GDUI Announcement, September 19, 2019

Dear GDUI Members and Friends,

Welcome to Autumn! The first day of the new season – it seems to us, the busiest of the year! – coincides with our next GDUI Board Meeting, September 21, 2019! Here’s all the information you’ll need to attend our Zoom conference call meeting, and we hope you will be able to come!

GDUI invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: GDUI Board Meeting 

Time: Sep 21, 2019 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Join Zoom Meeting 

 One tap mobile 

+16465588656,,562675137# US (New York) 

+17207072699,,562675137# US (Denver) 

  Dial by your location 

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York) 

+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver) 

Meeting ID: 562 675 137 

Find your local number:

Have you been thinking about becoming more involved in the American Council of the Blind? You can make a difference for and within the blindness community to which we all belong by sharing your interests and talents with the committees which work to accomplish ACB’s goals. Here’s a message from ACB’s newly elected president, Dan Spoone, encouraging all of us to get more involved in the work of ACB.

I want to add that bringing the sensibilities of those of us who use guide dogs to the attention of our committees can only serve to make everyone more aware of the issues that are important to us as guide dog users, and to assure that our perspective is given equal weight in the communications and decision-making processes.

Here is Dan’s message:

The strength of ACB is our membership and their commitment to the mission of the organization.  We will be finalizing the ACB Committee member rosters  for this year and we welcome new leaders to join our committees.  Please drop me a note or give me a call if you would like to learn more about an ACB Committee or you would like to express your interest in volunteering for an assignment.  Here is my contact information: 

Dan Spoone 

407 678-0075 home 

407 227-4489 cell 

And, here is our ACB Mission Statement: 

The American Council of the Blind strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people. 

Let’s all work together to fulfill this mission.  I look forward to hearing from you. 


Dan Spoone ACB President

Remember, too, that GDUI’s own committees can provide an equally wonderful avenue for directing your energy, creativity, commitment, and involvement. Just as in ACB, GDUI committees are the entities where much of our work is accomplished, and we welcome your help with the work of GDUI. Find a list of our committees here:

Computers for the Blind Sale!

Laptops with JAWS & ZoomText for $150 for consumers and agencies.

Non-profit Computers for the Blind (CFTB) will be providing their laptops for $150 during the month of

September only. This is $35 off the regular low cost of $185.

Both consumers and agencies can take advantage of this great offer.

Those on SSI/SSDI, parents of blind children, Veterans/Active military

& spouses still get the $60 discount bringing the cost to $90!  Our

lowest price ever.

For home use and self-employment use only.

This offer applies only to laptops.  Desktop price is $130.

Back by popular demand is a renewed grant to offer Typio talking

 typing teacher for $10.  Retail cost is $100. Great for newer computer

 users, students, and those who do not have full command of the

 QWERTY keyboard.

Other add-ons are available, so, when you call, ask about extra

memory, keyboards, etc.



Please share with consumers, consumer organizations, service  

 providers, parent groups, and colleagues.  Don’t delay, price returns

to $185 on October 1.

Let your voice be heard!

Join the online dialogue: Barriers and Solutions to Complete Trips for All to provide ideas and feedback to the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Labor, which seek to inform efforts to reduce mobility barriers that constrain Americans with disabilities from fully participating in the workforce and their communities. Your ideas and feedback on your experiences will form the foundation for FTA’s efforts to improve traveler experiences through partnerships with stakeholders and focusing government action in areas affecting each part of a complete trip. 

The Barriers and Solutions to Complete Trips for All dialogue will take place through September. Log in any time to submit your ideas, comments and votes on more accessible and inclusive transportation. 

Follow these Links:

Barriers and Solutions to Complete Trips for All

online dialogue

Coordinating Council on Access & Mobility