitated by Carl Richardson, President, Guide Dog Users of Massachusetts (Brighton, MA);

From Guiding Eyes for the Blind, Yorktown Heights, NY.  Gerald Brenninkmeyer, Director of Canine Program Development;

Melissa Carney, Community Outreach and Graduate Support Manager;

And, Retired from GEB, Jane Russenberger, working on a special project with the International Working Dog Registry on Genetics of Working Dogs;

From IBM, Armonk, NY.   Lorraine Trapani, Executive Program Manager, Global Risk Management Import Compliance Office (ICO)IBM Government and Regulatory Affairs;

From North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Dr. Alper Bozkurt, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;

And Dr. David L. Roberts,

Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, and CIIGAR Lab Director (Canine Instruction with Instrumented Gadgets Administering Rewards).

The following GDUI convention programs remain on our originally-announced schedule for convention week, July 1-8, 2022:

Saturday, July 2

11:30 AM-12:45 PM Furry Tails

(Onsite and virtual)- No fee

There have been so many “Furry Skilled Professionals” over the years who will always live in our hearts and memories.  Sunday Edition and GDUI want to

recognize some of these amazing guides.  Join us as we remember and honor these wonderful dogs and their handlers. (Anthony Corona)   

Sunday, July 3

7:00-8:15 AM Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast

(Onsite and virtual)- No fee

GDB Grads: If you are attending the ACB convention in Omaha, get together with GDB for Breakfast!

GDB grads can connect with friends and staff; those considering the guide dog lifestyle are welcome to attend, as well. If you’d like to join GDB for breakfast please email Theresa at

If you are attending convention virtually, you will be able to listen to the program via zoom or on ACB media.

Wednesday, July 6

5:30-6:45 PM GDUI: Wrap-up and Awards

(Onsite and virtual)- no fee

GDUI Awards (Margie Donovan, Awards Chair, Folsom, CA);

Drawing of four winners of plush pups in harness;

And the Blessing of past, present and future

guide dogs, puppy raisers, handlers and those who love them- (Audrey Gunter and Laurel Jean Walden, Charleston, SC).

Whether you are attending the ACB conference and convention in person, or attending events virtually, we welcome you to all of our June and July GDUI convention events, and we join you in looking forward to a fabulous GDUI convention!

Maria Hansen

GDUI Program Chair & 1st Vice President


More about what Audrey and Laurel are up to!

A Message from Your Rovering Reporter Bernie: Here’s What You Need to Know about the Blessing of the Guide Dogs Scheduled for GDUI’s 2022 Convention

Hello, Pups and Peeps;

This is your rovering reporter, Bernie The Guide Dog, coming to you all almost live from the state of Inclusion at the intersection of Excitement and Exuberance! 

Today, I’d like to talk with you all about GDUI’s upcoming convention.

I’m not exactly sure what a convention is, but my Bubba Jessie knows…he’s been to lots of them.  When he talks about them he wags his tail and licks

his lips as he remembers the yummy food all those blind folks just happened to drop on the floor.  He said lots of sighted folks did, too, especially at

the last Top Dog-Charleston way back in January, ’19.  Jessie said a guide has to be careful to dodge all those other working furries and, of course some of those long, white canes.

I admit all that does sound inviting, ‘specially the part about the food, but I need to talk with you now about GDUI’s annual convention in Omaha, Nebraska scheduled for June and July!

I overheard that strange voice in Mom’s ‘puter tell about the great programs Miss Maria H and those other nice folks on her committee have put together

and I can hardly wait to learn more about those “smart collars” and “super heroes” (like me) and the updates from the guide dog schools, along with all

those other interesting programs!  I know I’ll be all ears…and, being a lab, I’ve got some big, long ears!

Did you know that I’m going to be a part of this year’s convention?  That’s right!  Bernie The Guide Dog, (that’s me), will be officiating at “The Blessing”! 

Well, actually Mom and Aunt Laurel will be doing all the talking but I need to be there to help them both with something Mom calls “moral support”.  I’m

not exactly sure about what that entails, but I think it must be good ‘cuz Mom always smiles when she talks about it and me.  We’re hoping bubba Jessie

can be there too, but he’s over 13 years old now and not feeling so well.  Mom says he’ll be there with us in spirit, regardless though.

For our “Blessing” to be successful, we’ll need YOUR help.  You see, Aunt Laurel is planning to offer some of her way cool music before she honors those

guides that have retired and does a special tribute to those who have crossed that famous”Rainbow Bridge”.  You won’t want to miss either of those.  She

does a special audible candle light memorial that Bubba Jessie says always makes our 2 legged folks sad and happy at the same time.

Mom and I will be there to pay special homage to all of us currently working guides.  Don’t worry, though.  Aunt Laurel will be doing all the singing while

Mom just listens.  No matter how much she practices, Mom just cannot carry a tune in a bucket!  I love her, anyway, though.

What we need YOU to do is to send Mom and Aunt Laurel the names of those you want mentioned during this service and be sure to tell us if they are retired

or passed on We don’t want to leave anyone out, so please send us your names by June 10, 2022. 

We didn’t forget the puppy raisers, either!  We all LOVE puppy raisers!  So, please ask all the puppy raisers you know to join us for a special blessing

of our future guides!  Here’s the email address you should send your names to:

Well, I’ve gotta go for now.  Mom is cooking something that smells scrumpt ta de lishus and I have to be ready for floor cleanup duty.  I know you all

understand.  So, until the next time, this is your rovering reporter, Bernie The Guide Dog wishing you all loads of love and lots of licks!


Bernie The Guide Dog

This year GDUI is again holding the enormously popular drawing. It is better than ever- 4 plush pups in harness thanks to Hava’s the extraordinary generosity!!!

Each pup measures 12 inches from tip of nose to tip of tail and is 10 inches tall. Tickets are three for $5.00 or seven for $10.00. These pups get along so well with one another and have even developed some “special friendships” so, feel free to purchase tickets for more than one. Also, remember, the Hava Pups are seriously coveted and make terrific gifts for other guide handlers, puppy raisers, kids, grand kids, other people’s kids, special trainers, your vet, groomer, or a pet sitter.

Get your tickets from the GDUI website using the below link

or contact GDUI’s Office Manager, Lynn Merrill, by phone: 1-866-799-8436 

Ticket sales will end at high noon, central time, on Wednesday, July 6 and winners will be announced during the GDUI wrap-up and awards session which begins, later that same day, at 5:30 PM central time.

Let’s meet this year’s string:

list of 4 items

  1. Rascal, a yellow lab in a beautiful GDA harness.  He is the youngest and loves to play.  However, when he is in harness, he is laser-focused on his job.  He looks up to the other guides and is eager to please.

(Please include picture, with caption, from website here)

  1. Cocoa, a chocolate lab in a Leader harness.  She is a sweet little pixie with a heart of gold who eagerly greets each new day. After work and playtime, she’s a little cuddle bug. 

(Please include picture, with caption, from website here)

  1. Banner, a black and tan German shepherd in a Fidelco harness.  Able to multi-task.  While working, playing, or even at rest, he is vigilant and taking care of his “pack”.  Very loyal.

(Please include picture, with caption, from website here)

  1. Bella, a golden in a Seeing Eye harness.  Gentle and nurturing.  She has such a beautiful face.  She is an excellent worker and a calm and relaxing companion.    

(Please include picture, with caption, from website here)

Announcement: Link to an Accessible Department of Transportation Service Animal Air Transportation Form

Thanks to great advocacy by Sheila Styron, Becky Davidson, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, and others, we are sharing a link to an accessible DOT form, which we believe will be acceptable to any airline you are using to travel to Omaha this summer. Gabriel successfully advocated with American Airlines to persuade them to format the DOT form they provide on the American Airlines web site as an accessible form, which a person who uses a screen reader can complete independently. Since, according to the U. S. Department of Transportation, all of the airlines are required to utilize the same form (no matter how they happen to format it on their own web pages, we believe that, if you complete the form, print it, and bring it with you to the airport, you shouldn’t have any problems boarding your plane with your guide dog.

(Disclaimer: Please note, we make no prior claims regarding the circumstance you may actually find yourself in at your particular airport or on your particular travel date. We are all too well aware that the level of training of various airline representatives and airport personnel can vary widely, so please take our advice with a proverbial grain of salt, and be prepared for other eventualities.)

Gabriel tells us that the American Airlines DOT form is good for one calendar year, they keep it on file for that year, and unless your dog’s Rabies vaccine expires before the end of the year, you won’t have to fill out the DOT form again until the next year.

We do not know which other airlines — if any — make the DOT form applicable for an entire calendar year, but, since all domestic airlines are utilizing the DOT form—whether or not they follow American Airlines’ example and assure its accessibility – we believe that the form for which we are providing the link below will make your air travel to convention easier.

Contact American – Questions, comments and suggestions – American Airlines (  

Thank you to Janet Dickelman, ACB Convention Coordinator, and Sheila Styron for sharing the PDF form via e-mail on ACB and GDUI e-mail discussion lists, and to Becky Davidson and Gabriel Lopez Kafati for their helpful clarifications.

Announcement: Talking Prescription Labels, you may not know all the facts, I sure didn’t!

Many pharmacies today provide some type of accessible prescription label, unfortunately few people are using them. En-Vision America needs to hear from you! Even if your pharmacy does NOT offer ScripTalk they will help you get set up with the option your pharmacy provides.

  1. Reach out to En-Vision America by calling 800-890-1180 or emailing
  2. Tell them what pharmacy you use
  3. Let them do the rest! They will help you get set up with the option that is provided OR they will contact your pharmacy to see if they will provide ScripTalk to you.
  4. ALL of these options are FREE to you

It is common that your pharmacy staff will not be aware of the options available. En-Vision America will take the frustration out of getting set up!

Amanda Tolson

Vice President of Sales, En-Vision America

825 4th Street W, Palmetto FL 34221

Toll Free: 800-890-1180


Announcement: snippets of tech news and coming attractions

(Excerpted from- Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, May 19, 2022 – Volume 859

The Week’s News in Adaptive Technology,

informative links:

  • Breaking: Android 13 will Include Built-in Braille Support, Supplanting BrailleBack

Android 13 will at long last include built-in braille support without the need to download a separate app. The feature was announced by Google’s Nimer Jaber during a session at this year’s IO conference:

  • Human-Narrated Audiobooks (Beta) Are Here

Bookshare announced that they are adding over 5,000 audiobooks to its library for members to download. Previously, Bookshare’s offerings were text-only, which members used text-to-speech software to access:

  • Video Playlist from Microsoft Ability Summit 2022

Here you will find all recorded sessions from the Microsoft Ability Summit, hosted virtually on May 10th 2022:

  • Toggle Full Screen in a Microsoft Teams Meeting

When you join a Microsoft Teams meeting, the meeting usually opens in a separate window. You can always maximize an application window by pressing Alt + Space, then X, or Windows key + Up Arrow. But you can get rid of the title bar at the top of the Teams meeting window by pressing F11. This gives a little more space for the application. It is actually the same shortcut to activate full screen in a browser window, and other applications like File Explorer:

  • 7 Common Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Smartphone

Everyone does it. We’re all human, after all. But, if you avoid these mistakes, your smartphone is guaranteed to last longer:

  • Hadley offers Invaluable Help for Visually Impaired Travelers to Make the Most of Vacation

Many of us are looking forward to traveling again this summer. For the millions of older Americans with visual impairments, however, traveling may seem like more of a challenge, especially if their eye condition is new to them. But with a little preparation and proper resources, those with low vision or blindness can continue to enjoy traveling:

Learning opportunities:

  • Using iOS Shortcuts- Andrew Heiskell Braille And Talking Book Library

Thursday June 9th 2022, 11AM PT, 12PM MT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 6PM GMT

Shortcuts can be used to automate tasks and save time. Join us to explore examples of effective shortcuts and learn to create your own. This event will take place in person and online. Email to RSVP in person, or register to participate online:

  • Gadgets and Apps for Safe Navigation-Technology User Group, Maryland State Library

June 11th 2022- 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 2PM GMT (All events are currently being held via teleconference until further notice.)

Please dial (319) 527-4994 at 10 AM ET.

There are many apps and devices that can aid a visually impaired traveler through the unknown. Avoid low-hanging obstacles and other obstructions. Which ones can you afford and which ones offer the best protection?

Announcement: TSA Performance survey (6/6/22 deadline)

The Department of Homeland Security’s Continuous Improvement in Transit Security Administration Performance Survey: Responses Requested by June 6!

The Transit Security Administration has asked us to distribute their “Continuous Improvements of TSA Services” survey to our members. Responses/feedback can be sent to by June 6, 2022.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Survey questions are pasted below.

Question #1. Please share any disability experiences or observations with TSA’s standard and/or TSA PreCheck® screening activities (e.g., Regarding program access, effective communication, physical access, provision of reasonable modifications).

Question #2. What are some “promising practices” you can share for how to successfully interact/engage with individuals with disabilities, including the following situations as they are related to your experiences?

  • Traveling with a medical device, including an indwelling medical device;
  • Traveling with a prosthetic;
  • Traveling with a wheelchair, walker, scooter or other medical device;
  • Traveling with a service animal;
  • Traveling with sensitivities to touch, pressure, sound, or hypersensitivity to stimuli in the environment; or
  • Other disabilities.

Question #3. What topics would you like discussed during TSA Disability and Medical Conditions Coalition Teleconferences?

Question #4. What suggestions can you make to further improve TSA services for travelers with disabilities and medical conditions?

Question #5. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Question #6. If there are other not-for-profit or advocacy organizations that you think we should engage with, please share their details.

Please send responses/feedback to by June 6, 2022.

Article: Maine’s blind residents share firsthand knowledge & expertise about life with a guide dog


Pine Tree Guide Dog Users, a nonprofit organization serving Maine’s blind and visually impaired residents who are partnered with guide dogs recently launched its newly designed website.

From adorable guide dog puppies in training to extraordinary guide dog teams at work, the site features content related to all aspects of Maine life with a guide dog.

“Our new website is designed to provide accurate information and resources to a variety of audiences,” said Pauline Lamontagne, President of Pine Tree

Guide Dog Users. “It includes content about living and working with a guide dog, adjusting to vision loss, training guide dog puppies, accessing public places, and much more.”

The site offers something for everyone — whether you’re a student gathering information for a school project, a business owner trying to determine how to identify a legitimate service animal, a legislator seeking facts about Maine’s guide dog teams, a blind person wishing to learn more about what it’s like to partner with a guide dog, or anyone else who has an interest in learning more about Maine’s guide dog teams.

“The topic headers on the site are presented in bold, more visible fonts so viewers can quickly scan the contents on each page,” said Carolyn Bebee, a lead member of the Pine Tree Guide Dog Users website design committee.

The site also showcases captivating, real-life images of Maine’s guide dog teams at work, at play, and even guide dog puppies in training. Many of these photos were taken courtesy of and Maureen G. Nowak Photography. The photographs will also be used on Pine Tree Guide Dog Users new Facebook page.

Pine Tree Guide Dog Users (

is a registered nonprofit under IRS section 501(c)(3). Founded in 1997, the organization’s mission is to promote complete acceptance of guide dog teams in all aspects of life.

Article: A new dog learns some important tricks: Helping his blind owner

Perspective by John Kelly, Columnist, May 2, 2022

[From A lot of training goes into getting a guide dog ready to help its owner – The Washington Post. We thank John Kelly for writing such an informative column, and the Washington Post for helping to educate the public about the etiquette we expect from them when we are out and about with our guide dogs. Thanks to Maria Kristic, who has two Leader dogs of her own, one recently retired, and one nearly brand new, for sharing this article with Paws for GDUI News You Can Use.]

“To handle an environment like D.C., you need a dog with some oomph and some gumption,” says Kathryn Roberts, a trainer with

Leader Dogs for the Blind.

It helps if the owner has those same qualities, which is why Moira Shea and her new guide dog, Cormac — Mac, as she calls him — seem like a perfect pair.

“Find the button,” Shea says at a Connecticut Avenue NW street corner. “Find the button, Mac.”

She follows the yellow Lab — her left hand on his leather harness — as the dog strides toward the pole-mounted crosswalk button at Cathedral Avenue NW.

For the last two weeks, Shea, 66, and Roberts, 33, have been involved in a changing of the guard: The 18-month-old Mac is learning to take over from Shea’s previous guide dog, a yellow Lab named Declan.

“I don’t think people really understand how guide dogs are trained,” Shea says.

Says Roberts: “People assume it just happens, but it’s a lot of work on Moira’s part and on the dog’s part. It’s 50-50.”

On this Sunday morning, Shea and Mac — with Roberts observing from a few feet away — are going to walk up Connecticut Avenue, get on the Metro at Cleveland

Park, ride it south to Woodley Park, exit, then walk three blocks back to the house Shea shares with her husband, Christophe Lorraine.

“Forward, Mac,” Shea says, urging Mac on.

Shea has Usher syndrome, which slowly robbed her of her vision and hearing. (A cochlear implant allows her to hear.) Her first guide dog was Beau, who

came into her life in 1994. Owen was her dog when Shea lost her vision completely.

Finnegan was Shea’s next guide dog, a golden retriever who accompanied her to eight different countries, including Mexico, Italy and France. Then there was Declan.

Now it’s Mac’s turn. He spent his first year living with a “puppy raiser” in Michigan. Then he underwent five months of training at Leader Dogs’ facility in Rochester Hills, 30 miles north of Detroit.

And now he’s in Washington with Shea, who retired 10 years ago after a federal government career. He pads along the left side of the sidewalk. When a tree box intrudes into the sidewalk; he moves to the right.

The landscape is studded with obstacles: restaurant sandwich boards, rental scooters, construction pylons. Some pedestrians are so obsessed by their phones that they step aside only at the last minute.

Then there are the other dogs.

“Mac, for the most part, isn’t distracted by them,” Shea says.

When there’s a problem, it’s usually the owner’s fault. Our little caravan is just past the National Zoo when a yapping and nipping Pomeranian strains at its leash to get at Mac, who stops and sits in an apparent attempt to defuse the situation.

The Pomeranian’s human makes no attempt to reel in the dog. Roberts implores him to keep moving.

People: If you and your dog encounter a guide dog and its owner, give them a wide berth.

Mac and Shea find the elevator at the Cleveland Park station. On the platform, Shea feels along the tiled edge with her foot for the tactile bumps. When the train comes, she follows Mac aboard and takes a seat.

Shea used to have a sign on her dog’s harness that read “Don’t pet me. I’m working.”

“I don’t use it anymore,” she says. “People start talking to the dog. They think ‘As long as I’m not petting it, it’s okay.’”

She prefers a different sign: “Ignore me. I’m working.”

Says Shea: “Once the harness is on him, he knows he’s working. And he knows he can’t socialize with you. That’s why you don’t want people petting the dogs when they’re in harness, because they get confused.”

At Woodley Park, Shea and Mac ride up on the escalator, something he was trained to do in Michigan. Guide dogs tend to hop off at the end, Roberts says.

“Finnegan used to just fly off,” Shea says.

At first, Mac walks past Shea’s house and Roberts calls him back. Soon he’ll remember exactly where it is, just as he’ll know which pharmacy and dry cleaner Shea goes to. Back inside, his harness removed, Mac is just another dog, part of a pack that includes Declan, Finnegan and a golden retriever named Asia.

Declan’s a bit bigger than Mac, but at first touch they seem like twins. Shea can tell them apart by rubbing her hand down the front of the dog’s face.

Mac’s fur changes direction there, like a zipper between his eyes.

“It’s like a cowlick,” she says, her hand rubbing along it. “When I was little, I used to rescue dogs all the time. And then dogs rescued me.”

Article- Anders’ solo tour- August 2021,

(I am including this because GDUI’s esteemed past president, my co-editor, and- most importantly- my dear friend, Penny said I “had to!”- Andrea Giudice)

I find myself here again, facing the retirement of my guide dog.

On February, 18, 2013 I first met Anders. He was a big furry stranger, cute and friendly but an unknown quantity as a partner. He did not bolster my confidence when, moments after meeting him, he exuberantly spun in circles chasing his tail. To make matters more ominous for my belief in him as a guide, he caught his vigorously wagging tail… and promptly fell over! My precise thought, “I am going to die, and die spectacularly!” However, I trust Guide Dogs for the Blind, and his trainer, so I figured I would try to withhold final judgement until I worked him. I am so glad I did, even at 17 months old Anders worked like a veteran guide! I have never had a guide who’s “on/off” switch is so immediately triggered by the presence or removal of the harness. Anders embodies the very essence of leaving work at work- in harness he is a Consummate professional, out of harness he is a goofy lummox!

All these years later, with our time as partners hurdling to its end, I am struggling on so many fronts- with his retirement from work, his imminent absents from my daily life, with the realization that his successor will have the legacy of Anders as my freshest point of reference. Emotions rampage, memories swirl, and there is a low-grade melancholy slithering below it all.

Anders has given Eight and a half years of service to me. He has, without complaint, guided me in the cold, hot, wet, and snow- along both familiar and completely unknown routes. Sure, I give him praise, treats, pats, and ear scritches, however, these truly fall ridiculously short of the mark when measured against all he gives me. Providing him the opportunity to retire, to no longer have life and death decisions to make with each step he takes as my guide, to no longer have all those pesky rules to follow, to have the option to “say no” when given a command- this is the greatest gift I know how to give him; the best way I know to honor his years of work! It was put to me this way recently- he gave me my freedom and independence, now I am giving him his freedom and independence.

I have confessed, in other writings, that capturing the what and how of my relationship with my guides is difficult… well, that has nothing on this. How to convey the depth and breadth of the impact of Anders on my life? How to impress upon you, the reader of this feeble attempt, the inexplicably, staggering, immensity of what I feel? How to capture with mere words the complexity of the bond Anders and I share? How to accurately communicate the dizzying array of emotions tied to our partnership, and his retirement? So many questions, not sure if I have the answers, but I am going to give it my best shot!

Who is this magical, masterful Anders Gus Giudice? He is known by many names- Derbers, Dersey Boy, Ders, Bers, BerGitieBog, AndersDahgon, Augon Daugon, Ahgon Bahgon (or just Ahgon or Bahgon), Auggie Dawggie,

Monster Pantz, Poggy Bear, Mr. Van Anderpantz (Pantz for short), Bawpie, Dear Boy, Pancake, Puddles, Poppycat, Derbawggens (this isn’t even all of them)- no matter the name by which you call him he is most undoubtedly one-of-a-kind!

I have been reflecting on the events, experiences, notable moments, joys and sorrows that all share one distinct feature, I got through them with Anders by my side. For me, all my moments- big and small, happy and sad, joyous and devastating, mad and glad, exciting and run-of-the-mill, adventurous and ordinary, vacation and work-a-day, scary and brave, home and away, frantic scampering and chilled out sauntering, familiar and unknown-are better with a guide by my side. I find myself marking life’s events by which dog I was partnered with when they occurred. So, there has been a flood of event remembrances, momentous and mondain that coincide with the tenure of Anders.

Of course, there are the not so usual, cruises, train, bus, and plane trips, planning and attending conferences- alone or with friends, and so many road trips.  The more usual daily life stuff- countless board, committee, and support group meetings, running errands in the neighborhood, walks with friends, visits to family near and far, simply doing life’s stuff. More challenging things like starting, loosing, starting, leaving, and starting jobs, dealing with health crises, having and recovering from surgeries, the apartment flood of 2019, the death of both my amazing Grandmothers, and struggling with all that the pandemic has brought to bear. Certainly, this is only the tip of the iceberg, however, it speaks to the moments that make up the minutes, days, weeks, months and years of the A Team.

Yet, all of this doesn’t touch on the quiet moments, the small things, the enormity of feelings that comprise the hugeness of life with Anders.

The sound of his gentle snores; his madly wagging tail making joyous music; the reassuring feel of his paw laying over my foot; the weight of his gaze as he stares in to my face; sneak attack chair hugs; the sweet sound of him nursing in his sleep; the way he jumps with joy- his front feet clear off the ground- when he finds me what I have asked him to find- the trash, stairs, bench, elevator, pretty much anything; when I am sitting on the floor and he gets in my lap, puts his paws on my shoulders and- oh so gently- nibbles my earlobes; the infuriating, yet somehow endearing, fact that no matter how long the leash- it is always one inch too short for him to reach the perfect busy spot; him acting as my personal weighted blanket when I lay on the floor; my trip down the collar rabbit hole, sure a collar for each month sounded so simple, 20 or so collars later it seems less wise; how he sleeps in the smallest possible circle, yet when he lies on his back and stretches out his legs he fills my entire living room; how he is all rough and tumble, reminding me of a polar bear, when he plays with his dog pals but is  all gentle and careful when playing with puppies; snuggling with him in his crate- him in a little ball and me resting my head on his hip; the wonder that he is now so reliable in his house behavior that if I forget to take out the trash he never touches the bag sitting, all enticing like, in the kitchen- this given the rocky start we had with regard to sharing living quarters; the unwavering trust I have in this steadfast, fuzzy, warrior of my independence.

The only stop on the Anders Solo Tour, kicking off in September, is with his retirement family. They, and he, are so perfectly suited to each other! Along with his retirement Mom, he will finally have the human Dad he has been seeking all these years, plus one human sibling and two fuzzy canine ones, and even 2 feline ones. My appreciation and gratitude for the generous gift, to me, they are giving by providing a wonderful, safe, joyous retirement home for my cherished Anders is more vast than the sky, deeper than the ocean, huger than the world!

After many rewrites, word changes, rereads, and tears- this missive needs to wrap up. It is a heartfelt tribute, from a much flawed me to a truly remarkable partner, outstanding guide, and all-around fabulous dog! I have no more words. This is everything I can figure out how to say and nothing close to what I want to convey.


Article: Mastercard introduces accessible card for blind and partially sighted people


(Excerpted from:

2.2 billion people around the world have visual impairments. Unique notches on the Touch Card’s short side allow the person to distinguish it between a credit, debit or prepaid card

Mastercard extends its commitment to inclusivity by introducing a new accessible card standard for blind and partially sighted people, called the Touch Card. There are few effective ways for the visually impaired to quickly determine whether they’re holding a credit, debit or prepaid card, particularly as more cards move to flat designs without embossed name and numbers. Mastercard is addressing this challenge with a simple yet effective innovation.

“The Touch Card will provide a greater sense of security, inclusivity and independence to the 2.2 billion people around the world with visual impairments, “says Raja Rajamannar, chief marketing and communications officer. “For the visually impaired, identifying their payment cards is a real struggle. This tactile solution allows consumers to correctly orient the card and know which payment card they are using.”

With the new Touch Card, Mastercard has improved upon a current design standard by introducing a system of notches on the side of the card to help consumers use the right card, the right way, by touch alone. The new Touch Card credit cards have a squarish notch; debit cards have a rounded notch; and prepaid cards have a triangular notch. The standard has been designed to work with point-of-sale terminals and ATMs, ensuring it can be deployed at scale.

Mastercard’s concept has been vetted and endorsed by The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) in the U.K. and VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the U.S. The card was co-designed by IDEMIA, the global leader in Augmented Identity, providing trusted solutions in the physical as well as digital space.

“As the banking industry responds to new trends and developments, it’s critical that any innovation brings progress for everyone, including those with a visual impairment,” says David Clarke, RNIB’s director of services. “We’re very pleased that Mastercard understands how important it is that blind and partially sighted people have equal and independent access to their own finances. “  

“Innovation should always be driven by the impulse to include,” adds Rajamannar, who is also the company’s Healthcare president. “With one in seven people experiencing some form of disability, designing these products with accessibility in mind gives them equal opportunity to benefit from the ease and security of a digital world. No one should be left behind.” 

Mastercard has been embedding its signature melody at checkout counters worldwide, a signal to everyone – the sight impaired in particular – that their card transaction has gone through successfully.

Mastercard’s launch of the Touch Card underscores its commitment to inclusivity. It follows the introduction of True Name™, designed in support of the transgender and non-binary communities. The company’s commitment as a brand is to not only stand against inequity but to be an agent for change.

Note: Since launch of the Touch Card, the shape of the notches were changed to reflect further refinement of the card.

Article: 10 Things Blocking Your Wi-Fi Signal at Home

There are a surprising number of things in your home—from the type of material your walls are made of to the kind of things you decorate your home with—that can degrade your Wi-Fi signal.

A Word on Router Placement

Before we dig into all the different things that can affect your Wi-Fi signal in your home, let’s start off by talking about Wi-Fi in general, router placement, and how to make the best use of the information we’re about to share.

You’ll never have a home that’s absolutely perfect for a Wi-Fi signal because having a home with stuff in it (including yourself and your family!) impacts Wi-Fi. But you can use an improved understanding of how Wi-Fi works to best place your Wi-Fi router and/or mesh nodes in your home.

It’s useful to think of your Wi-Fi router as a light bulb that radiates Wi-Fi out into the environment just like a lightbulb radiates visible light. Why do we put lights on the ceilings of rooms in our homes? Because that’s the most practical place to put a light bulb if we want the most light to reach the most area of the room without being obstructed by something.

And when we use lighting elsewhere, like a table lamp, we don’t put the table lamp behind a large appliance, we put it where the light can fall where we need it—like beside a reading chair or on our desk.

So as you read through all the different objects and materials here that can impact your Wi-Fi signal, think about ways you can move your Wi-Fi router or adjust the location of your Wi-Fi mesh nodes to avoid the materials that block or absorb the signal.

Decor Can Degrade Wi-Fi

Fish tanks are nice to look at, but you should keep your Wi-Fi gear away from them.

One of the more surprising things that can degrade your Wi-Fi signal is the decor. We tend to think about stuff like concrete walls or other large and weighty things when we contemplate Wi-Fi problems, but there are some interesting examples of decor impacting the signal.

Fish Tanks

Water, for example, is excellent at blocking Wi-Fi signals. Putting your Wi-Fi router right next to a large fish tank is like putting a dampener on it.

You’ll get a fine signal on the side of the tank where the router is located, but you’ll notice a degraded signal on the other side.


Books are quite dense and, if you put enough of them together, like lining an entire wall with bookshelves, you’ve effectively built yourself a nice big signal dampener. Traversing the length of a long bookcase is even harder for Wi-Fi signals.

It’s best not to put a router or mesh node on a bookshelf at all, but this is especially true if the place you need a strong signal is at the opposite end of a long run of shelves.


Mirrors can also interfere with Wi-Fi signals. The coating that changes a sheet of glass into a mirror is metallic. Large wall mirrors have a bigger impact than smaller mirrors and older mirrors affect Wi-Fi more than newer ones (on account of the older mirrors containing actual silver and not the less expensive backings found in newer mirrors).

TV Sets

Televisions look like black mirrors when they’re off but it’s not the glass that causes the issue, it’s the giant metal shield inside. If you were to take your flat-screen TV apart (or computer monitors for that matter) you’d find that a metal plate covers almost the entire back.

That metal plate serves both as an electromagnetic shield and to beef up the TV’s structural integrity. It also interferes with Wi-Fi signals passing through that space so don’t stash your router right behind your TV.

Metal Decorations

Speaking of metal, metal decor can also impede your Wi-Fi. Metal wall art (even if it’s on the opposite side of the wall from where you hung your router) can impact your signal.

In one memorable case, a neighbor of mine was complaining their Wi-Fi signal was OK upstairs but absolute rubbish downstairs. Upon investigation, I found they had put their router in a large decorative metal basket. The Wi-Fi signal could pass up into the upstairs relatively unimpeded but the router was surrounded by an accidental Faraday cage on the sides.

Appliances Are Like Lead Aprons

A giant fridge is great for storing snacks, not so great for Wi-Fi.

Not everybody has huge antique mirrors in their homes or giant fish tanks. But we all have appliances, and appliances are practically lead aprons when it comes to impeding Wi-Fi signals.

Kitchen Appliances

In the kitchen, the refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, and even microwave oven are large metal objects that effectively block Wi-Fi.

When thinking about the layout of your home and the relationship of the router to the devices that need Wi-Fi, don’t overlook how much radio-wave absorbing mass is in the kitchen.

Laundry Appliance and Home Utilities

In the laundry room, your washer and dryer are equally chunky metal objects that are no friend to Wi-Fi. And although they aren’t usually thought of as an “appliance,” exactly, your furnace and water heater impact Wi-Fi signal strength too. (The water heater doubly so, as it’s not just a giant metal cylinder—but it’s filled with water, too!) For folks with the laundry, furnace, and water heater tucked away in the corner of the basement, that’s likely not much of a consideration. But, if you have a first-floor laundry and utility room, then you’ll want to consider your router’s location in relation to it.

Construction Materials Sponge Up Signals

Brick, steel, and concrete make for a cool modern living space, but terrible Wi-Fi signal strength.

Everything else we’ve talked about so far is relatively easy to deal with. If you had your Wi-Fi router sitting on a shelf right next to a giant aquarium or you realized your home office is separated from your router by your kitchen and the laundry room you’re lucky. Moving a router is trivial compared to dealing with the actual construction of your home conspiring against a good Wi-Fi signal.

Drywall Isn’t So Bad

From a Wi-Fi signal transmission standpoint, wood-stud and drywall-covered interior walls are the best. Drywall is practically invisible to Wi-Fi and while wood does absorb some of your Wi-Fi signal studs are fairly small and widely spaced.

Folks with stick-and-drywall type homes will have the best Wi-Fi signal transmission range among all other kinds of home construction.

Steel Studs and Old Lathe Walls Can Be Problematic

If your home has steel-stud construction, the steel studs interfere with the signal. Similar problems arise if you have an older home with lathe and plaster walls instead of drywall. The metal wire used to reinforce the lathe can function as a primitive faraday cage.

The more metal there is in the walls of your home, be it steel studs, wire lathe, or even the foil-lined insulation that was popular in the mid-20th century, the more transmission problems you’ll have.

Concrete Walls Are Terrible for Wi-Fi

Thick concrete walls and concrete floors aren’t particularly common in most residential construction, but there is a notable trend toward homes constructed with insulated concrete forms instead of stick-built construction. Having solid concrete exterior and even interior walls is great for energy bills and surviving tornados but it’s terrible for Wi-Fi transmission. Cinderblock walls aren’t much better, although they don’t dampen the signal as strongly as solid concrete.

And although concrete and steel construction is still fairly uncommon in stand-alone residences—at least in the United States—it’s quite common in newer condos, townhomes, and apartments. If you live in a relatively new multi-person residence, there’s a good chance it’s built with steel and concrete and not wood.

Floors Can Foil You Too

In multi-story homes and/or homes with basements, don’t forget to think about the floor itself. If you have poured concrete floors you have the same problem you’d have with concrete walls.

Foil insulation layers in flooring can cause problems, too. So can the wire grid pattern found in under-floor electric radiant heat, as can the mass of water in found in radiator-based systems. Often times such systems are embedded into concrete floors or just above them which just compounds the problem.

Unlike some of the situations we mentioned earlier on, like you unwittingly put your Wi-Fi router too close to your fish tank or it shared a wall with your hot water heater, it’s a bit tougher to wrestle with the physical structure of your home. You can’t just replace concrete walls with wood ones or change brick to drywall.

In those cases, your best bet, besides paying close attention to your home’s layout and aiming for optimum placement, is to upgrade your router–especially to a mesh system where you can place multiple nodes throughout the home to increase the overall coverage.

Note from the Editor:

Announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun- President, Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice- Editor

Penny Reeder- Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President

Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use!

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

Our Facebook page can be accessed at

Our Facebook group can be accessed at

Our Twitter timeline can be accessed at

Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

To join the GDUI-Announce List, visit this link:

To subscribe to the GDUI Chat list, visit this link:

To subscribe to the (members only) GDUI Business list, visit this link:

Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. III, NO. 1, April 2022 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

No, this is not an April Fool’s joke, a trick, or even a figment of your imagination… it is truly the current, much awaited, Paws for GDUI News You Can Use! I realize it was October of 2021 when last your inbox was graced with such, so happy to be back!

While things trending on social media, stuff going viral, is all well and good for Influencers and the antics of nameless puppies and kittens, having my personal life do so is disconcerting to say the least. Never the less, following on the heels of the time-sucking and emotionally draining events of guide retirement, class, and moving came more fun of the not really fun variety. Difficulties with my new guide which I believed would end the partnership, were followed (literally a week after a successful follow-up with an instructor) by my Daddy and Step-Mom being hit by a car, while riding their Harley, and severely injured- doing a great job of impersonating Humpy Dumpty! Now, 7 weeks later, as all the king’s people (surgeons, physical, occupational and speech therapists) have worked their magic to put them back together, I am determined to get Paws out.

My list of apologies …. First, Madame President, I am sorry I have done this in one evening, while waiting for Paratransit to bring me home from the Rehab center where I have been visiting the parental units, hence not getting a president’s message from you. Next, to all of you, I have let you down, again, and I don’t like that at all. I take pride in GDUI, this publication and anything that has my name attached to it. My word is my honor, my promise reliable. I am not doing my best work by any stretch of my, or anyone else’s, imagination. For this I am truly sorry.

Well, having said that, here is your newest issue. Exciting news about the service animal eye exams. A few surveys looking for participants, some interesting learning opportunities, news from NBP, and fun snooze news about our dogs. Enjoy!

Sending cyber hugs and wags,

Andrea and Super T

Announcement: 2022 ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam Event

The 2022 Eye Exam Event is Happening on a Limited Basis!

We are pleased to announce that after working with our diplomate members and our sponsor, the 2022 ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam Event will be taking place in 2022 on a limited basis!

We are grateful to our members and sponsor (Epicur Pharma) for donating their time and resources. Please note that due to limitations/shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, not all clinics may be fully staffed and locations and/or appointments may be limited in your area. Due to these limitations, we ask for patience and kindness to the clinics’ staff, as we would love for this event to continue to be a positive experience for everyone involved.

Registrations will take place April 1st – 30th, with the event occurring throughout the month of May. More information about the event and qualification information can be found on the website.

The list of Participating Cities will be updated by the end of March.

Announcement: Demo of BlindShell Accessible Phone available

A demonstration of the updated BlindShell accessible cell phone was presented by J. J. Meddaugh of A T Guys at the January 21, 2022 Roundabout sponsored by the Greater Louisville Council of the Blind.

Over 100 people attended the demo.  Many people were unable to get in on the call because the Zoom room was full or for other reasons, and we have received many requests for a link to the recording.

Sound Prints is available as a podcast from the KCB website, through the iTunes store, or on the Victor Stream. Add to your favorite podcast device, or subscribe by searching for soundprints under podcasts in the iTunes store or the Victor Stream database, and you won’t miss a single show.

Sound Prints is now available on KCB’s Audio Information Service from any landline or cell phone. Dial (773) 572 – 6318 and select number 2 from the menu.

Visit the Kentucky Council of the Blind website at

and listen to current or past programs.

Sound Prints is available on CD, playable on any standard music CD player.  Request a subscription by calling us at 502-895-4598.

For more information, call the Kentucky Council of the Blind at

502-895-4598 or email us at

Announcement: From National Braille Press- Braille & Brew

We’re hosting Braille & Brews in 2022 to celebrate our 95th birthday! Join us over the course of the year at four different local Boston breweries. The first of our 2022 series will be at Mighty Squirrel in Waltham, MA on Sunday, April 10th. Come with a friend or two to spend a Sunday afternoon at Mighty Squirrel and enjoy the warmer weather!

(don’t worry if you are not local to Boston, you can still participate!)

Your ticket purchase will include a blindfolded flight tasting of Mighty Squirrel’s finest brews paired with some great pizza and bar snacks. This is a fantastic opportunity to socialize with friends while supporting NBP’s work and enjoying great company!

Not local? Tell us your favorite brew and make a donation using the link below to celebrate 95 years of NBP!

Announcement: (from- Top Tech Tidbits Email Newsletter


Hadley Free Technology Workshops

Hadley has a great collection of free technology workshops for learning how to use your device or app:

TeamViewer Scripts for JAWS | Hartgen Consultancy

You will find below a link to free JAWS scripts for TeamViewer version 15. As of later releases of TeamViewer, it is difficult to find your User ID and password. Once located, pressing the Left and Right arrow keys do not allow you to read the item character by character. With these scripts installed, pressing function key F1 will place the user ID and password into the JAWS virtual viewer for easier reading. When focused on any field, you should also now be able to press the JAWS keystroke to virtualise the focused control, Shift+Insert+V. These scripts are offered freely to the blindness community and were developed for personal use. No support is available:

New Justice Department guidance explains businesses’ role in making sure websites can be used by everyone:

Beauty’s Accessibility Shift: Inside The New Priority

Shopping with a disability can be challenging. Now, belatedly, the beauty sector is showing signs of taking action:

Mastercard Puts Visual Impairment In The Spotlight

The financial services company’s new campaign is a stylish film that shows how the brand’s new Touch Card makes transactions more accessible for blind and partially-sighted people:


(From- Top Tech Tidbits Email Newsletter) Surveys)

CSUN Presentations

Here is a list of CSUN presentations and associated resources:

Survey- Help Researchers To Understand The Audio Perception Behavior of People With Visual Impairments

April 25th 2022 deadline to submit. | Hello. We are researchers from Indiana University Bloomington conducting an online survey to understand the audio perception behavior of people with visual impairments. I am inviting you to take part in a 25-30 minutes online survey from a place of your convenience. To participate in the survey, you must identify as visually impaired, must have normal hearing, and should be a native or bilingual speaker of English. You need to have access to a computer or laptop with a screen-reader and Internet connection. You should use headphones and should complete the survey in a quiet environment. For your participation, you will be paid $5 by an Amazon e-gift card. You will receive the URL link of the e-gift card within 3-5 business days after your participation. If you are interested in participating in our survey or have any questions about the study, please fill out the sign-up form below. Once you provide the details, one researcher will contact you via email or phone and send you the web link to participate in the survey. Alternatively, you may email Taslima Akter at Please click here to sign up:

Featured Webinars and Training Courses

iPhone Chat for Voiceover Users: Beyond the Basics

Andrew Heiskell, Braille And Talking Book Library

April 2nd 2022, 11:30AM PT, 12:30PM, 1:30PM CT, 2:30PM ET, 6:30PM GMT

First Saturdays (April 2, May 7, June 4) from 2:30 – 4:00 PM ET. Talk about customizing gestures and settings, exploring new apps, choosing accessories, dealing with bugs, and whatever else comes to mind. This is a space for any and all Voiceover topics that go beyond the basics of using common gestures and built-in apps. This event will take place online:

iPhone Chat for Voiceover Beginners

Andrew Heiskell, Braille And Talking Book Library

April 2nd 2022

10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 5PM GMT

First Saturdays (April 2, May 7, June 4) 1:00 – 2:15 PM ET. If you’re new to using Voiceover on the iPhone or if you’re still working toward confidence, this discussion group is for you. We’ll spend some time going over the theory of how screen readers work, gestures everyone needs to know, and some strategies for getting help. Then, we’ll open it up for questions and networking. This event will take place online:

From the editor- The next 2 articles are about sleep and our pups. Interesting stuff, I don’t even think they will put you to sleep! *smile*

Article: Dog sleeping positions decoded


Dogs have many aww-inducing sleep positions that are just too cute not to share. Is it possible these very same sleeping styles might reveal something about our dogs’ moods or needs as well?

Science is sorely lacking in this adorable area of study, but we’ve given it a great deal of thought, and here’s what we think these poses could mean.

Put our theories to the test! Do these interpretations match your dog’s behavior?

The side slumber- Your dog is in deep sleep on their side with their feet out from under them. This is the most relaxed of all sleep positions. Your dog is feeling the Zen.

The sphinx- Just like a sphinx statue, your dog is crouched square on all fours but resting their head on their front legs. Your dog is full of energy and ready to jump into action at any moment.

The superman- It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s your dog taking a nap on their belly with their back legs stretched out behind them and their front legs sticking out ahead. Your little superhero is all tuckered out from a long day of play and is in need of a good stretch to boot.

The curl- Your dog is curled up into a tiny ball. Bonus: the tip of their tail is resting on their cute little nose! Your furry friend is feeling the cold and is keeping warm in this cozy pose.

The feet in the air- Wave your feet in the air like you just don’t care! Maybe that’s what your friend is thinking when they lie on their back with all their limbs sticking straight up. Or maybe they’re a bit on the warm side and letting off steam.

The cuddle- Easily the cutest of all, this sleeping option requires snuggling up with a favorite toy, another pet or—best of all—you! Your cuddle bug is feeling the need for love and connection.

Article: Do dogs dream?


If your dog had a dream journal, what do you think it would say? Although we can’t speak to our dogs to know for sure, scientists studying this fascinating question have deduced some interesting facts about our dog’s dreams.

During sleep, dogs have the same two stages of brain wave patterns as people: a slow, steady wave pattern of quiet, still sleep and a fast, irregular wave pattern of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when the mind is more active and the eyes dart rapidly beneath the eyelids. Your dog may whine, breath rapidly and move their legs during REM sleep.

We dream, and since dogs have the same sleeping brain wave patterns as people, scientists have concluded that it is safe to assume that our furry companions do indeed dream, too!

What do we know about dog dreams?

During REM sleep, the brain functions much like it does when awake, so people—and it is believed dogs as well—dream about the events of their day. It is a chance for the brain to process all that happened while awake and sometimes even relive it through the dream. So, your dog may “sleep run” as they chase a squirrel or fetch the ball in their dreams.

Puppies, who have a lot of new information to process as they explore their new world every day, tend to dream more often than adult dogs.

Interestingly, a dog’s size also affects the number and length of dreams they have. Smaller dogs have more dreams than their bigger friends. A toy poodle may dream every 10 minutes, while a Labrador retriever may only dream once every 60-90 minutes. However, the poodle’s dream may last only a minute while the Labrador’s dreams may be 5-10 minutes long.

Additionally, dogs who are tuckered out from staying active may sleep more soundly and experience longer phases of REM sleep, giving them more time to dream.

Lastly, just like ourselves, dogs who are startled out of a dream may wake feeling defensive or alarmed. In fact, many of the dog bites thar occur in children happen because the child wakes a sleeping dog.

So always remember to let sleeping dogs lie . . . and dream.

Editor’s note:

announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

Our Facebook page can be accessed at

Our Facebook group can be accessed at

Our Twitter timeline can be accessed at

Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

To join the GDUI-Announce List, visit this link:

To subscribe to the GDUI Chat list, visit this link:

To subscribe to the (members only) GDUI Business list, visit this link:

Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. II, NO. 6, October 2021 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)

A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

Well, it has been a few months and lots has happened. It is all the happenings that have kept me swamped and away from this publication.

In early August I learned I had a class date, which meant that Mr. A would be retiring. While I wanted him to have his richly deserved retirement I struggled with the reality of his no longer being my partner. In some kind of cosmic twist, two weeks after the news of my early September class date my apartment flooded. This necessitated my relocation while my belongings were moved out, the flooring was removed and replaced, sanitizing occurred, and my stuff was moved back in (mind you nothing was actually put where it belonged). I guess the universe wanted to take my mind off of the whole retirement thing! *smile* A couple of weeks after the flood I left for San Rafael and training with my seventh guide. Upon returning from GDB I started packing up my stuff because an apartment in a non-flood zone building in my complex was available.

All of this is to say that I have been absent from pretty much everything. It has taken every emotional, and physical, resource I have to get through these three major life changes.

With Mr. A successfully ensconced in his retirement home, having graduated with my new guide, known here as Super T, and my apartment mostly unpacked I feel as if I am emerging from the fog and trying to catch the heap of dangling threads I last addressed in early August.

I am happy to have grabbed up this particular thread and hope you enjoy this issue.

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Super T

From the President:

Greetings GDUI members and friends!

Welcome to fall and the fast-approaching holidays! With the cool days, a pleasant breeze, leaves twirling around it is a wonderful time to walk with our guide dogs while we listen to the changes of the season.

For the past few months, many GDUI committees have been quite busy! The membership committee, with the approval of the board, has lowered the annual dues to $15.00 from $25.00, affiliate dues to $10.00 from $15.00 and life time is $300.00 from $400.00! With rising costs of our day-to-day items, GDUI hopes the reduction of dues will help GDUI family and friends remain valued members and/or join this wonderful organization!

The advocacy committee is keeping up to date on the new rules and regulations from the Center of Disease Control (CDC), regarding returning to the United States after visiting a high-risk rabies country with your guide dog. These new rules went into effect July 14, 2021 and as of now will end on January 7, 2022. For more information please visit:

The GDUI fundraising committee can help you plan for the holidays with a fresh Holiday wreath and/or a fresh centerpiece! If you are looking for special sweets, GDUI has that covered as well!  How about the chance to win $1,000.00! GDUI has a Thanksgiving drawing! For more information on how to participate and order holiday items, candy and a chance to win holiday money, please visit the GDUI website at:

GDUI is planning an after the holiday’s “Chatty Yappy” hour! We can gather by Zoom and tell each other about our holiday fun and surprises with our guide dog, family or friends! The Zoom information, date and time will be sent out soon!

Lakota has found retirement   quite nice and is very comfortable living the work free zone lifestyle! Since sniffing anything and everything is no longer off limits, Lakota is catching up on all of the sniffing she passed up while working as a guide dog!

My successor guide dog will be from Gallant Hearts in Mississippi! The school will contact me when they find just the right dog. We all know it takes time, but it’s definitely worth it!  I will keep you updated!

It has been fun learning about new guide dog teams from various schools! Please share your   adventure’s and stories on the GDUI chat lists!

Enjoy the fall season and have a great Halloween!

Warm regards,

Sarah Calhoun & Lakota

Announcement: Totally cool shirt, only available until November three!

Hi GDUI Members and Friends,

I’m passing this along from another list — and another guide dog advocacy group. Although it’s a creative fund-raiser for the NAGDU chapter in New York State, and this is a GDUI list, I think it’s worth sharing the info with you. No matter our affiliation — or not — we’re all in the same proverbial boat, too often needing to remind the people we meet on route not to distract our working dogs! Enjoy!


Greetings. The New York Association of Guide Dog Users, is currently selling t-shirts with a meaningful message, wrapped up in a little bit of attitude and a little bit of fun. The t-shirts are a dark but vibrant blue, with bright yellow writing. The message “Sure, of course you can pet my guide dog… just as soon as I am done test driving your car.” Is presented in print, with the first portion in a smaller font, such that the eye of the reader does not catch the first line and immediately result in distracting of the working dog. Rather they catch sight of the second line, glance up to make sense of the phrase with the first line, and get the message loud and clear. The sentiment is repeated in contracted Braille below the print. These shirts are being sold in order to raise funds for NYAGDU to engage in advocacy and educational efforts, but the name and logo for NYAGDU, NAGDU, the NFB, etc., do not appear on the shirt. We are proud of our division and of the NFB, but these shirts are great, and the message is an important one, so we want to ensure that anyone who wants one of these shirts will feel free to purchase and proudly wear the shirt, regardless of their affiliation(s). Further, these shirts are not school or breed specific, intentionally so. While the delivery of this message is a little sarcastic and certainly fun to wear, it is a very real concern, as interference by the public with guide dog teams constitutes a very real problem, an annoyance for sure, and sometimes a legitimate danger. We view these t-shirts as a combination of a public service announcement, an educational effort, an advocacy tool, and, yes, a fund-raiser to help us to do our work on behalf of guide and service dog handlers across New York State and across the country, regardless of which school they attended,, whether or not they owner-trained, and no matter what blindness organizations they choose to, or not to, belong to.

The shirts are $22.00 a piece, which includes shipping, to anywhere in the contiguous United States. Shirts are available in youth and adult, as well as plus sizes. Youth and plus sizes cost a bit more for us to order, but we are not passing along this cost to you, and the $22 includes whatever size you would like, shipped to anywhere within Conus. We are taking pre-orders from today, up until Wednesday, the third of November. Please send PayPal to in the amount of $22 times the number of shirts that you would like. Then please send an email to the same email address with your name, the address where you would like your shirt(s) to be sent, the number of shirts you would like, and what size(s) you require. Please email any questions to or you can call, or text, (585) 739-6473.

Please note, this is a pre-order process. We want to be kind to the environment, and efficient with our own time, space, and efforts, so want to avoid the all-too-familiar situation where several dozen shirts are ordered in a range of sizes, but demand results in a surplus of one or two sizes and a dearth of others. We will take pre-orders for the next two weeks, then place the order for exactly the quantity and sizes of shirts desired, and the printing company has given us a turn-around time of two to three weeks. If you are intending to purchase any shirts for holiday gifts, they should arrive in plenty of time, even with the pre-order process.

Heather Bird, President

New York Association of Guide Dog Users,

Announcement: More about that drawing President Sarah mentioned:

The GDUI Thanksgiving Drawing: Here’s what you need to know!

A donation of just $10.00 to purchase a drawing ticket could make you the winner of a cool $1,000.00 on November 29, the first Monday after Thanksgiving Day! (Think about what you might be able to do with those thousand dollars while browsing all of those tempting cyber-Monday deals!)

Even if yours isn’t the winning ticket drawn that evening, you’ll feel good about contributing to this Guide Dog Users, Inc. fund-raising event, which will help GDUI keep our comprehensive and helpful web site updated with information that’s crucially important to every guide dog handler.

Tickets are $10 apiece, and you can purchase as many as you wish.  The more tickets you buy, the better your chances of winning those thousand dollars!  Anyone can win, so please encourage your friends to participate, as well.

To purchase your tickets online visit 

Click the Purchase Tickets button to pay via PayPal (You don’t even need to have a PayPal account!).

If you experience any problems online, call GDUI’s toll-free phoneline at

866.799.8436, and speak to our GDUI Office Manager, Lynn Merrill. She will be happy to help!

The cut-off date and time for purchasing tickets is Noon, ET, November 22. The winning ticket will be drawn at a special ZOOM event at 7:00 PM, ET, on Monday, November 29. 

Announcement: the GDUI Holiday Wreath and Centerpiece Fund-Raising Project, also mentioned by our fabulous president-

This year, Guide Dog Users, Inc. is selling beautiful holiday wreaths and sweet-smelling holiday centerpieces to raise funds which will support our universally accessible elections during the coming year.

 These Sherwood Farms Holiday Wreaths are created from an aromatic combination of Noble fir, berried Juniper and incense cedar. Touches of color are provided by red faux holly berries. Each wreath Includes a deluxe, pre-tied checkered tree bow. Price: $45

Our Sherwood Farms Centerpiece is created from

Cedar, noble fir, pine and berried juniper that’s arranged in an oasis block and bowl (approximately 12 inches in diameter) for your table. Faux white snow berries and red holly berries are included for you to customize your arrangement. Each centerpiece also includes a 10-inch tapered LED candle Price: $45

These items will be delivered fresh from the Pacific Northwest directly to your door and make wonderful gifts for friends and family. The last day to order is November 10, 2021. All items will be delivered during the first two weeks following Thanksgiving. Payment can be made through PayPal.

Visit this link to learn more and to place your orders!

GDUI Wreath and Centerpiece Fundraiser – Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) ( 

If you have any problem accessing the website or ordering products you can contact Denise Weddle at 310-306-8149. She will be happy to help.

Announcement: Missouri Guide Dog Users will be hosting the Top Dog Conference in 2022

Please take a moment to look over the following included information that fully describes the upcoming Top Dog Conference to be held in St. Louis Missouri.

The conference will be held May 19th through the 22nd; of 2022. We hope you will consider joining us for the conference. 

Missouri Guide Dog Users, (MGDU), Top Dog Conference update!

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we decided in the best interest and safety of our friends and guide dogs, to reschedule the event!

Top Dog will now be held in May of 2022. The new conference dates are: Thursday, May 19, 2022 with check out on Sunday morning, May 22, 2022. Please mark your calendars and save your pennies to enjoy this friendly get together!

Whether you have a guide dog, cane, blind or visually impaired, sighted, a puppy raiser, or just want to join in the fun, everyone is welcome to participate! MGDU will be sending out Top Dog 2022 updates. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please send an email to:

Stay well! See you in Saint Louis in 2022!

Missouri Guide Dog Users 

Editor’s note- I have been at three of these conferences, they are fabulous!

Article: Lisa Irving and Her Dog Won in Arbitration Against Uber

By Sean Hollister

(From the Spring issue of the FORWARD, newsletter of the Golden State Guide Dog Handlers, Inc)

 Uber was sued in 2014 for discriminating against blind people and their guide dogs, and agreed to change that as part of a $2.6 million settlement two years later. But apparently, that didn’t entirely happen.

Uber will now pay an additional $1.1 million to a blind woman who said she missed work, missed her birthday celebration, missed Christmas Eve church services, and was left out in the dark, in the rain, and other such humiliations because Uber drivers refused to carry her and her dog on 14 different occasions — a number of which happened after Uber finalized its 2016 settlement.

“Uber allowed drivers who discriminated against disabled riders to continue driving without discipline,” an arbitrator concluded this week (via The San Francisco Chronicle).

This line from the arbitrator’s report is also worth considering: “When Uber did conduct an investigation, its investigators were trained, in some instances, to coach drivers to find non-discriminatory reasons for ride denials, sometimes even to ‘advocate’ to keep drivers on the platform despite discrimination complaints.”

Lisa Irving, the woman, isn’t suddenly a millionaire, by the way. The arbitrator awarded her $324,000 in damages, with the rest ($805,313) going to legal costs, including attorney fees. She spoke to the Chronicle about her dog and her memories, including one where a driver did pick her up, then got vocally angry about having a dog in the car and threatened to leave them on the side of the road. She says she was rejected at least 60 times.

Uber now has a dedicated support form for issues with service animals. “Was a service animal denied?” is the very first question. Here’s the link for the service animal policy

Article: Sleeping Positions for Dogs

(From the Spring issue of the FORWARD, newsletter of the Golden State Guide Dog Handlers, Inc)

Does Your Dog Sleep Like This? If you’re a dog parent, I’m sure you’ve noticed that your furry family member sleeps. A lot. Which is normal, by the way. Healthy adult dogs spend an average of 12 to 14 hours a day sacked out. Pups, seniors and dogs with health problems often need even more rest.

Since our dogs spend so much time sleeping, we’re familiar with the wide assortment of positions they take, and this goes double if your pet sleeps on your bed, lap or chest. What you might not realize is there’s sometimes an evolutionary force behind your dog’s body language while snoozing. The following is a cheat sheet for interpreting the meaning behind your pet’s sleep positions.

6 Dog Sleeping Positions and What They Mean

  1. Curled up in a ball (aka the donut or fuzzy bagel position) — Dogs often sleep curled up in a tight ball, with their nose touching their tail. Dr. Katherine Houpt, a behavioral medicine professor at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, has observed that this is the preferred position for dogs in shelters. “They almost all sleep that way when they’re undisturbed — in balls, curled up,” Houpt told PetMD. This sleeping position conserves body heat (which is why we tend to see it more often during the cooler months of the year) and also protects internal organs from predators, which is why dogs in the wild tend to dig nests and curl up in them for both warmth and protection.
  1. On the back (aka crazy legs) — This is probably among the weirdest, yet cutest sleeping position dogs assume. If you find your pup stretched out on his back, with one or both front legs stretched out, he’s exposing his belly, which is a sign of submissiveness and vulnerability. His willingness to fall asleep in this position means he’s feeling very secure and relaxed in his environment. On the other hand, he could also just be feeling a bit overheated, and exposing his tummy helps cool his body down. Dogs who sleep in this position regularly are typically independent and calm.
  1. The cuddler — Dogs who cuddle up with their humans, or sleep back-to-back with other pets in the household, are remembering their puppy pasts when they napped with their littermates to conserve body heat. If your dog likes to maintain contact with you while she sleeps, she’s showing she trusts you, and the feeling is probably mutual, since surveys indicate that 56% of dog parents sleep next to their dogs.
  1. The belly flop (aka the superman) — This sleep position is adorably funny, because what’s not to love about a dog lying flat on his tummy with his front and back legs extended straight out? Looking down at him, it’s easy to imagine he’s about to belly flop into a pool or fly away to save the day! Dog behavior expert Dr. Stanley Coren believes this position also relates to temperature. “The fur on the dog’s underside is not as deep and insulating as the fur on the rest of his body,” he tells PetMD. “What you call the ‘Superman position’ — with limbs outstretched and belly against the floor — is also a response to a warm environment, but usually occurs in situations where the surface that the dog is lying on is relatively cooler than the air around him.” Since it’s easy for dogs to get to their feet in this position, they tend only to use it for catnaps and not for serious snoozing.
  1. Side sleeping — This is the most common position dogs take for sleeping, according to Coren. And that’s a good thing, because when your dog naps lying on her side, it means she’s relaxed and comfortable in her environment. Side sleeping pups also tend to be affectionate and share a close bond with their humans.
  1. The lion pose — The lion pose is similar to the belly flop, with two important distinctions: the back legs are under the haunches instead of pushed out, and the muscles of the body are contracted, preventing deep sleep. Dogs generally get into this position to relieve stress and make themselves more comfortable. It’s often seen in dogs with lots of energy to burn, who don’t feel like sleeping and are waiting for an opportunity to leap into action.

Other Ways Your Dog’s Sleep Differs from Yours

Beyond sleeping positions, the major difference between human and canine sleep patterns is the amount of time spent in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is the most restorative stage of sleep and plays a role in learning and memory. In REM sleep, the brain is active and there may be dreaming. Humans spend about 25% of their night in REM sleep, compared to about 10% for dogs. This means dogs need more total sleep to get adequate restorative sleep.

While humans tend to do best with a set sleep-wake schedule, dogs are much more flexible, so you needn’t worry about getting your dog to bed on time or up by a certain hour. Generally speaking, dogs follow their natural impulses, including sleeping when they need it, which is why they don’t often sleep for eight-hour stretches. If it seems your dog can go from deeply asleep to fully alert in the blink of an eye, and in response to even the slightest noise or disruption, it’s not in your head. One Australian study found that during an eight-hour nighttime period, dogs averaged 23 sleep-wake episodes, with the average sleep-wake cycle consisting of 16 minutes asleep followed by five minutes awake. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be aware your dog is awake — he’ll likely lie quietly. It also doesn’t mean he’s not getting quality rest, but if he seems especially restless or is unable to find a comfortable position to sleep in, you should have him checked out by your veterinarian to rule out pain or other symptoms or health conditions that could be keeping him awake.

Something I recommend for all pet parents is a grounding mat, which can help balance your dog’s circadian rhythm, particularly if he doesn’t spend much time outdoors. Wild animals are naturally grounded to the earth, which provides numerous benefits due to the transfer of electrons from the ground to their body. You can also unplug wireless routers at night to give your pet a break from electromagnetic fields (EMFs). For dogs who seem unable to settle down, a grounding mat can be very beneficial. In addition, be sure to provide a comfortable, adequately sized bed, made from natural materials, in a quiet, cozy spot. Depending on your dog’s favorite sleeping position, you can choose a dog bed to match. For instance, dogs who sleep curled up may like a round bed with deep sides, whereas side sleepers may prefer a cushioned, flatter surface to spread out on. For belly or back sleepers, an elevated bed may help keep them cool and supported. Turn off all lights and loud sounds (TVs and radios) when going to bed; this can disrupt your dog’s ability to produce enough melatonin to sleep soundly, but don’t forget to open your blinds and shades in your home the next morning (dogs need access to direct sunlight to produce healthy daytime hormones, too!)

Editor’s note:

announcements and articles, for GDUI- News You Can Use, are culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies their contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

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Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. II, NO. 5, July 2021 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)

A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

GDUI Convention 2021 is over and, as for Mr. A and I, much rest did ensue! 

I am taking this opportunity to recognize people, without whom, this convention would not have happened, or been so successful!

To the Convention Program Planning team- Deb Trevino, co-coordinator, Sarah Calhoun, GDUI President, Lynn Merrill, Maria Hansen, Maria Kristic, and, last but very much not least, my anonymous (name withheld to protect the innocent) Planning Partner- unnamed but eternally thanked!!! Ladies you made me look clever, creative- like all that and a Kit Kat!! “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!” To Steve our wonderful web master, you always rise to whatever challenge I throw at you. As a result of your expertise, and prompt response to any and all requests updates and changes to happen quickly and accessibly. I am forever grateful for the Steveafacation of the content I send your way! To all of the presenters for giving up time during their summer to share with us and be interesting, informative, and enlightening. To Hava who provided plush guides, Pawz and Rezoom, so beautifully appointed in their hand-crafted gear! To everyone who purchased tickets for the drawing and registered for GDUI at the time of overall conference registration helping raise much needed funds for GDUI to continue the life changing work we do. To the people who hosted each session, making certain untrained people such as myself didn’t derail the doings. To everyone behind the scenes at ACB for making the virtual experience so terrific and unforgettable. To all of you who attended the sessions, causing all the time, energy, and work necessary to make GDUI Convention 2021 happen fade in to a distant memory, replaced with a feeling of having hit one all the way out of the park!

I really enjoyed the program this year! I found it interesting, informative, and thought provoking. It was great fun being part of the team that put it together!

While it was not the intention to create a program that was thematic, that is what happened. Our author, Christie Bane, talked about her book, Forward Together: An Inside Look at Guide Dog Training, which delves in to the raising, training and placement of guide dogs. Dr. Giudice and Paul Fink describe some of their current research and talked about the future of autonomous vehicles (Avs; the many benefits and huge potential of this newest form of transportation, and highlighted some of the challenges that need to be addressed. 

We learned of a collaborative video, created to educate TSA, airport, and airline employees. Chelsea White- The Seeing Eye and Rabih Dow- Guide Dogs for the Blind, partners in the video, explained who is the target audience and urged all of us to share it with anyone we know, or anyone we know who knows someone, connected to TSA and airports and airlines.

Find the video here:

David Locklin- Leader Dogs for the Blind, Lukas Franck- The Seeing Eye, and Diane Bergeron- CNIB Guide Dogs discussed the importance of knowledge sharing between guide schools. Whether helping each other through the pandemic or with the challenges faced establishing guide dog programs around the world. Additionally, we had more guide dog schools than ever before at the school update session; filling us in on how they have weathered the past year, and the creative, innovative way they have met the unusual circumstances of the pandemic. Of course, let’s not forget, the amazing, inspiring award winners!

So, focus on travel you ask? Yes, each session focused on some aspect of the guide dog world… how they grow and learn, the fabulous lives people lead and things they do while partnered with a guide dog, how the programs that breed and train them are working, individually and together, to meet the needs of their graduates and applicants, how those same guide dog programs are dedicated to bringing the freedom and independence of the guide dog life style to the whole world, we received a new tool, the video, to make air travel less frustrating,  and finally, what it might look like for us to be able to “drive” ourselves, and our guides, to a favorite local business and get a celebratory treat or beverage.

Well, space, and your attention, runs short. “Madame President, I apologize, my rhapsodizing has left no room for your usual greetings! “

Enjoy this issue and stay safe and cool!

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Mr. A

Announcement: Want to help drive the future of driving?

Contact Dr. Nicholas Giudice to get involved with his research,

Announcement: News from National Braille Press

Massive Downloadable Braille Sale!

Download and store these books before they disappear on August 31st!

Though National Braille Press moved exclusively into using the Unified English Braille code (UEB) back in 2016, we still have a handful of useful and/or fun books in downloadable electronic braille format (BRFs) in the old, English Braille American Edition code (EBAE). To help us clean up our database, we plan to remove these older BRFs, but not before we give you a chance to download them at a huge discount!

We’re offering these books as downloads only for $5.00 each between now and August 31, 2021. From cookbooks to kids book, get them now!

Take a look here:

Announcement: Totally cool source for accessible games

64 Ounce Games 

3911 Greenwood Drive

Pearland TX 77584

Announcement: Hadley presents

Two interesting items from Hadley:

Now There’s a Magazine Website Specifically for You

Dorrie Rush, OE’s Chief Content Officer, joins us for a chat about this wonderful online resource chock full of tips for living well with vision loss.

You’ll find great articles on using tech tools, tips for health and well-being, stories from others living with vision loss, a terrific podcast, and more.

Audio Described National Parks

Audio Describe the World! That’s the mantra of UniDescription: a free smartphone app that provides audio descriptions and navigation tips for US National Parks and other public places.

Downloadable transcripts are available at:

Article: Important news about traveling with a guide dog, from the CDC

As of July 14, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) began requiring that people traveling back to the U.S. from countries where rabies is a high risk obtain a permit to return to the country with their dogs. The CDC urges people to apply for the permit 6 weeks before they intend to return to the country with their dogs. This permit requirement does apply to service dogs and you must have the permit even if your dog was vaccinated in the U.S. and you have proof of vaccination. Below is the list of countries the CDC considers to be high risk. If your travel destination is not on this list, you do not need to apply for the permit. You should review the list carefully as you make your travel plans.

Below is a link to detailed information about how to apply for the permit, including information about where to email your completed permit application.

How to Apply for a CDC Dog Import Permit

You must already have the permit when you return from the high-risk country to the U.S. You cannot apply for the permit upon your return to the U.S. If you return without a permit, your dog can be denied entry into the country.

If you have questions about this information, please reach out directly to the CDC either by email at or call (800)-232-4636.

Beginning July 14, 2021, there is a temporary suspension for dogs imported from high-risk countries for dog rabies. CDC has the authority to issue a CDC Dog Import Permit for US citizens and lawful residents relocating from high-risk countries to bring their dogs into the United States. Such permits will be issued on an extremely limited basis.

First 90-Day Transition Process

From July 14 through October 14, 2021, dogs coming from high-risk countries with CDC Dog Import Permits can enter the United States at one of these 18 airports: Anchorage, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago (ORD), Dallas, Detroit, Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis, New York (JFK), Newark, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Juan, Seattle, and Washington, DC (Dulles).

After October 14, 2021, dogs coming from high-risk countries with CDC Dog Import Permits must enter only at approved ports of entry.

High-Risk Countries for Dog Rabies:

Updated July 14, 2021

Africa: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte D’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti

Egypt (Temporary importation suspension of dogs from Egypt until further notice)

Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,

Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya

Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria

Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe

Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa

South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara

Zambia, Zimbabwe

Americas & Caribbean: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil

Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador

El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras

Nicaragua, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela

Asia and the Middle East, Eastern Europe:

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Brunei

Cambodia, China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan)

Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq

Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan

Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Moldova, Mongolia

Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, North Korea, Oman

Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Russia

Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand

Timor-Leste (East Timor), Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine

United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen

If a country or political unit is not listed above, it is not considered high risk for importing dog rabies into the United States. Therefore, if the country is not listed, CDC strongly recommends a rabies vaccine certificate, but it is not required to enter the United States.

Editor’s note: I sent an e-mail requesting more detailed information about how this CDC Dog Import Permit and the restricted entry airports pertains to guide dogs. I did receive an answer, just today, and I am pasting in one line from that message: “At this time, service dogs may travel through the approved airports.” I am no expert; however, it seems careful research needs to be done if your travel includes any of the above-mentioned countries.

Article: Prevent these five common summer paw problems


Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine is one of the many joys of summer, but sometimes outdoor play can end up being a bit rough on dog paws. Nothing puts the kibosh on outdoor fun as fast as a paw injury. Keep the good times going by taking these steps to ensure your dog’s feet remain unharmed throughout all their summertime shenanigans. While some cuts and bruises may be unavoidable, these five classic summertime paw problems are perfectly preventable.

Burnt and torn pads:

If you’ve ever run across the street barefoot as a kid, then you undoubtedly remember just how hot and uncomfortable that blacktop can get. Walking or, even worse, running on its scorching and rough surface can easily burn and tear your dog’s paw pads. Protect those tender toes by restricting your walks and runs to the cooler hours of the day and the smoother sidewalk surfaces.

Metal edging injuries:

Metal edging is a common fixture in many backyards, which is probably why it’s also one of the most common causes of cut dog paws. Although it may seem blunt, it’s as good as a knife when a running dog lands on it at high speed. Remove the risk from your yard by opting for pet-friendly edging options like brick or poured concrete.

Torn nails:

A toenail that gets snagged during rambunctious play or a full-tilt run can end up getting pulled right off—ouch! Keep your dog’s nails trimmed short to prevent them from catching on things. If you’ve been avoiding this task because your dog isn’t a fan of nail trims, check out our tips to de-stress your pet’s pedicures.

Grass awn foreign bodies:

Grass awns, also known as foxtails, may look harmless as they barely cling to your dog’s coat, but these problematic seed pods have the uncanny ability to penetrate the skin and then slowly work their way deeper into the tissue. They often end up between dog toes, making their way into the paw itself. Keep grass awns off your dog by mowing your lawn regularly and avoiding tall grasses on walks.


These crafty parasites like to burrow in tricky places, and one of their common hard-to-find spots is between the toes (in the ears is their other super sneaky hideout). Because finding them can be so difficult, the best way to protect your pet from ticks is to use year-round parasite preventives.

Article: Guide Dog Raised by NHL Team Is Ready to Head to the Paralympics with His New Swimmer Owner

(Article link:

Anastasia Pagonis, 16, and Radar the guide dog are currently at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado

September is National Service Dog Month, but that’s not even the biggest news in Radar’s life.

The Labrador retriever guide dog was recently matched with his owner Anastasia Pagonis, a blind 16-year-old who quickly succeeded at competitive swimming after losing her eyesight two years ago. Two weeks after being introduced, Radar and Pagonis are residing at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Pagonis, one of the top athletes on the U.S. Paralympic Swimming Team, is training for a chance to compete in the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo — now rescheduled to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic

Even though the pair only knew each other for 4 days ahead of the trip from Pagonis’ home in Long Island, New York to Colorado, the swimmer says that Radar handled travel “really well.” Having Radar by her side was a welcomed change for Pagonis, who had to “rely on other people” for almost everything before being paired with the guide dog. 

“Honestly, I couldn’t be like my own person and so now that I have him, I feel so independent,” the teen tells PEOPLE about how Radar has already rapidly reshaped her life. 

“I’m gonna conquer the world with him,” she adds.

Pagonis already conquered quite a bit before meeting Radar. At 11, Pagonis, then playing soccer, was starting to lose her vision due to a genetic disease, and while she could see “pretty well at the time” she had a blind spot that caused her to ” get kicked in the face too much with the ball.” Dedicated to keeping athletics as part of her life, Pagonis spoke to her doctor about a different sport she could try that was better suited to her vision loss. Her doctor suggested swimming. 

“When I got in the water, I fell in love with it,” Pagonis says of starting the sport. “It was a place where I felt free, where I didn’t need any help getting around, and I didn’t need anything.”

Unfortunately, in 2018, Pagonis’ vision “completely blew” suddenly, leaving her only able to distinguish some variations in light.

“We didn’t understand why this was happening or what was going on,” Pagonis says of the overwhelming moment. “I went back to the doctor and I came back with autoimmune retinopathy, which is another disease on top of my genetic disease. How lucky am I?”

The sudden loss of her vision understandably rattled Pagonis who stopped swimming and went through “a really dark time” as she grappled with what this change meant for her future. With help from her supportive family, Pagonis focused on her mental health and got the help she needed to be ready to start swimming again.

“Then, we could not find a coach that wanted to train me because nobody wanted to train the blind girl,” she says of trying to restart swimming. “Nobody had faith in me.”

Until Marc Danin of Islander Aquatics happily agreed to train Pagonis, even blacking out his goggles to get a better understanding of how Pagonis experiences swimming.

“I figured it out and I got back into it and now it’s my happy place. I love it so much again. It’s honestly my favorite time of the day. My favorite time of everything. It’s my life now,” Pagonis shares.

This passion, and the support of Coach Danin and her team, has helped Pagonis rise to the position she is in now: training for a potential spot in the Paralympics. Pagonis has also embraced her vision loss and has become an advocate for blind people and everything they can achieve, using her Instagram (@anastasia_k_p) to show her support and enthusiastically educate others on what living life as a blind person is really like.

Pagonis says it is not uncommon for followers to slide into her DM to question if she is really blind because of her appearance and everything she has achieved, an impressive amount for any 16-year-old. She relishes replying to these doubters, explaining to them how real blind people, like her, rarely match the helpless stereotypes many have in their heads.

“I get put in a box all the time. I get put in a box that I can’t do this. I can’t do that,” she says. “I just feel like blindness has such a stereotype where you have to look a certain way, and act a certain way, and you can’t be an elite athlete, and you can’t wear makeup, and you can’t dress up.  You just have to be what they want you to be.”

Having Radar by her side only makes her feel more fierce and unstoppable.

“He is literally amazing and he is the smartest dog in the world,” she says of the pooch, who goes with her everywhere, including the pool. 

“He’ll just sit on the side of the deck and he’ll just chill there.”

If Pagonis heads to Tokyo in 2021 for the Paralympics, Radar will be there too, and he is uniquely prepared for the crowds, sounds, and chaos that comes with big events.

Radar, a guide dog trained by the Guide Dog Foundation, was raised by the New York Islanders hockey team. While Radar was born at the Guide Dog Foundation’s campus in Long Island, New York, and was later trained by their professionals and matched with Pagonis free of charge, the non-profit relies on volunteers to help raise and socialize their puppies before they return to campus for more advanced training.

The New York Islanders, who had partnered with the Guide Dog Foundation before to raise funds for their efforts, decided to take their support one step further by helping the foundation raise puppies, and Radar was their first. The precious pup attended Islanders games, met fans, pawed around the office, and was regularly immersed in all the sounds and sensations that come with a major sports game.

“Essentially a huge portion of what the first few months of guide dog training are is socializing the puppy and introducing them to new things,” says Ann Rina, the senior director of community relations for the Islanders.  “And what better way to do that? We have a captive audience of 15,000 fans in our arena, so why not?”

Radar quickly became a team favorite during his puppy raising period with the Islanders, and Rina says the team, and their fans, are overjoyed to see the dog grown up and already making an impact on his owner’s life. The NHL team was so smitten with being part of the process, the are in the process of raising another service puppy, this time for the Guide Dog Foundation’s sister organization, America’s VetDogs.

To keep track of Pagonis’ Paralympics journey, which hopefully ends with a gold medal for her and Radar, follow her on Instagram.

Article: Judge David Tatel’s lack of eyesight never defined him, but his blindness is woven into the culture of the influential appeals court in D.C.

By: Ann E. Marimow

The Washington Post July 8, 2021

When Judge David S. Tatel informed President Biden of his plan to step back from the federal bench this year, he closed his letter on a personal note: “My guide dog, Vixen, is pleased to know that First Dogs Champ and Major are also German Shepherds.”

In nearly three decades on the appeals court in Washington, Tatel’s lack of eyesight has never defined him. But his blindness — and more recently the attentive German shepherd at his side — is now woven into the culture of the courthouse where Tatel has been at the epicenter of consequential cases affecting major aspects of American life.

The latest formal portrait of the court’s black-robed judges features Vixen in the front row.

“For a judge who can’t see, he sees everything. Not just what is going on in the case before him, but how it matters in the future,” said Steve Vladeck, a constitutional law professor at the University of Texas and close observer of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.

Circuit. “It’s hard to think of a judge who is more highly respected on the federal appellate bench even by those who disagree with him.”

His plan at age 79 to take a lighter caseload or “senior status” once Biden installs his successor winds down the career of a leading, liberal-leaning voice on the bench that has shaped laws affecting voting rights, the environment, Internet regulations and press freedoms.

Biden’s first slate of judicial nominees aims to quickly boost diversity in federal courts Tatel’s tenure on one of the most influential courts in the country has often thrust him into high-profile disputes involving the

government: New York Times reporter Judith Miller’s battle to protect a confidential source; the troubled military trials at Guantánamo Bay; and more recently, his unsuccessful attempt to block the Trump administration from reviving the federal death penalty.

“After so many years in D.C. in the thick of a lot of controversies, it would be easy to be cynical. But he’s never wavered in his faith in the system he’s a part of,” said Goodwin Liu, one of Tatel’s former law clerks who is a justice on the California Supreme Court. “He has always believed he could persuade his colleagues with rational argument and is open to persuasion himself.”

During oral arguments in the wood-paneled fifth-floor courtroom, it is easy to forget that Tatel is blind. He asks penetrating questions and often has a better handle on details from the dregs of thick case files than some of the attorneys arguing before him. The signs are subtle — an elbow from a colleague guiding him to his seat or the request from a fellow judge to the arguing attorney to read a specific statute out loud.

Retired judge Thomas B. Griffith, who served with Tatel for 15 years, never considered Tatel’s blindness a limitation, but rather envied how his work seemed enhanced by technology. On the bench,

Tatel uses a small Braille computer, listening through one earpiece as he clicks through his meticulous notes.

“Our joke in chambers was, I want one of those little black boxes because it’s got all the right answers, it asks all the right questions and has all the right record citations,” Griffith said.

“It’s just amazing.”

‘The brain adapts’

Tatel’s vision first posed a problem when he played baseball as a kid in Silver Spring. Diagnosed with a retinal disease at the National Eye Institute at 15, he stopped driving his third year of law school at the University of Chicago. His eyesight deteriorated dramatically during a family ski trip when he was nearly 30.

Tatel’s wife Edie, and later the couple’s four children, became his “audible artists” — reading to him, describing the world and guiding him on hikes and down ski slopes.

But after Tatel lost his eyesight, his memory improved prodigiously.

The system of workarounds and network of support he developed, in addition to advances in technology and his superior memory, gave Tatel something akin to a superpower.

Early on, when he was a lawyer in private practice in Washington, Tatel needed everything read to him — newspapers, the mail, legal briefs. Now his desk is a tangle of cords for devices that include the Braille computer that converts text to speech and an oversized iPod-like audio reader.

The computer speaks to him in a robotic, male voice that reads everything including Roman numerals and punctuation marks while mispronouncing certain words. The judge listens at a clip four, sometimes five, times the normal speed, and tears through three newspapers daily and at least half a dozen books a month.


“The brain adapts,” he said.

By necessity, Tatel’s law clerks read drafts of opinions out loud and make edits as they go before he does light edits on his own computer.

“If a clerk read the wrong word or missed a comma, he would know and say, ‘Isn’t there a comma there or isn’t that a different word?’”

recalled Michelle Friedland, a former clerk who is now a judge on the 9th Circuit.

Tatel’s writing is sparse and not prone to rhetorical flourishes. He detests passive voice and considers footnotes clutter. Anything worth saying should be fully explored in the text of the opinion, he says.

“He has tremendous ability to think in complete paragraphs and a great command of the overall picture of what a draft looks like,” Liu said.

President Bill Clinton picked Tatel in 1994 to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. By then, he’d had a long career as a prominent civil liberties lawyer working to desegregate public schools throughout the country. Tatel honed his judicial style in more than 700 opinions and has collaborated with more than 100 clerks, whose photos are prominently displayed in the hallway of his chambers.

Some include college debate champions who Tatel first hired as his human readers before they went on to law school and returned to his chambers. Travis Crum, his first, gave Tatel a pipeline to what Crum jokingly calls “fast talking nerds who want to go to law school.”

“With all due respect to Yale Law School,” said Crum, now a law professor, “it was the best legal education I got.”

‘He plays it straight’

Even as technology has evolved, what has not changed is Tatel’s analytical, energetic approach to the law and appreciation for the real-world impact of his decisions.

In 2012, a significant case landed with Tatel and his colleagues over a central provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that required states with a history of discrimination to seek federal approval before changing voting laws. Proponents said it was needed to protect minority voting rights, but the Supreme Court had already signaled skepticism.

“I’ve read the briefs, and I realize the Supreme Court has hinted where it’s headed,” Judge Stephen F. Williams, a nominee of President Ronald Reagan, wrote in an email to Tatel. “But I remain uncertain.

What’s your view, David?”

What followed were memos, phone calls and meetings in Tatel’s chambers overlooking the National Gallery of Art in which the judges grappled over the law and the issues in a collaborative back-and-forth.

“You can’t predict how he’s going to decide based on who the plaintiff is or what the issue is. He plays it straight,” said Griffith, the third judge on the panel.

Tatel could not persuade Williams, his close friend who died last summer. But Griffith, a nominee of President George W. Bush, joined Tatel’s majority opinion upholding the law. The courts had no reason, Tatel wrote, to second guess Congress when it came to ensuring that “the right to vote — surely among the most important guarantees of political liberty in the Constitution — is not abridged on account of race.”

But, as Williams predicted, the Supreme Court reversed Tatel the next year in a 5-to-4 decision written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.

Republican-led state legislatures have since passed a flurry of new voting restrictions.

Geoffrey Stone, a professor and former dean of the University of Chicago Law School, said Tatel’s opinion “captured perfectly the reasons why the act was constitutional, why it was sensible and why we as a nation needed it.”

Tatel’s work has also impacted major environmental policies and shaped the future of the Internet. He was initially on the losing side when the full D.C. Circuit refused to rehear a lawsuit from Massachusetts and other states saying George W. Bush’s administration was not doing enough to fight global warming.

“If global warming is not a matter of exceptional importance, then those words have no meaning,” Tatel wrote, after delving into climate science.

He was vindicated in 2007 when the Supreme Court embraced his view and said in a 5-to-4 decision that the Clean Air Act empowers the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate greenhouse gases.

A few years later, Tatel ended up reviewing a trio of critical cases affecting the Internet. In 2016, he and Judge Sri Srinivasan wrote a rare joint opinion upholding strict rules banning Internet providers from blocking or slowing traffic to consumers.

“Given the tremendous impact third-party Internet content has had on our society, it would be hard to deny its dominance in the broadband experience,” the judges wrote. “Over the past two decades, this content has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, from profound actions like choosing a leader, building a career, and falling in love to more quotidian ones like hailing a cab and watching a movie.”

‘What a good dog’

On the back roads of rural Virginia, where the Tatels relocated during the pandemic, the judge and his dog log many miles exploring together. Tatel firmly grasps Vixen’s harness as she gently steers him to the side of the road, standing guard between him and the large trucks that rumble by. And during virtual court hearings or while Tatel edits an opinion, Vixen collapses on an oversized pillow awaiting the judge’s next move.

Tatel was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa in 1957 as a teen attending Montgomery Blair High School. As he studied political science at the University of Michigan and later met Edie, his vision problems did not initially interfere with biking, skiing, reading or work.

After law school, he became an investigator for the Chicago mayor’s commission to study the 1968 riots, which cemented his commitment to civil rights and education. He would go on to lead the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the national committee in D.C. During the Carter administration, he revived the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

By his early 30s, Tatel had lost his eyesight.

He learned to use a mobility cane from a woman who taught tap dancing at the Chevy Chase Community Center. But for years, he resisted getting a guide dog in part because he thought it would require a lengthy training period away from court. Some in his family were also reluctant — partly fearing they would be displaced by a dog.

“All these years, we’ve walked together,” Tatel said of Edie. “My children, too. We never walk anywhere without holding on.”

But Tatel’s thinking changed as his movements became more prescribed.

Edie walked with him from their apartment in Friendship Heights to the Metro. Law clerks took turns meeting him at Judiciary Square to walk with him to the gym to swim laps and then on to court.

Tatel first met Vixen in the summer of 2019, after his grandson shared a podcast describing a guide dog program with on-site, at-home training.

“It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” said Tatel, who has run three marathons. “You have to give up all the techniques you’ve learned to get around and turn them over to a dog.”

Commands, hand signals, listening to traffic. Tatel engaged in two weeks of around-the-clock, painstaking work with a trainer and Vixen.

The communication slowly began to feel more instinctive as they practiced walking city streets. But it would take six months to click and they are still learning from each other.

There were minor mishaps. When Vixen took a wrong turn during an early visit to the courthouse, the U.S. marshals had to steer the judge in the right direction.

During a recent trip to the courthouse, Tatel stood with Vixen on the Metro platform in Friendship Heights and waited. The double doors of the rail car slid open and Vixen guided the judge inside.

“What a good dog,” Tatel said, patting her head as she sat at his feet for the ride.

In his letter to Biden in February, Tatel characterized his tenure on the bench as “the highest honor of my professional life. But he said after 27 years, it was time to “make room for a new generation.”

After their Metro ride to Judiciary Square, Vixen took Tatel past a homeless encampment and then slowed down to signal caution as she expertly navigated between two cylindrical jersey barriers to arrive at the courthouse doors.

Even after more than a year away, Vixen needed no prompting from the judge.

She took him into the elevator and then trotted through the warren of private hallways until they reached Tatel’s light-filled chambers with a view of the Mall.

The judge exuberantly greeted his legal assistant, Amanda Grace, and with his hand on Vixen’s head, said: “Guess who knew the way?”

Article: Fabulous weekly e-newsletter full of great stuff!

Top Tech Tidbits. The world’s #1 online resource for current news and trends in adaptive technology.

(Excerpted from

Here are examples of the range of content found each week:

Two New NVDA Add-ons

A.) Advanced Phonetic Reading:

B.) Clock:

Exploring Tech Webinar with David Woodbridge

All about Smart Speakers with and without screens, and some 3rd party devices, on YouTube:


Intro to Grade 3 Braille, Braille with JAWS, and Braille in iOS

These are some of the recorded masterclasses available from the Braillists Foundation:

Case For Not Using Accessibility Overlays, With Added Privacy Concerns

A.) A lot of accessibility professionals have endorsed or contributed to this document explaining why AccessiBe and similar products harm accessibility efforts:

B.) This post from respected authority L’onie Watson is clear about the unwelcome privacy consequences of AccessiBe:

Using Picture Smart in JAWS and Fusion to Describe Image Files or Pictures on Web Pages

This is a short TikTok video:

Game On | 1 New Endorsement | Top Tech Tidbits BVI Technology Game Directory | 10 Games Listed

If you are a blind or visually impaired gamer and you play a game that you would like to tell other blind or visually impaired gamers about, please submit your game to the Top Tech Tidbits BVI Technology Game Directory today. And remember, if you come across a game in the Directory that you agree is awesome, please be sure to endorse it by submitting it yourself so that it moves up the list where more people will notice it:

Paid Research Project | Exploring the Experiences and Needs of People with Visual Impairments in a Kitchen | Closes: August 3rd 2021

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is conducting a research project to explore how blind and low-vision people cook in the kitchen so that we can understand their challenges, and design technologies to support cooking activities. In a study session, we will be observing participants cooking, and interviewing them about their cooking experiences. You may qualify if you are: 18+ years old AND blind or low vision for at least one year AND a US resident. (We can only offer research compensation to US residents for now due to tax requirements. Sorry for that!). We will provide a $15 Amazon gift card per hour as compensation. The study will last about 2 hours, so the total compensation will be $30. If you are interested in our study, please fill in the questionnaire in the link to sign up:

Game-Changing iPhone Features That Make Life with a Disability Easier

The accessibility mode may just be the greatest ally in maintaining your autonomy:

A Controversial Tool Calls Out Thousands of Hackable Websites

Say Yes To The Dress: Who is Shaela Warkentin? Meet TLC’s blind bride on Instagram

“Say Yes to The Dress” featured the second episode of its brand-new season on Saturday, July 24th 2021. The episode took many viewers by surprise as it featured the blind bride, Shaela Warkentin, whom Randy Fenoli and the other store managers assisted to find a bridal gown:


New Award-Winning App Helps the Visually Impaired Manage Their Wardrobe

Two Industrial Design students from Carleton University have won an Innovative Designs for Accessibility (IDeA) student competition award from Universities Canada for their concept Closet, a label system that enables people with visual disabilities to independently manage their clothes:

New Award-Winning App Helps the Visually Impaired Manage Their Wardrobe


H&M Tops List of Accessible Websites, As Most Retailers Fail to Cater for The Visually Impaired

Clothing retailer H&M’s homepage topped the table for accessible websites, registering a perfect score of 100 on Google Lighthouse — the only site to cater for all types of visual impairments:

Deaf-Blind Swimmer Withdraws From Paralympics After Being Denied Access To Personal Care Assistant

Becca Meyers, a six-time medallist, has been forced to withdraw from the competition after officials denied her access to have her Personal Care Assistant with her in Japan:

Blind YouTube Star Molly Burke Wants To Help Young Disabled People Navigate Wellness

Molly Burke has been on YouTube for six years, sharing her life as a young blind woman to nearly two million people on a regular basis — including daily routines, unique challenge videos and anecdotes about losing her sight as a result of an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa. With her recent partnership with Schick, however, the 27-year-old aims to do more than to share her life experiences on her platform, but also to use it to make wellness more accessible:

Introduction to Audio Description from 3Play Media

August 12th 2021 | 11AM PT, 12PM MT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 6PM GMT | This webinar will cover the basics of how to add audio description to online video, legal requirements for audio description, video player compatibility, examples and demos, how to create audio description, and benefits of audio description outside of accessibility:

Technology User Group Helps You Prepare for the Changes Coming to Your iDevice and Computer

August 14th 2021 | 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 2PM GMT | On Saturday, August 14th 2021 the Technology User Group helps you prepare for the changes coming to your iDevice and computer. This September, iOS 15 will be released. Is your phone eligible for the upgrade? What new features can you expect? Is Siri going to have added skills and abilities? Also, we will look at the expected changes to Jaws and Zoomtext as they move toward a new Beta version debuting in October. You do not have to RSVP for this event. The presentation will last about 90 minutes. We look forward to meeting with you virtually and hope that you will join us for other exciting events we have planned for 2021. This presentation will be virtual and may be joined by calling:


Editor’s note:

Material for GDUI- News You Can Use, is culled from a variety of sources; Hence inclusion herein does not imply GDUI endorses, supports or verifies its contents. Information, ideas, or expressed opinions are not advice, therefore should not be treated as such. Factual errors are the responsibility of the listed source.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Penny Reeder, Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

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Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

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Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. II, NO. 4, June 2021 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)

A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

Well, it has been busy and this is coming out a bit later than anticipated so I will let the content speak for itself. There is lots to this issue, studies to participate in, tips for taking better pics, a good idea for your next read, and really interesting information about recycling. Stay tuned, another Paws for GDUI News You Can Use is coming very soon full to bursting with all things convention!

Until then, keep your leash loose and our shoulders back!

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Mr. A

From the President: Greetings everyone!

I hope this note finds you well! It has been nice getting out and about more with our guide dogs, those working with a new four-legged partner, and just enjoying the ability to visit family and friends!

Thank you to all who voted! We certainly have a wonderful, secure and easy to use system through VoteNow!

With summer just around the corner and outdoor activities being available to everyone this year, I hope you and your guide dog enjoy the sun and fresh air! If you have any fun and interesting encounters, please let us know by sending them to the GDUI chat list!

We are still compiling experiences completing the Department of Transportation forms prior to traveling by air with your guide dog. Whether you have a positive or negative encounter, please let us know! You can send your story to:

Remember to register for the GDUI convention presentations on the ACB convention registration form. To be eligible to win a door prize during one of GDUI’s convention presentations, you need to pay the registration fee of $15.00.

Thank you for being a valued member, friend and supporter of GDUI! Not only are you supporting this wonderful organization, but the schools and people who afford us the opportunity to travel with these spectacular guide dogs! Wishing you fun, enjoyable and safe travels, four paws at a time!


Sarah Calhoun & Lakota

Announcement: The market research company, Eye Square, is currently conducting a new nation-wide project to help improve map and search apps for visually impaired users.

We are looking for visually impaired map and search app users to talk to us via Zoom and give us their feedback. We are especially interested in finding people who use Android mobile phones. Interviews will last about an hour, and participants will be compensated for their time.

The basic qualifications to participate are that individuals be 18 years or older and that they use a screen reader on their smartphone. Those interested will be required to go through a short screening process by phone to determine if they meet the study’s eligibility criteria

Contact Katie, if you are interested in the project or have any questions.

Announcement: Be My Eyes Introduces New Partners!

We have great news for Verizon customers! You can now connect directly with Verizon through Be My Eyes to get your questions about accessibility features for Verizon products and services answered. As one of the leading telecom providers in the US, we’re thrilled to be partnering with Verizon to help you get the most out of your phone plan and all the accessibility features.

The Verizon service is already available through the Be My Eyes app – just enter the Specialized Help menu in the Be My Eyes app, locate Verizon in the Technical category and give them a call. To start, the Verizon Accessibility Support team is available to answer your Be My Eyes calls Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 5 to 7 PM ET.

But wait, there’s more! To make things even more exciting, we’ve announced our first Careers partner, Jobs for Humanity. With the launch of their new job board,, they already have more than 1,000 positions available around the world, where employers have committed to interviewing the top visually impaired candidates. This is pretty amazing stuff, and they’re holding open office hours on Specialized Help a few hours per week to help people get familiar with the service they provide.

Announcement: Study relating to face coverings and mobility

COVID-19 has introduced many new barriers. This study explores the impact of face masks on echolocation and the ability to draw on other environmental cues during independent travel. We want to hear from you, even if you have not encountered barriers. You will have the opportunity to share strategies that have worked for you, which will contribute to the development of recommendations. We invite you to participate and share widely!

Mobility with Face Masks Study – Need Participants!

Attention to all persons who are blind, deafblind or who have Low Vision! We are seeking individuals 18 years or older to complete a short online survey about your experience with face masks or facial protection and with independent travel during COVID-19. This research has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Montreal. Results from this survey will inform important recommendations to address barriers related to orientation and mobility during COVID-19. Visit to learn more or to participate! If you encounter difficulties, you may also call (514) 343-7962 to request assistance by phone.

Announcement: Book by guide dog handler Nominated for an Audio Book Award!

BY: Betsy Folwell with Hartlyn

“Short Carries: Essays from Adirondack Life” was my pandemic project says Betsy Folwell, a GDB graduate working with Hartlyn an eight-year-old black Lab. The book is a collection of articles on nature, outdoor recreation, local history and small-town life that was published as a paperback in 2009. “After visiting some GDB folks in Montreal in January 2020 I realized that my book is just not accessible to my new friends, nor, for that matter, to me as a blind person.”

“Using the Audible Creative Exchange, a platform that connects authors and narrators, I selected a price range for production and posted samples for auditions. I was blown away when 60 MP3 files came in, all women reading the same sample I chose,” Linda Jones, who has narrated scores of books for major publishers had just the right delivery for the book, which runs 8 hours and 18 minutes.

In April Jones notified the author that Short Carries is a finalist for the Independent Audiobook Awards in the nonfiction category. The winner will be announced at the Hear Now Festival in June.

The Independent Audiobook Awards website:

The HEAR Now Festival website:

The original Facebook announcement:

To purchase the audiobook visit or 

For a sample of Linda Jones reading from Short Carries visit 

Article: Capturing Picture Paw-fect Moments

 BY: The GDB Marketing Team

(Excerpted from: Guide Dogs for the Blind ALUMNI NEWS- Volume 29 – Number 2)

Are you itching to capture those perfect, post-pandemic memorable moments with your dog back out at a favorite spot? Here are some pro tips from GDB’s marketing team and photo maven, Morry Angell.

Photograph people and dogs in close proximity; eg: rather than have a person standing next to a dog (where the person is tall, and the dog is short), get the dog and person’s faces in closer proximity – it may mean having the person kneel or the dog get on a bench.

Photograph dogs at their eye level, rather than from above.

If appropriate, get the dog’s attention so that they look alert. Particularly in the case of Labradors, they look best in photographs when their ears are “up” or flagged. If their ears are lying back on their head, they can look sad, nervous or scared – even if that is not the case.

While the gear- leashes, bait bags, leash luggage, etc.-   serves valid purposes, it can clutter up photographs. When it is safe to do so, consider discreetly tucking said items off to the side or behind the dog. Remember- Safety first- Always!

Be aware of the surroundings in your photographs. What is in the background and foreground? Can you move your subject or your camera to get a cleaner background or foreground? Can you remove clutter (garbage cans, odd furnishings, etc.)? Are there people in your background that shouldn’t be?

Be aware that taking your photo in front of an open window or door where the light is behind the subject can create a backlight effect where everyone looks like a shadow and is difficult to see in the image. Instead, try switching the positioning so your subject is facing the window, door or light source.

Most important, be safe and live in the moment with your dog while having fun.

Editor’s note: I included these tips because, unlike many of you, I am a total novice at taking pictures of my guide. Mr. A is tired of me prominently featuring his toes, the tip of his tail, or one nostril in my photos. When I read the above tips recently I found them helpful and thought others might too. Please remember they are simply suggestions and, while originally published by Guide Dogs for the Blind, I have excerpted the original

Article: Sustainability Through an Inclusive Lens

BY: Hillary Scanlon

(Excerpted from: Guide Dogs for the Blind ALUMNI NEWS- Volume 29 – Number 2)

When I suddenly and unexpectedly lost my vision in 2016, I felt that I was thrown into a world that I had never known before. Certainly, this world has always existed, but I did not have the time or desire to notice it until I needed to. This world, the world of inaccessibility and exclusion, is full of hurdles and hoops for people with disabilities to navigate, understand, fight against.

When I first lost my vision, I was extremely frustrated with my inability to complete seemingly simple tasks such as reading a book, texting a friend, putting toothpaste on a toothbrush, and throwing out my waste when I was in public. I never imagined that being able to dispose of waste properly in public spaces was tied to a certain level of privilege and ability. If I went to grab tea on my university campus, I had to think about what I was going to do with the cup, the lid, the tea bag, and the cardboard sleeve that I had now acquired. Should I walk up and down the hallway with my cane to see if I can into anything that feels like a waste container? If I happen to find one, should I try and determine the proper waste stream for each of the cup components? This would require me to touch and feel the containers and try to decipher which waste stream was which. If I went this route, I often ended up touching something sticky, and was then tasked with finding a hand sanitizing station and/or a washroom. If I was determined and had time that day, I would do what I described above. If I didn’t, I had a few options. First, I could just try and find the waste unit and throw out my cup in whichever stream I could find. The second option was to litter. The third option was to put my cup in my bag (which often resulted in a mess), bring it home with me, and dispose of it at home where I am familiar with the locations of the garbage, organics, and recycling. All of these options are not only inconvenient, but they are also unacceptable.

In 2019, I received my first guide dog, Margarita. She is a 60lb Yellow Lab who is the perfect combination of a co-worker, a friend, and a dog. When her harness is on, she has her game face on. When her harness is off, I usually have to convince people that she is indeed a guide dog because she is so silly and goofy. The perfect combination. I would do anything for her, and I know she would do anything for me.

As all guide dog users are aware, one of our responsibilities as a handler is to clean up after our dogs, “do their business.” Picking up waste and keeping spaces clean is part of being a community member and a steward of the environment. Properly disposing of this waste, however, is a barrier. Whether you have a bag of poop, a cup of tea, a tissue, etc., you are asked and expected by society to dispose of this waste properly. Unfortunately, society has not provided all of its members with the tools necessary to do this. That is why I developed STIL Solutions (Sustainability Through an Inclusive Lens).

At STIL Solutions, we aim to bridge the gap between sustainability and accessibility by making waste disposal more accessible to people with vision loss and other disabilities. We do this by providing communities, institutions, business, etc. with a product known as the WasteFinder. The WasteFinder is a two-part system that uses a technology similar to tactile walking surface indicators (i.e., similar to what you may interact with at a crosswalk or at the top of stairs). The first component, the Vicinity Indicator, goes on the ground (like a large mat), surrounding the waste container and alerts individuals who pass over it that they are in the vicinity of a waste container. The Vicinity Indicator is light blue and contains raised outlines of flat triangles. This unique colour and texture make it easy for individuals of all abilities to determine that they are in the vicinity of (or close to) a waste container.

The second component of the WasteFinder is the Stream Indicators. Stream Indicators are also placed on the ground, however, they are located directly in front of the appropriate waste stream, thereby enabling people with vision loss, and those of all abilities, to identify which waste stream they are directly in front of without having to touch the waste container. This is done by seeing or feeling the unique design of each Stream Indicator under your feet, mobility device, etc. STIL currently provides 3 types of Stream Indicators, the Recycling Stream Indicator, the Garbage Stream Indicator, and the Organics Stream Indicator.

The Recycling Stream Indicator

The Recycling Stream Indicator is a royal blue 12” x 12” indicator that is placed on the ground directly in front of the recycling stream. It contains a large, raised outline of a equilateral triangle, a shape that resembles the recycling symbol. If the tip of the triangle is pointed towards you (i.e., away from the waste unit), that indicates that you are directly in front of the plastics and containers waste stream. If the tip of the triangle is pointed away from you (i.e., towards the waste unit), that indicates that you are directly in front of the paper and cardboard waste stream.

What does it feel like?

If you were to stand on the Recycling Stream Container or move your mobility device over it, it may feel somewhat like a Toblerone (a pyramid-like candy bar). In other words, the top surface of the raised outline of the triangle is not flat, but rather, it is triangular.

The Garbage Stream Indicator

The Garbage Stream Indicator is a black or dark grey 12” x 12” indicator that is placed on the ground directly in front of the garbage stream. It contains a large, raised outline of a square.

What does it feel like?

If you were to stand on the Garbage Stream Container or move your mobility device over it, it may feel somewhat like a miniature step. The top of the raised outline of the square is smooth and parallel with the ground.

The Organics Stream Indicator

The Organics Stream Indicator is a forest green 12” x 12” indicator that is placed on the ground directly in front of the organics stream. It contains a large, raised outline of a circle, a shape that is often used to represent the Earth or organic materials. The circle also resembles the letter “O,” which is a great way to remember that “O” is for “organics.”

What does it feel like?

If you were to stand on the Organics Stream Container or move your mobility device over it, it may feel like you are interacting with a solid hose that has been cut in half lengthwise and placed in a circular formation. In other words, the top surface of the raised outline of the circle is not flat, but rather, it is rounded.

Product characteristics

  • AODA compliant
  • ADA compliant
  • Weather resistant – whether you are in California or Ottawa…
  • 7 Principles of Universal Design
  • The use of shapes, textures, colours, rather than text, makes the product usable/accessible to people whose first language may not be English, to young children who cannot yet read, to individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, to people with developmental disabilities who often rely on shapes and colours to understand and communicate with their environment.

If you are interested in the WasteFinder and would like to implement it in your space, we invite you to visit our website at We are always open to feedback and we welcome your contributions to the development of a more sustainable and accessible world.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Penny Reeder, Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our website:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

Our Facebook page can be accessed at

Our Facebook group can be accessed at

Our Twitter timeline can be accessed at

Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

To join the GDUI-Announce List, visit this link:

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To subscribe to the (members only) GDUI Business list, visit this link:

Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use: VOL. II, NO. 3, April 2021 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)

A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

Alas, my hope for March going out like a lamb has not come to fruition. Well, Spring is officially here so consistently warmer days should be ahead- no joke!

Turning to this issue…, there is a wide range of topics to keep you engaged- including, but not limited to, more audio description on HBO, an opportunity to give your input on autonomous vehicles, Webinars offered in April, words from GDUI’s President and more.

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Mr. A

From the President: Hello GDUI members and friends!

Welcome to spring, nice weather and long walks with your guide dog!  

It has been a challenging year dealing with the pandemic, isolation, lack of activity and keeping our guide dogs happy, healthy and keen on their training! Now we can grab the harness, leash and start traveling around again!

GDUI will be holding two candidate forums for members to meet the candidates before voting begins in May. The dates, time and Zoom information will be shared on the email lists.

The GDUI program committee is working hard on the 2021 virtual convention! A list of the programs will be announced shortly after the committee has finalized their schedule. I know for sure we will have the Guide Dog School Update! This is one of the favorite programs GDUI has each year.  Don’t miss the update, it will be spectacular!

Please share with your fellow GDUI members your thoughts, adventures, traveling tips or anything you and your guide dog happen upon! You can post to the GDUI chat list; If you have a story, poem or a guide dog related article you want to have published in, “Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use” please send it to:

Lakota and I wish everyone very happy holidays and a wonderful spring!

Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Announcement: (short notice) Audio Described Performance

Saturday, April 3 at 4 PM.

The American Repertory Theatre (A.R.T.) is presenting an of their live, online show, The Conjuror’s Club.

This multi-magician event is presented live, online, via Zoom. You don’t need any special equipment beyond a computer that is Zoom compatible. All description users will gather in one Zoom breakout room, where Cori Couture will provide description. Once you’ve booked your ticket, you will receive detailed instructions via email in the days leading up to the show.

Also, a recorded pre-show description will be available on the A.R.T. website toward the end of the week.

To reserve your spot, visit:

call: 617-547-8300

Tickets are $58 per Household, but to increase accessibility, a limited number of discounted tickets are available for $25 per household!

More About the Show… Join us for an intimate and interactive multi-magician experience, performed live nightly.

For the first time in 100 years, the secretive magic society, The Conjurors’ Club, pulls back the curtain for an interactive experience that redefines the face of modern magic. Take a front-row seat and immerse yourself in the arcane and mysterious with three different magicians. Physical distance can’t keep the amazing mind-reading, reality-bending illusions, and extraordinary transformations from reaching through the screen and directly into your home. As honorary members of the Club, you’ll receive your own secret package for use during your visit that is guaranteed to surprise and delight all of your senses—but you must promise to keep the secrets… (Visual details of the secret package and its contents will be included in the recorded pre-show description.)

Learn even more about the show, read reviews, and further explore the world of magic at:

Announcement: Dr. Nicholas Giudice and the VEMI Lab at the University of Maine are seeking input on their research to make autonomous vehicles (AVs) accessible and usable for blind and visually impaired people and older adults.

In their ‘AVs for all’ initiative, they will be conducting a range of studies, focus groups, and interviews and are seeking input, feedback, and guidance from blind and visually impaired folks on the research. This user-driven approach is critical to ensure that their work, and future AV development, is based on real needs and addresses actual concerns of blind and older adult end-users. As such, they invite you to become involved and hope you will consider signing up as a potential participant in their research.

More about the Autonomous Vehicle Research Group, which Giudice leads, can be found at:

If you are interested in participating in future research, you are invited to fill out the information intake survey at the URL below. Your data will be kept confidential and you will only be contacted when openings in experiments, focus groups, interviews, or other types of research become available in the future. We hope you make your voice heard and are willing to give your input. If interested, please fill out the voluntary intake survey at:

Announcement: HumanWare Live Webinars

We are proud to present our next series of HumanWare Live webinars for the month of April. This month, it’s all about braille. Our experts, Andrew Flatres and Peter Tucic, will guide you through our Brailliant BI X series of braille displays and the benefits of using the BrailleNote Touch Plus for teaching blind students.

A discovery of our intelligent braille displays

Date: Tuesday, April 6th

Time: 8 PM (EST)

Intended for: Braille device users

During this webinar, you will gain an insight into product features and explore the software and hardware that set the new Brailliant BI 20X and the Brailliant BI 40X apart from any other stand-alone braille displays available today.

Register in advance for this webinar

Teaching and monitoring the progress of students learning braille

Date: Thursday, April 8th

Time: 3 PM (EST)

ACVREP approved continuing education hour: 1 CE credit

Intended for: Teachers for the visually impaired, assistive technology specialists, parents, BrailleNote Touch Plus students and users.

This HumanWare Live webinar will focus on the Take Off Unified English Braille (UEB) curriculum that teachers can use to teach braille. Participants will learn how to use this free braille curriculum that is integrated into the BrailleNote Touch Plus via the Duxbury Learning Tables. Participants will then take a tour of the HumanWare Buddy App to learn how to track student progress through personalized and pre-determined lessons.

Register in advance for this webinar

If you have any questions about our live webinars, contact us at:

The HumanWare Team

Announcement: Verizon Media Announces Media Donation for ACB and Other Disability Organizations

On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, Verizon Media announced that they will be donating $5 million in media to a number of disability organizations, including the American Council of the Blind (ACB). ACB is excited to further our mission driven brand and message through the generous support of Verizon Media. Along with other nonprofits committed to expanding opportunity and equality for individuals with disabilities, the advertising grant provided through Verizon Media will allow ACB to amplify the voices of persons with disabilities at a time when the hardships of social isolation born out of the global pandemic have reverberated throughout our community. We wish to thank Verizon Media for their continued support as ACB fosters voice, choice, and community for people who are blind and visually impaired. For more information, visit:  

Announcement: ACB Quoted in WSJ Article on Accessible Currency

We thought you may find interesting an article published this Friday in the Wall Street Journal, which announced Britain’s newest tactile currency and reported on the U.S. Department of Treasury’s continued failure to provide accessible currency in the United States.

ACB’s own Executive Director Eric Bridges was quoted in the article, and we think it did an excellent job highlighting the issue we continue to struggle with in the U.S. as other countries move forward with recognizing the value in producing accessible currency for people who are blind and visually impaired.

We hope you, too, will enjoy the article, and please share through your own social networks if possible.

Team ACB

American Council of the Blind:

Announcement: Our Space Our Place, Inc. workshop

How do they do that? How do they audio describe a show?

Please pass along –

A unique opportunity for blind and low vision middle and high school students. Come and learn. For middle and high school students who are blind and low vision, learn a dance from the Nutcracker and the techniques to describe the dance.

Date/time details:

April 20 – 24 from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm(EST.)

Phone number: (617) 459-4084



Article: HBO Max Rolls Out Audio Described Content: Customers Who are Blind Will Notice Many New Features, With More on the Horizon

March 26, 2021 – Advocates for people who are blind applaud WarnerMedia’s first delivery date of significant upgrades in the landmark agreement signed last October by WarnerMedia; the American Council of the Blind (ACB); the Massachusetts-based Bay State Council of the Blind (BSCB); and individual claimants Kim and Brian Charlson. These blind individuals and advocacy organizations were represented by Disability Rights Advocates (DRA), a national non-profit legal center, and Disability Law Center, the Protection & Advocacy agency for Massachusetts.

WarnerMedia has pledged to increase the accessibility of HBO Max, and in the first phase of delivering on that promise, the streaming platform rolls out major enhancements this week, including:

  • Nearly 1,500 hours of audio described content on Web and Mobile platforms including select HBO originals, Max Originals, Warner Bros films, and some acquired content. Audio description is a separate audio track that, when activated, provides a verbal description of visual elements on screen. For more on audio description, visit ACB’s Audio Description Project.
  • An Audio Description category will be prominently featured in the navigation menu. This prominent browse location will also increase awareness about the importance of audio description and accessibility.
  • Improvements to the accessibility of the HBO Max website and mobile applications for individuals who are blind or have low vision and use screen reader software to navigate and interact with digital content. Screen reader software enables people who are blind or have low vision to access online services by rendering the content displayed visually on the screen as large print, synthetic text-to-speech, or as digital braille on a braille display. Programming for compatibility with these types of assistive technologies is something website and app developers need to keep in mind.
  • Addition of articles to the HBO Max help site specifically supporting customers with disabilities, including detailed instructions on how to perform certain tasks that may be unclear for some users.
  • Training for HBO Max customer service specialists to help them better support customers with disabilities, including sensitivity training and training on assistive technology.

Providing 1,500 hours of audio described content is a major commitment to access for WarnerMedia. Select programming released in the launch with audio description includes His Dark Materials, Genera+ion, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Dunkirk, Euphoria, Love Life, Sesame Street and many more titles.

WarnerMedia will continue building on these improvements in the months and years to come. Later this year, HBO Max plans to make audio description available across all supported Internet-connected TVs. Furthermore, audio description is now being created for all new HBO and Max Original programming, and customers can expect 3,000 hours of described content to be available by the end of March 2022, doubling again to at least 6,000 hours in total by the end of March 2023.

In addition, over the next few months, accessibility of the HBO Max website, mobile apps, and applications for supported Internet-connected TVs will continue to be improved for individuals who are blind or have low vision and use screen reader software to navigate and interact with digital content. While screen reader users may still experience difficulties with setting up an account following this week’s updates, those problems should be resolved in coming months.

Dan Spoone, President of the American Council of the Blind, commented, “This process has been extremely positive, and will open many doors for individuals who are blind or visually impaired to both enjoy what HBO Max has to offer in terms of entertainment and education, while also allowing our community to share equally with family and friends in the truly universal pastime of viewing television and movies. By working together to bring thousands of additional hours of audio description content to HBO Max, along with the improved accessibility of the website, mobile apps, and smart TV interfaces, WarnerMedia and blind advocates are providing meaningful access to a significant aspect of our modern-day world.”

“At HBO Max, our goal is to let storytelling take center stage, and for each and every subscriber to be able to enjoy world-class content, regardless of how they access the platform,” said Sarah Lyons, Executive Vice President, Direct-to-Consumer Global Product Management. “This month’s initial accessibility improvements are only the first of many steps we plan on taking to improve the experience for all users. We encourage continual consumer feedback, as it is critical to evolving the product and supporting all of our valued customers.”

Staff Attorney Meredith Weaver of Disability Rights Advocates said, “We are excited to see the fruits of WarnerMedia’s investment in accessibility over the last year and are encouraged by their demonstrated commitment to creating an exceptional experience for all customers.”

Tatum A. Pritchard of the Disability Law Center, said, “WarnerMedia’s commitment to these improvements is a welcome and significant step towards greater accessibility for people who are blind or visually impaired to streaming content that serves as an important source of both entertainment and information for our society.”

Blindness community members are encouraged to reach out to HBO Max customer service representatives with feedback and questions. The HBO Max Help Center has been made accessible and all feedback about audio description and screen reader access will make its way to HBO Max’s accessibility team to guide them in prioritizing their work.


Meredith Weaver, Staff Attorney, Disability Rights Advocates: 510-665-8644,

Tatum A. Pritchard, Director of Litigation, Disability Law Center: 617-723-8455,

Kim Charlson, Immediate Past President, American Council of the Blind: 617-501-5752,

Article: Exciting News!!

The Helen Keller National Center is excited to announce:

FeelingThrough, the first film ever to star a deafblind actor has made the OSCARS shortlist in the category of best live action short film!   It went from 179 films to the top five! 

FeelingThrough is written and directed by Doug Roland.  Doug worked with HKNC to produce the film.  If you have not seen it already we invite you to enjoy the short 18-minute film.  It is captioned for persons interested.  Just click to watch!

Do you need audio description of the film?  Use this link:

Finally, “Connecting the Dot” is a short documentary that shares the story behind the scenes, the filmmaking in progress and authenticates the partnership between Doug Roland and the Helen Keller National Center.  We invite you to enjoy the documentary, the link and password are below.   This film is also captioned. 

Connecting the DotsThe Story of FeelingThrough


Password: CTD_Doc_2020

Finally, more exciting news.  Award winning actress and producer Marlee Matlin has partnered with Doug Roland to produce a feature length film of FeelingThrough.  More to come on this exciting development.  You can find fascinating interviews and discussion every Friday by viewing the FeelingThrough FaceBook page.


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Penny Reeder, Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President

Paws for GDUI News You Can Use

Visit our web site:

Call us, toll-free, at 866.799.8436

Our Facebook page can be accessed at

Our Facebook group can be accessed at

Our Twitter timeline can be accessed at

Download or subscribe to the GDUI Juno Report pod cast here:

Support GDUI when you use this link to shop at

To join the GDUI-Announce List, visit this link:

To subscribe to the GDUI Chat list, visit this link:

To subscribe to the (members only) GDUI Business list, visit this link:

Paws for GDUI – News You Can Use! – VOL. II, NO. 2, March 2021 – A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

A Publication of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun

Editor: Andrea Giudice

Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President: Penny Reeder

Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI)

A special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) since 1972

Toll-Free: 866.799.8436

From the editor: Hello fellow GDUISters

Here in Connecticut, March has come in like a lion and, one can hope, will go out like a lamb. While the wind howls and the temperatures make me glad for a parka, there is a new issue of “Paws for GDUI- News You Can Use” to enjoy along with a cup of tea or cocoa. Yes, if you are from one of those hot places you can make it an ice tea or a frozen “hot” chocolate.

This month we have announcements, sometime sensitive, interesting articles, information about open GDUI board positions (last article) and words from our president.

Sending cyber hugs and wags, Andrea and Mr. A

From the President: Greetings GDUI members and friends!

I hope this newsletter finds you well! We have been thinking about our Texas members and friends, everyone across the country who have suffered a terrible snowy winter, lack of water and electric for several days to weeks. Hopefully, our friends have been able to recover and return to their day to day living.

We hope you and your four-legged loveable furry guide dog celebrated a wonderful Valentine’s Day! Our dogs love getting that extra treat or toy to join in on the human special events! Don’t forget March 17, Saint Patrick’s Day! Think green!

GDUI has a busy schedule on our calendar with elections, Membership renewal and the 2021 virtual convention! To keep up to date, please visit the GDUI website at

Please consider running for a position on the board of directors. This is a wonderful way to get involved, learn more about GDUI and be a part of keeping this organization terrific!

Coming up soon will be an announcement of several exciting fundraising events! They will be announced on GDUI email lists, social media platforms and of course, our website!

Spring is just around the corner and we can begin to plan those enjoyable long walks outside with our guide dogs as we soak up the sun, get exercise and breathe the fresh air!

Lakota and I hope you and your families and friends are well! Hopefully this year will not be as challenging as last year.

From our house to your house, Lakota and I wish you and your guide dog many happy tails and trails!

Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Announcement: March 10, GDUI Community Call

Getting a Guide Dog During COVID-19: PM ET, PM PT, PM HT

Thinking about getting your first or successor guide dog but unsure whether now might be the best time because of COVID-19? Come hear from clients of several guide dog schools who will share their experiences of training with new guides in these most unique of times.

Sponsored by Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Join the Call:

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,85774922866#,,,,*447373#

Phone: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 857 7492 2866

Passcode: 447373

Announcement: Ann Chiappetta books free on smashwords (from March 7 until March 13)

Hi folks-

Smashwords is having a big book sale on all eBook titles. From March 7 to March 13 all   my titles on are free.

Go to

To download all or any of my titles. To make this guide dog related, my memoir, Follow Your Dog a Story of Love and Trust, is free.

I hope you come along for the word journey with me and share this link, it’s only free from March 7 until March 13, 2021.

#smashwords #ebookweek21

Ann Chiappetta, Author

Announcement: Patient Safety Week Webinar by En-Vision America

March 18, 2021 11 am PT/PM ET

What does it take to Make Change Happen??? Join us during Patient Safety Week for a conversation about advocating for medical error prevention and effective communication at the pharmacy counter. This will be a great opportunity for anyone who is planning a visit to the hospital, patient advocates, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, English as a second language advocates, and anyone working a grassroots legislation campaign looking for ideas and encouragement!

Register today!  Registration gives you access to the webinar the day of the event and the recorded version and resources afterward.


Announcement: AFB turns 100!

For information about 100 years of AFB and our ongoing series of Centennial Conversations, visit:

Announcement: Hadley presents – Painting Blind with Artist John Bramblitt

Painting Blind

We are so excited to welcome world-renowned artist John Bramblitt to the podcast! In this episode, John shares how vision loss has shaped his painting and his life.

A downloadable transcript is available on our site,

Have a suggestion for a future episode? Email us:

call the Hadley Presents podcast line:

(847) 784-2870

Announcement: 2020 was most definitely a year to remember.

Join us for an audio described flashback to 2020 at the American Council of the Blind by visiting:  

Article: Visually impaired accessible technology – BingNews – Friday, January 29, 2021

David Goldfield, Assistive Technology Specialist

App will help visually impaired, seniors enjoy ride-sharing with self-driving cars

Self-driving cars will offer access to ride-sharing and ride-hailing with their suite of modern conveniences. However, many people with visual impairments who use these services rely on a human driver to safely locate their vehicle.

A research group led by the Virtual Environments and Multimodal Interaction Laboratory (VEMI Lab) at the University of Maine is developing a smartphone app that provides the navigational assistance needed for people with disabilities and seniors to enjoy ride-sharing and ride-hailing, collectively termed mobility-as-a-service, with the latest in automotive technology. The app, known as the Autonomous Vehicle Assistant (AVA), can also be used for standard vehicles operated by human drivers and enjoyed by everyone.

AVA will help users request, find and enter a vehicle using a multisensory interface that provides guidance through audio and haptic feedback and high-contrast visual cues. The Autonomous Vehicle Research Group (AVRG), a cross institutional collective led by VEMI lab with researchers from Northeastern University and Colby College, will leverage GPS technology, real-time computer vision via the smartphone camera and artificial intelligence to support the functions offered through the app.

The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded $300,000 to AVRG for the AVA project through its Inclusive Design Challenge. The initiative sought proposals for design solutions that would help people with disabilities use autonomous vehicles for employment and essential services. AVRG was one of the semifinalists.

“This design challenge was exciting to us as it falls so squarely in our wheelhouse” says Nicholas Giudice, a professor of spatial Computing at UMaine. “We have worked in the areas of multimodal information access and navigation for visually impaired people and older adults for years, and have recently started a research program investigating human-vehicle collaborations for increasing the trustworthiness and accessibility of autonomous vehicles. This development project connects the dots by allowing us to bridge several areas of expertise to ensure that the technology of the future is ‘accessible for all.'”

Users will create a profile in AVA that reflects their needs and existing methods of navigation. The app will use the information from their profiles to find a suitable vehicle for transport, then determine whether one is available.

When the vehicle arrives, AVA will guide the user to it using the camera and augmented reality (AR), which provides an overlay of the environment using the smartphone by superimposing high-contrast lines over the image to highlight the path and verbal guidance, such as compass directions, street names, addresses and nearby landmarks. The app also will pinpoint environmental hazards, such as low-contrast curbs, by emphasizing them with contrasting lines and vibrating when users approach them. It will then help users find the door handle to enter the vehicle awaiting them.

“This is the first project of its kind in the country, and in combination with our other work in this area, we are addressing an end-to-end solution for AVs (autonomous vehicles) that will improve their accessibility for all,” says Giudice, chief research scientist at VEMI Lab and lead on the AVA project.

“Most work in this area only deals with sighted passengers, yet the under-represented driving populations we are supporting stand to benefit most from this technology and are one of the fastest growing demographics in the country.”

AVRG studies how autonomous vehicles can meet various accessibility needs. VEMI lab itself has explored tactics for improving consumer trust in this emerging technology.

AVA advances both groups’ endeavors by not only providing another means for people with visual impairments and other disabilities and seniors to access self-driving vehicles, but also increases their trust in them. The project also builds on a seed grant-funded, joint effort between UMaine and Northeastern University to improve accessibility, safety and situational awareness within the self-driving vehicle. Researchers from both universities aim to develop a new model of human-AI vehicle interaction to ensure people with visual impairments and seniors understand what the autonomous vehicle is doing and that it can sense, interpret and communicate with the passenger.

The app will offer modules that train users how to order and locate rides, particularly through mock pickup scenarios. Offering hands-on learning provides users confidence in themselves and the technology, according to researchers. It also gathers data AVRG can use during its iterative, ongoing development for AVA and its integration into autonomous vehicles.

“We are very excited about this opportunity to create accessible technology which will help the transition to fully autonomous vehicles for all. The freedom and independence of all travelers is imperative as we move forward,” says VEMI lab director Richard Corey.

VEMI Lab, co-founded by Corey and Giudice in 2008, explores different solutions for solving unmet challenges with technology. Prime areas of research and development pertain to self-driving vehicles, the design of bio-inspired tools to improve human-machine interaction and functionality, and new technology to improve environmental awareness, spatial learning and navigational wayfinding.

Article: Social distancing while blind takes dogged perseverance

Jake Koch works to socially distance during the pandemic with the help of a guide dog, white cane

Everyone has had to adapt at a rapid pace over the past year because of the COVID-19 crisis. Many adults are working from home while students school from home; many go-to pastimes are on pause and we’ve all had to learn to make masking and social distancing second nature.

But for those with visual impairment or blindness, social distancing is no easy task.

Jake Koch, Gresham resident and community outreach specialist for Guide Dogs for the Blind’s Boring campus, has experienced this first-hand. Even with his guide dog, Koch, who has bilateral microphthalmia — a physical disorder of the eyes, resulting in small, partially developed eyes, which renders him legally blind — Koch says he sometimes has to rely on other people to help him keep his distance.

“Apart from being a professional in the industry, I do also travel with a guide dog and am visually impaired myself,” Koch explained. Koch travels with a 6-year-old black lab named Forli. “Pretty quickly, I realized that (socially distancing would be a challenge). I’m an avid traveler. I travel both for work and for pleasure, whether it’s local, regional, national, so I’m out and about. I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being out and about in the city and around friends and in public places, so at first it was a bit overwhelming. (At first) nobody really knew anything about the novel coronavirus, including myself.”

 What also became quickly and overwhelmingly apparent was that guide dogs would not be able to perceive all of the safety precautions humans have in place during the pandemic.

“In the past 10 months of traveling through public spaces, what I’ve learned is the dogs, unfortunately, don’t understand the concept of social distancing,” Koch said. “I think the primary reason for that, in my personal and professional opinion, is social distancing is a social construct; it’s a social norm. It’s not black and white; it’s not factual like a curb or a set of stairs that are really obvious (obstacles that signal) you need to stop here or you’re going to get hurt. The way a dog perceives social constructs is they go ‘what is the safest, easiest path of least resistance that I can get my handler and myself through the environment.'”

“Our guide dogs don’t understand directional arrows, signage and taped-off measurements to ensure social distancing, and our white canes don’t feel them,” added Dorianne Pollack, alumni board member for Guide Dogs for the Blind. “Unlike sighted people who have learned to navigate in a socially distanced world, we’ve been left to fend for ourselves.”

An added challenge that makes navigating social spaces during the pandemic even more difficult for those with visual impairment, is because everything has evolved so quickly, yet the ADA hasn’t been able to catch up. This has led to inconsistencies in markings and signs for distancing in public places like grocery stores and to Koch, seeking supplemental ways to better get around and safely.

 “I’ve ended up taking a hybrid approach,” Koch said, explaining that he has been using both Forli and a white cane to navigate. While guide dogs see and avoid objects, white canes can help the user detect and avoid would-be obstacles and people. This way, Koch has the dog to get him to his destination and the cane helps him orient himself to other people.

“The average cane offers 4 to 5 feet of detectable space,” Koch explained. To achieve 6 feet of separation, he added, sometimes he will simply ask someone around him if he is distanced enough. He also always wears a mask for safety when he has to be in public places.

For the most part though, like many who are immunocompromised, have other conditions that make them at greater risk or are simply trying to help slow the spread, Koch has grown accustomed to using things like grocery delivery instead of shopping in the store. He has also taken to walking, when he can, to avoid public transportation where it is harder to make sure others are keeping their distance.

“The people moving around me is where it gets tricky,” Koch said.

In “normal” times, Koch says he typically gets quite a few people who come up to him and want to pet Forli, offer help or ask questions. Nowadays, while petting Forli is discouraged, Koch said: “Pandemic or not, if anybody wants to help, I appreciate people asking: ‘May I assist you?’ and self-identifying.”

Koch explains that while saying “How can I help you?” tends to sound somewhat ableist, implying the person with visual impairment needs help, asking “May I assist you?” is a more empowering offer of help.

Folks who wish to help someone with visual impairment in public spaces might be of assistance by kindly approaching the person and saying “I just wanted to inform you that you aren’t six feet away. May I help you?” Use specific directions such as “take two steps left” and never touch the person.

At Guide Dogs for the Blind, staff have worked very hard to ensure clients who must visit are safe and also offer guidance and assistance to their 2,200 graduates out navigating similar circumstances to Koch.

“We use video conferencing to help navigate people,” Koch explained. He added that Guide Dogs for the Blind has also partnered with the ‘Be My Eyes’ app, which offers assistance to those with visual impairment to do everyday things like reading labels and navigating.

“My normal is managing my blindness in a sighted world,” said Guide Dogs for the Blind client Bruce Gilmour. “However, COVID-19 has imposed big changes and adjustments to my normal. Aspects such as curbside pick-ups, online ordering, social distancing, language barriers, using touch to see in a no touch world, knowing where to stand appropriately at a transit stop, etc., have challenged my normal. Consequently, daily affairs developed around being independent and self-reliant have resulted in isolation, increased anxiety, and some really compromising scenarios where the public have lacked a complete sense of civility. Yes, indeed, we are all in this pandemic together which has put a lot of pressure on the nice values of normal like being kind, calm, and patient.”

“Change is hard for everybody,” Koch said. “Things changed very quickly. I think that’s what was very overwhelming. Be kind, be compassionate and offer assistance if it is needed. Also, feel free to step back or forward (from a person with visual impairment) to keep distance.”


GDUI 2021 Election Announcement

Do you know someone who has made significant contributions to dog guides and their handlers?  Guide Dog Users, Inc. (GDUI) wants to hear from you.

Each year at its annual convention with the American Council of the Blind (ACB), GDUI recognizes three outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the lives of guide dog teams through their dedication, work, advocacy, and support.  Each award is given to honor the individuals for which they are named, and to recognize the outstanding recipient of the year.

The Ethel Bender Award.  This award is presented each year to honor a sighted person who has provided significant service to the cause of enhancing the well-being of the guide dog and handler community.

The Moffitt-Gleitz Award.  The Moffitt-Gleitz Award is presented to a person who is blind and has significantly contributed to the well-being of the guide dog handling  community, and who by his or her contributions, has earned the gratitude and recognition of Guide Dog Users, Inc.

The Lieberg-Metz Award.  This award recognizes an individual who has advance the well-being of guide dog and handler teams through the writings or media presentations.

If you know someone whom you believe is deserving of such recognition, please submit your nomination to Margie Donovan, Awards Committee Chair at, no later than April 1, 2021.  Please put in the subject line “GDUI Award Nomination”. If you need assistance in writing your nomination, you may contact Margie as well.

Your nomination should include the following information:

The name of the award you are nominating for.

Give the person’s name and contact information that you wish to nominate, and the reason why you believe he/she is deserving of an award.

All nominations should be no more than 350 words.

Article: Announcing the GDUI 2021 Elections

Interested candidates should submit an application, resume and cover letter to the Nominations Committee Chair, Margie Donovan at by the deadline of March 31, 2021 

The 2021 GDUI Elections will commence on Saturday, May 29 at 12:01 a.m. EDT and run through Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

GDUI is seeking candidates for the following positions in our upcoming 2021 elections.

1 Interim Secretary ending in 2022

1 Interim Director ending in 2022

2 Director Seats (3-Year Term) ending in 2024

The two open director positions will be filled by the two candidates who receive the largest and second-largest number of votes for director. The Interim Director position will be filled by the candidate receiving the third-largest number of votes for director.

GDUI members in good standing are eligible to run for a position on the GDUI Board. Interested candidates should submit an application, resume and cover letter to the Nominations Committee Chair, Margie Donovan at by the deadline of March 31, 2021.

The information supplied within the cover letter, application and resume will be shared with the GDUI members eligible to vote in this election.

GDUI members who have paid their dues by this year’s record date of April 9, 2021 will be eligible to vote in the upcoming elections.

GDUI is proud of our universally accessible voting system in which each member of GDUI is entitled to a voice in the election of our GDUI Board.

If you have not renewed your membership, now is the time to do so.  An at-large membership in GDUI costs $25.00 per person per year. Dues may be paid online by going to, by credit card by calling 1-866-799-8436 or by mailing your check to the above address and made payable to GDUI. 

Important dates to remember:

In order to be eligible to vote in the 2021 GDUI election your 2021 GDUI dues must have been received on or before the record date of April 9, 2021.

We will hold two Candidate Forums prior to the election.  Phone numbers for these calls will be publicized closer to the dates. 

Candidate Forum 1.  Thursday, May 6, 2021 7:30 p.m. EDT

Candidate Forum 2.  Saturday, May 15, 2021 1:00 p.m. EDT

Between the dates of April 1, 2021 and April 15, 2021, we encourage members to submit questions for your candidates.  Please submit your questions to the Nominations Chair, Margie Donovan at and include “Candidates Forum” in the subject line of your message.

Election period: Saturday, May 29 12:01 a.m. EDT through Sunday, June 6, 2021 11:59 p.m. EDT

Amendments: Any questions relating to Constitutional Amendments should be sent to Maria Hansen at by March 15, 2021.

Application for Candidacy:

GDUI has three major responsibilities:

  1. To promote the acceptance of guide dog teams by all agencies, employers, educational institutions, commercial establishments, and the general public;
  2. To work for the expansion, standardization, and enforcement of legal provisions, both civil and criminal, governing the rights and responsibilities of guide dog users in the areas of public access, employment, housing, personal injury to dog and handler, transportation, and recreation; and
  3. To work in cooperation with guide dog training providers by contributing constructive input concerning selection, training, health care, and accommodations for both canine and human students, and providing constructive suggestions that will improve the quality of the training experience.

With these goals in mind, please answer the following questions.


Position for which you wish to be a candidate:

Applicant’s Name:

Street Address:

City/State/zip code:

Phone numbers:



E-mail Address:

Are you a guide dog user?

Describe your background (Educational, occupational and general experience).

Why do you wish to serve on the GDUI Board?

Which of your skills and experiences would most support Board activities? Please describe a time when a group of which you were a part accomplished its goal(s).

What caused the group to be successful?  How did you contribute to this success?

The GDUI Board of Directors uses e-mail to communicate with one another.  Are you able to communicate effectively using this medium and do you have access to e-mail?

The GDUI Board of Directors meets every other month by telephone. Meetings last from two to three hours.  Other ad hoc telephonic meetings are sometimes called as well.

Board Members are often asked to chair and serve on committees and perform tasks on behalf of GDUI as directed by the officers and committee chairpersons. Will you be able to find time to perform the tasks described above?

Candidates, please note: Your cover letter, application and resume will be sent in its entirety to the GDUI members eligible to vote in this election. 

GDUI Officer and Director Position Descriptions

All GDUI officers and Directors must:

Be willing and able to participate in regularly scheduled meetings and e-mail discussions.

Always act in a dignified manner and interact respectfully with fellow directors and Officers and agree to abide by GDUI’s current code of conduct for board members.

Work as a team member to maintain and protect GDUI and its mission.

Become well versed with GDUI’s By-Laws.

Respect the authority of the GDUI By-Laws and work within their guidance and the requirements of the GDUI Articles of Incorporation.

Be a collaborative participant in the democratic process–respecting the outcome of votes of the membership and votes of the board.

Possess sufficient computer skills to participate in e-mail work.

Be flexible for scheduling meeting times. (The GDUI Board meets by phone conference bi-monthly for two or more hours, with committee meetings or other special meetings scheduled separately.)

Responsibilities and criteria for GDUI Secretary Position

The GDUI Secretary must be willing and able to accept the legal, fiduciary and ethical responsibilities of an organizational secretary, in accordance with standard nonprofit practices and procedures.

The Secretary must:

Record (in document-form) meeting minutes for business meetings of the GDUI Board of Directors.

Arrange for the audio-recording of meetings if it is the secretary’s desire to take minutes from an audio-recording.

Possess thorough and quick note-taking skills in case an audio-recording of a meeting fails.

Have the ability to use notes, memory, and/or recordings to reproduce accurate accounts of meetings for minutes.

Use writing skills and discretion to summarize (or write in detail when appropriate) to create informative meeting minutes.

Submit drafts of meeting minutes in time frames which allow other board members to submit suggestions/corrections before a final draft is submitted for approval/ acceptance at the subsequent board meeting.

Send minutes and attachments to the Web Master for posting to the GDUI Web Site.

Assist GDUI by researching and reproducing content from previous minutes as is practical.

The secretary is expected to attend all board meetings. If the Secretary is unable to attend a board meeting, after informing the President, the Secretary will arrange for a competent recorder for the meeting which the Secretary will miss.

The Secretary may not miss three (3) or more meetings in any twelve month period without being excused.

Responsibilities and criteria for GDUI Board of Director position

Each member of the GDUI Board of Directors must be willing and able to accept the legal, fiduciary and ethical responsibilities of an organizational director, in accordance with standard nonprofit practices and procedures.

Board members are expected to attend all board meetings.

Members of the GDUI Board of Directors shall inform the President, in advance, if unable to attend a particular board meeting.

A GDUI board member shall not miss three (3) or more meetings in any twelve-month period without being excused.

A majority of Board members will be guide dog users.

GDUI Code of Ethics – revised June 20, 2017 Code of Ethics of Guide Dog Users, Inc. This board of directors code of ethics was adopted by the Guide Dog Users, Inc. Board of Directors on June 20, 2017.


Guide Dog Users, Inc., (hereinafter, “GDUI”) or “organization” is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization formed to promote, develop, educate, and otherwise further the guide dog team community as listed in its Articles of incorporation and bylaws. GDUI’s principal membership class consists of individuals and affiliates engaged in advocacy, legislative and civil rights. The business of the organization is managed under the direction of the GDUI board of directors. The board’s code of ethics serves as a code of conduct for organization volunteers in their capacity as board members. Code violations may result in sanctions imposed under the Procedures for Review of Board Member Conduct. The principles and requirements that comprise the code and procedures are based on and are designed to ensure full compliance by GDUI and its officers, directors, and volunteers with the fiduciary duties imposed on such individuals by Washington, D.C. non-profit code, the federal tax code’s prohibition on private inurement and private benefit, and other requirements of federal tax exemption, common law due process requirements, federal and state antitrust and unfair competition law, state tort law, and other legal precepts and prohibitions. At the same time, the code and procedures are not designed to supplant courts of law in the resolution of disputes within non-profits. Moreover, the checks and balances built into the code and procedures are designed to strike the proper balance between ensuring full compliance with the legal obligations described here and ensuring the integrity and efficacy of the code on the one hand and, on the other, the protection of board members, through the use of reasonable due process procedures, against patently false, malicious, or groundless accusations that could result in significant business or personal harm if not properly handled. Members of the board affirm their endorsement of the code and acknowledge their commitment to uphold its principles and obligations by accepting and retaining membership on the board.

Board of Directors Code of Ethics

Members of the board (including ex officio members of the board) shall at all times abide by and conform to the GDUI bylaws and the following code of conduct in their capacity as board members:

  1. Each member of the board of directors will abide in all respects by the GDUI Members’ Code of Ethics and all other rules and regulations of the organization (including but not limited to the organization’s articles of incorporation and bylaws) and will ensure that their membership (or the membership of the entity for which they serve as officer, director, employee, or owner, as the case may be) in the organization remains in good standing at all times. Furthermore, each member of the board of directors will at all times obey all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and will provide or cause to provide the full cooperation of the organization when requested to do so by those institutions and their persons set in authority as are required to uphold the law.
  2. Members of the board of directors will conduct the business affairs of the organization in good faith and with honesty, integrity, due diligence, and reasonable competence.
  3. Except as the board of directors may otherwise require or as otherwise required by law or the organization’s bylaws, no board member or member subscribed to the Board list shall share, copy, reproduce, transmit, divulge or otherwise disclose any confidential information related to the affairs of the organization and each member of the board will uphold the strict confidentiality of all meetings and other deliberations and communications of the board of directors.
  4. Members of the board of directors will exercise proper authority and good judgment in their dealings with organization members, suppliers, and the general public and will respond to the needs of the organization’s members in a responsible, respectful, and professional manner.
  5. No member of the board of directors will use any information provided by the organization or acquired as a consequence of the board member’s service to the organization in any manner other than in furtherance of his or her board duties. Further, no member of the board of directors will misuse organization property or resources and will at all times keep the organization’s property secure and not allow any person not authorized by the board of directors to have or use such property.
  6. Each member of the board of directors will use his or her best efforts to regularly participate in professional development activities and will perform his or her assigned duties in a professional and timely manner pursuant to the board’s direction and oversight.
  7. Upon termination of service, a retiring board member will promptly return to the organization all documents, electronic and hard files, reference materials, and other property entrusted to the board member for the purpose of fulfilling his or her job responsibilities. Such return will not abrogate the retiring board member from his or her continuing obligations of confidentiality with respect to information acquired as a consequence of his or her tenure on the board of directors.
  8. The board of directors dedicates itself to leading by example in serving the needs of the organization and its members and also in representing the interests and ideals of the guide dog user community at large.
  9. No member of the board of directors shall persuade or attempt to persuade any employee of the organization to leave the employ of the organization or to become employed by any person or entity other than the organization. Furthermore, no member of the board of directors shall persuade or attempt to persuade any member, exhibitor, advertiser, sponsor, subscriber, supplier, contractor, or any other person or entity with an actual or potential relationship to or with the organization to terminate, curtail, or not enter into its relationship to or with the organization, or to in any way reduce the monetary or other benefits to the organization of such relationship.
  10. The board of directors must act at all times in the best interests of the organization and not for personal or third-party gain or financial enrichment. When encountering potential conflicts of interest, board members will identify the conflict and, as required, remove themselves from all discussion and voting on the matter. Specifically, board members shall follow these guidelines:
    o    Avoid placing (and avoid the appearance of placing) one’s own self-interest or any third-party interest above that of the organization; while the receipt of incidental personal or third-party benefit may necessarily flow from certain organization activities, such benefit must be merely incidental to the primary benefit to the organization and its purposes;
    o    Do not abuse board membership by improperly using board membership or the organization’s volunteers, services, equipment, resources, or property for personal or third-party gain or pleasure; board members shall not represent to third parties that their authority as a board member extends any further than that which it actually extends;
    o    Do not engage in any outside business, professional or other activities that would directly or indirectly materially adversely affect the organization;
    o    Do not engage in or facilitate any discriminatory or harassing behavior directed toward organization staff, members, officers, directors, meeting attendees, exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, suppliers, contractors, or others in the context of activities relating to the organization;
    o    Do not solicit or accept gifts, gratuities, free trips, honoraria, personal property, or any other item of value from any person or entity as a direct or indirect inducement to provide special treatment to such donor with respect to matters pertaining to the organization without fully disclosing such items to the board of directors; and
    o    Provide goods or services to the organization as a paid vendor to the organization only after full disclosure to, and advance approval by, the board, and pursuant to any related procedures adopted by the board.

Respectfully Submitted,

The GDUI Nominations Committee

Margie Donovan (Chair)

Robert Acosta

Dixie Sanderson


Sarah Calhoun, President

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

Andrea Giudice, Editor

Penny Reeder, Co-editor and GDUI Immediate Past President

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